The only people these changes work for are boosters.
I have been looking forward to TBC since classic was announced ( and tbh tbc is what i wanted from the project, not that i mind vanilla ) and i was looking forward to doing random arena’s and stuff with friends.
Because what stuck in my mind from the orginal burning crusade with playing 2’s with my older bother paying resto shaman / fire mage because thats what we played. That team never got past 1650 but it was sometimes funny af.
This will never happen in this system, its activly discouraged.
If this system goes live as it is with the rating requirements ( unlike rorshak ) I think arena will be DoA, as this is where i think it is most detrimental.
As it is i am reconsidering my particpation in arena to anything more than being boosted.
Because if you think that rating requirements promote “prestige” you are 100% mistaken. All they promote is boosting.
Now if you want to carry that to its full conclusion.
Boosting → gold buying → gold selling → bots.
Why is blizard in favor of bots?
This is tongue in cheak
Yup, and I can see a “rational argument” for light ratings requirements on items to prevent literal AFK to weapons, but what they have set up is just super toxic for average players and that hurts EVERYONE…
And you nailed it, the only people this system will help are boosters selling carries for weapons and titles like in retail.
Not good, not good at all, and its gonna destroy the arena for TBC. Hell maybe that’s their goal?
I tried to make this point earlier. Non-optimal teams will be basically gone. The only thing you will see is meta teams and boosting comps with the carry (this is giving a huge boost to boosters). The vast majority of people will just raid for gear, and avoid arenas. Which is fine i guess if that is what blizzards goal was.
To be fair, if the rating changes go ahead I will just not be able to PvP… As a casual and resto shaman, I will never be able to get enough points… It’s a shame, I like to have fun in arenas but if it is to be stomped by carries or only meta driven teams and can’t even get gear out of it what is the point?
I’m thinking he meant the reward for being like the top of arena. Like if you are an avid pvper, this is all you do, the reward isn’t gear because you know you will get it anyway. The reward for you was trying to get the highest title. Which I mean I partly agree with. But something like shoulders and weapons was a big step for a lot of people.
In the original TBC, I played a lot of PvP and arenas in S1 and S2. It was awesome. I never saw people afk’ing in matches - we all tried our best, but we had “sub-optimal” comps and peaked at around 1800 or so.
We just kept plugging away, trying different comps and teams, etc. and earning gear slowly. We still played in S3 and S4 since only the shoulders had personal rating restrictions.
I was really looking forward to experiencing that again. Now, I no longer plan to do any arenas at all. Actiblizz can shove their new arenas right back up their asses where they came from.
I think that it is is erroneous on Blizzards part to adhering, for the most part, to “no changes” during vanilla, and then all of the sudden deciding that it is for some reason necessary to taint what was, imo, one of the best, if not the best, versions of the game.
Just let it play out… I don’t understand.
Hey Chief, fellow gladiator here just to bump and support, you’re 100% right. Moreover I don’t think not being a competitive player should mean you can’t have fun or get rewards. Honestly 10 games a week is probably harder then doing Karazhan. PvP is something we should all share in and enjoy, not gatekeep and it’s something the version of Blizzard that made TBC understood. Rating requirements on weapons came for a reason, and if they had extended 1850 weapons only back to S1 I wouldn’t have spoke up… but this is garbage for so many people.
This thread was hard to get through with all the trolling and nonsense. The OP is 100% correct and accurately informed. Starting at 0 rating will kill the casual grind and team hopping with friends.
Also why change the rating requirements?? The rating requirements in later seasons are FINE because they can farm last seasons weapon/shoulder/helm if they can’t get the ratings. Blue pvp gear vs T4 free epix I wonder what casuals will bother with. You’ll kill a lot of the playerbase off, OBVIOUSLY, and anyone arguing otherwise is trolling. The original s3 rating req of 1700 helm 1850 wep 2k shoulder was fine for the later seasons, keep those when the time comes but S1 should not be this ugly retail esque 0 team rating while also randomly raising the original rating requirements. No one asked for this.
Also, Infernal Gladiator? Why not leave it Gladiator? People liked it. It doesn’t need to be different. Why make so many changes no one was pushing for? It’s like they needed to come up with ideas in the boardroom to justify their position on the team. It’s terrible lol.
Arena being the feature with the most hype really should of not been screwed with. Extremely boneheaded by blizzard. More casual people who like pvp a bit and wanted a wep to work for will be gone since drooling thru the first set of raids is much easier. For the first season it’s like well shoot for 2k or green/gray parse my way to gear? We all know what will happen.
Why not, “The Gladiator”? S1’s top title needs no name because the gear itself has no name. It’s simply gladiator gear. It’s S1+ that every single r1 title takes on the name of the gear’s name.
Agreed that infernal gladiator is yet another retailish smudge on TBC.
Reading through the various threads about the new rating system. Aside from boosters, gold selling etc and whatever else will run wild. It has not been mentioned from what I’ve seen, but with the lower arena participation from little to no casuals, raiders, and whatnot. How about trolling? All teams start at 0 rating, so what’s to stop people in arena gear from just making a new team which has the 0 rating and tanking all of those going for gladiator?
If the 0 rated team loses, well they lose nothing. If they win, the high rated team loses 50, 100, whatever the points might be. It will then take you forever to regain those points and should you lose again to another team much lower than you, you just lost weeks worth of grinding. This isn’t retail, classes and comps still hard counter others. This level of trolling will not be hard for good players with the fotm specs to do.
The change is not good for anyone involved, overinflated ego or not. You should want maximum participation. Higher rated players will get the gear weeks, maybe even 2 months before most anyway. People at the higher ratings will still be fighting amongst themselves for gladiator. Should you face a lower rated and undergeared team you’ll more than likely have another win to pad your stats and pound your chest about. win/win.
Sounds about right. I played casually as a feral druid with a rogue in 2v2 in seasons 1 and 2 and we worked pretty hard to get to around 1800 rating playing that off-meta comp, even when teams started at 1500 originally.
Can’t imagine what starting from 0 rating is going to feel like.