He actually noted that Genn and Rogers had not been punished and that was cause for concern.
Its not just an assassination attempt. They attacked an entire Horde fleet just to kill one person in the middle of the apocalypse.
This showed Sylvanas 2 things. That Anduin has no control so his peace talks are meaningless and powerful people in the Alliance would do anything even in the face of the end of the world to kill her.
Sylvanas says as much in “A Good War” when she talks with Saurfang.
To her Stormheim is proof that some in the Alliance would stop at nothing and risk everything just to kill her. So she hits first and hits as hard as possible because to her shes already in a war for survival.
And his hatred which caused him to want yo kill her was because she killed his son and waged a genocidal war on his people. It is almost like the way she wages war always comes back to bite her.
People keep bringing that up like it’s some sort of magic justification card.
In a war, on the battlefield, after they had pursued and caught up to her, Liam Greymane took an arrow for his father. It was a war, and someone died. Yes, it is understandable that Genn has a grudge. But in the world wide political situation when Genn decided he wanted to start a war in the middle of the legion invasion do you know how much weight that carries diplomatically in excusing that kind of action?
Jack and Squat.
Realistically, frankly probably less than that.
As for genocide, is that just the new buzzword for justifying why nothing the Alliance has done could ever be considered slightly wrong? Yes blight was used, but the Gilneans had already exacuated the area. So the city wasn’t habitable, but it didn’t kill them off.
And if you like looking back at historical events to justify things, I’d say the forsaken have a pretty good reason to be upset with how Genn behaved when the Scourge invaded.
I don’t really have time to touch the other points atm. But I did the Gilneas starting zone a short while ago and just want to mention that the Gilneans just barely managed to escape the blighting of the city and only did so with the use of a secret tunnel Sylvanas didn’t know about.
I was responding to more nonsense justifying Genn diving head first into the dumb side of the pool in Stormheim. It was a pretty standard war, no major civilian losses, and Liam died when they found out it wasn’t as easy to kill a Ranger General Banshee queen as they thought it would be. So throwing around nonsense like genocidal war is just trying to make an excuse for a bad move by exaggerating a past wrong.
And you think she would have stopped as there was a win state for her aside from death to everyone that isnt me .
The alliance does bad things camp taco, the purge, heck you can have stormhiem as a bad thing. My point in that is her way of kill blight and raise everything tends to bute her and will likely fo so again soon.
The whole reason the conflict started in the first place was due to Sylvanas. Everything that comes about as a result is entirely on her. I can’t believe you’re sitting here blaming the gilneans, the victims, for the apparent crime of defending themselves.
Also, no major civilian losses? The battle for gilneas was a battle largely fought by a civilian militia. Also, Wasn’t the population of gilneas wiped out near entirely except for the few who escaped through the tunnel? And even they only managed to escape due to the secret tunnel. Sylvanas was eagerly awaiting the chance to wipe out the gilneans to the last man.
I think the person you’re looking for is Garrosh who started that war.
Yes there was some mention that Sylvanas had eyes on that land too, but not that she was in any way ready to make a move. It was pretty much explained that part of the reason Garrosh was having the forsaken attack was that he was hoping to have them die in a meatgrinder battle they didn’t have the numbers to win. Which is why she used blight. Y’know, back when they wrote her as actually caring a bit for her people in a dark way instead of whatever the writers are up to now.
I maybe not blame Liam for his own death, but it wasn’t like some melodrama Sylvanas out of the blue killed Genn’s son. They were actively trying to kill her and she turned the tables on them. It’s a reason for him as a father to want revenge, it’s not a reason for anyone else to excuse his actions in trying to get it. In war, he tried for a big win, and ended up a loss. Sad, but it happens.
Uhm, a militia IS a military force, and really, it seems like most races are almost wiped out during or before their introductory questing.
Unless you’ve been avoiding a whole lot of quests, I don’t think this applies to this game?
A war that Sylvanas started unprovoked while the Cataclysm was literally trying to end the world. This whole “it was war, people die” line people keep throwing around does not actually in any way excuse Sylvanas for her actions at Gilneas the way people keep using this line as if it does.
This is never used as reasoning for why Sylvanas wanted to attack Gilneas. The Forsaken never bring this up as far as I remember. In fact, the only person who calls Genn out on this was Varian in Wolfheart. Sylvanas only reason was expansionism, and Garrosh giving her an excuse since he wanted a port.
So your reasoning here is that Sylvanas’ attempt to kill them all was unsuccessful, so it’s okay? Isn’t that exactly what Horde posters argue against for Jaina having tried to flood Orgrimmar but was stopped?
The Gilneas invasion is exactly when they started writing her not caring a bit about her people.
"Let them perish!" Sylvanas cried. "I am finished with them!"
Somebody is bound to have brought this up, but the writings recovered in Azsuna fall into a Schondinger’s Cat area since they are simultaneously recovered by the Horde and found by the Alliance.
While Azsuna may have at one point been the first zone, with the level scaling there was no longer a first, and thus no proof it would have been found before Genn already attempted his assassination.
There is also the third issue with the letter of the ship was part of Slyvanas’ fleet heading to Stormheim, meaning if its already wrecked the events of Stormheim are already happening.
Nope. It is where they stopped writing her like that. You quote one line off of page 4, after she jumped and is seeing visions of her people killing themselves when the Alliance approach, at the end of that same story on page 7:
Sylvanas did not move or shy away. “I was once like you, Garrosh,” she answered, her voice quiet and steady, loud enough only for the warchief to hear. “Those who served me were tools. Arrows in my quiver.” She reached up and slowly brought down her hood, then directed her dark gaze at him. Her eyes were alive, their oversized jet-black pupils livid with rage, red embers glowing deep within.
The army of undead that surrounded and protected the Dark Lady was still hers, body and soul. But they were no longer arrows in her quiver, not anymore. They were a bulwark against the infinite. They were to be used wisely, and no fool orc would squander them while she still walked the world of the living.
Bulwarks are no less tools than arrows are, and she still intended to use the Forsaken as such, because all she cared about was herself and not ending up in the same place as Arthas again.
Also, I assume you acknowledge the rest of what I pointed out in my post if you quoted from it?
Let’s see, you blame Sylvanas for the war Garrosh started, I already talked about that, a kinda non-sequitur replying to a point that if we’re going to keep making excuses for Genn based on things that happened in the past to him or Gilneas, that opens the door to pulling up the stuff he’s done in the past (although Garrosh does bring it up in the story.) Well, when I’m arguing against calling it a genocide, partly because of the lack of casualties, its use had more to do with countering Garrosh’s genocidal intent towards the forsaken than a desire to wipe the Gilneans off the map. So no, I don’t.
As for the bulwark, I think it still shows a change in attitude, they mean more to her and as cold as you want to take it, she still seems to come to the conclusion that they are something that she needs to preserve, if only for her own good.
The faction conflict in Cata and MoP was resolved. There was peace after the truce in the end of SoO, (as peaceful as you can get in a two faction game).
I saw both factions cinematics at the broken shore. There is no justification for war. The alliance cinematic certainly makes you think there is! Though that’s a can of beans for another thread!
The horde character is out of the loop and Sylvanas explains virtually nothing about it. All we know is she made a deal with Helya. And we only know that because we accidentally stumbled into their conversation in Helheim.
If this were true, I don’t think Odyn would have put all that effort into helping the players gain access to the Halls of Valor and essentially speed running us through the trials to leapfrog over Skovald in the race to acquire the Aegis (while he avoided breaking his own rules in how that whole world works).