Why so much hate over high elf options

That’s an entirely reasonable stance to take IMO. I do hope you end up getting the customization options you want though.

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because you all whine about “high elves” for like 10 years now and maybe we’re tired of seeing the obsession every day, 10,000 threads?


What an odd thing to say considering we are on opposing sides but fair enough and thanks.


Nic’s pretty cool, but then again so are you. I think honestly both sides have more in common than they think when they sit down and actually talk things out.


Thanks for that sweetie you have truly become one of my favorites on here. :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


I don’t think it’s odd at all! I’m the kind of person that prefers to see everyone happy. I know that’s not a realistic goal and often what makes one person happy, can make another person sad, but I strive to reach a middle ground where everyone can find some measure of happiness.

If there’s a way for both you and I to be happy at the same time, I’d like that to happen.

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Zareem is good peoples!

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I really like this, perhaps we could be friendly even though we are on different sides of stuff.

Back at both of you. I’ve really grown to enjoy talking to you both. That says a lot as I’m actually pretty anti social lol.

I just like the conversation and when people, like yourselves, really talk and find that ground to talk like you did… some really interesting conversation can be had.


More customization is coming to other races, make sense the elves were pandered first with how extremely popular they are.

Awww, well I’m glad that I could help or I can help to bring you out of your shell a bit sweetie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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It’s certainly possible. I’ve managed to have some cordial interactions with those on the other side of the High Elf debate. The thing is, even if we don’t agree on a specific issue, it doesn’t mean we don’t have other areas where our wants align.

You and I both seem to want Nightborne to get an awesome customization pass. So that’s at least one area we can say we agree hopefully! :smiley:

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The Nightborne are terrible, I mean I have them and I love them but the models are just terrible, if I played male characters I wouldn’t even have any of them that’s how bad I think the models are. Haha.

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Now, if I could just get my customization options. Worgen who take warg from when using their super mount speed running ability. Worgen are awesome but they look silly in their current run form and even sillier when riding a horse (Though I actually tend to stay in human form when not in combat)

Also where are my options to look like one of the elves from the Dragon Prince. That show rocks.


Ugh the Nightborne males are the worst! They didn’t even get the single “not totally busted” face option that Night Elf males have.

At least the females can be pretty… but their options are so few and there’s only like one, maybe two, face options that don’t look aged. They have nice hairstyles… but too few. They need so much stuff!

I do like my female Nightborne priest though! I just wish I had more options for her!


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Lol, I had a Worgen Druid before I changed it to Kul Tiran and I used to like just running around in circles while in the mount form because it made me laugh. Lol.

Yeah, I’m hoping that they’ll get a complete new model for both males and females, I mean I’m not going to hold my breath and if they do it will be like like 10+ years like Goblins and Worgens but it would be nice.


I really want worgen males to be able to stand upright -_-

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Add Undead and Trolls to that list, if they can do it with Orcs they can do it with Undead, Trolls and Worgen.

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Takes a Horde race and ruins it by making it not unique



YES! I race changed my Nightborne priest to a Forsaken on the PTR to try out the new options and she looks amazing… while casting… because she stands upright.

If Forsaken ever get the option to stand upright I’ll be inclined to make one.


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