And there it is, the idiot I pointed out in my first sentence.
So your taking an even more extreme stance than I am tbh. You’re actively suggesting that all pvp gear should be available to everyone. This is actually way more ‘casual friendly’ than a stance that I took. I hope you realize that.
I never suggested that it did? I’m suggesting that reward system for wow pvp is gear, titles, and mounts. Casuals will never get titles and mounts so their reward system is gear, if you take ALL of that away then they won’t play.
I can’t believe people that never step a foot in Arena saying these are good changes.
The hilarious part about this is nothing is going to be changed because the classic zealots and lunatics have been crying wolf about minor changes like a one time optional boost or a store mount that has zero impact on game play. This is what crying wolf gets you.
I mean it makes sense. They don’t understand it. They don’t want to even have a hint of feeling the need to play arena to get any gear so if there is a change that nukes that incentive then they are happy for it lol.
Like imagine if blizzard took a list of all the popular pve items that are used in pvp, and they said “these items are too good in pvp so we are deleting them” even tho this change would be REALLY bad for pve and is an absolutely terrible idea, there would for sure be pvpers in here going “great change blizzard I love it”.
Devils advocate: Drums got changed (FINALLY) for the better due to feedback, this is a non monetary changes so yes, blizzard would rescind it. The boosts? Thats $$$ and you cannot stop that one. This is the difference
The Drums already got axed in Blizzcon. We were living on borrowed time without Tinnitus.
Why I believe they won’t revert the Arena Changes: it takes a god damn time to change this algorithm or even get closer to what was in TBC.
They’re mimicking Retail algorithm for Arenas and matchmaking.
That is why this is bad. And the worst part is - if they keep things this way and add WoW token to TBC (we all know it is bound to happen, sooner than we think), it will make the Pay 2 Win be even worse.
-From a Gladiator
Lol, people just love to relate any change to wow tokens. You invalidated your argument by trying to link this to a monetary system for no reason other than personal fears. Just go back to screaming boost is bad.
True. This game is full of bad players that don’t like to try. I’ll probably get bored of arena after a couple months and go back to endless.
Didn’t you just get done saying you think people kept personal rating when they leave tbc teams? If you had any legs to stand on in this discussion you already lost them lol.
MMR doesnt change. PR resets
Tell me… What was it like being called out by 40000 people? I’m really curious
Plus its not all players are bad that are complaining. whats hard is also finding healers or the comp to do them with, players got to picky over the years of who they play with. Plus there is no group finder for pvp in TBC, even though I was not a fan of pugging arenas.
Swifty the streamer just said other day… finding healers for arenas is gonna be rough he thinks. And a warrior can not arena without one, if ratings is needed. Plus unlike retail were its just PR and no teams, you can jump around and try arenas with new players all the time it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t effect a team.
The way TBC use to be for the first 2 seasons, we did not have those worries, do I agree with just playing 10 games and getting gear, its mindless ill admit, but its how TBC was… I actually thought we had to win the 10 games though, like MOP etc. But I miss doing arenas with anyone I enjoy and just having fun.
So my main concern now for the ratings is just finding the right players that will Gel and not bail on a loss etc. I don’t have many of my old partners no more in the game, they quit wow when Legions hit, except for one partner and neither of us plays a healer.
I will admit I am not a 2200 player… But I am also not very casual, I did get some Brutals in TBC S-4.
Lol ouch.
Actually it feels pretty good btw. To be called an idiot because he didn’t read my thread right, then agrees with my point entirely because he didn’t understand what I said, and having those 40k people flame him because he didn’t read the post correctly. It feels great!
That’s… not at all what happened but I wont hold it against you because you could probably male a case for medicinal copium tbh. That had to burn
pepehands making me cringe at every post he does: yes. That is a good day.
I realize now how devastating this arena rating change will be to the overall health of TBC arena.
It is disastrous. Without a steady stream of casual pvpers, arena ladders will face a drought and scarcity. It will make PvP exceedingly difficult.
But why? I suppose the developers expect a lot of players to play regardless. Perhaps they have found psychological research that more scarcity and competition increases hours /played.
Either way, this change is so drastic for TBC that it is a net negative for the whole community, and it should be reversed. Teams should start at 1500 as they always had.
But but but
That is what happened.
That is what literally happened.
There is no other definition to what happened.

Perhaps they have found psychological research that more scarcity and competition increases hours /played.
Not a psychological research. A reflection on retail today. The more time people play, the better for them to present numbers at quarter calls.

That’s… not at all what happened but you could probably made a case for medicinal copium tbh. That had to burn
That’s literally exactly what happened lol. I’d ask you to go rewatch it and read chat but it seems you are having a tough time even remembering what you said yourself only a moment ago

MMR doesnt change. PR resets

Personal rating doesn’t reset when you leave your team… Thats what makes it… personal rating…