Why so much hate over high elf options

I’ve actually had a few interesting discussions about how classes (Necromancer included) could be incorporated into the game. Those can be really fun thought experiments. Though at the end of the day, that’s all it is. It really isn’t a player’s job to figure out the mechanics. It’s okay just to wish for something to be in the game without having the details all figured out.

That’s an adorable video!

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This doesn’t sound like you’re interested in really putting this behind at all.
I have done nothing to be ‘accountable’ for.

This isn’t true.
How about you stop making false accusations?

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Case in point.

You’re reviving a conversation from 3 days ago yourself. You were also throwing likes so we know you’ve been aware of this conversation prior to this post.

Like I said, none of this is to be vindictive, rather I’m wary of repeat behavior as I stated above. Also as I said, if you’re interested in actual conversation about the game you’re welcome to engage, but I’ll be nipping any sort of gaslighting in the bud and ending the conversation if it comes up.

You literally went into our discord, screenshotted a stupid joke someone made in there and you posted it on the forums completely out of context to make it look like a terroristic threat which was clearly a political move against the High Elf community at large as you stated we didn’t deserve to be heard because of your ‘receipts’. This incident happened a couple of years ago on the old forums. If this isn’t gaslighting I don’t what is.

I will concede that this did happen a couple years ago and everyone deserves a chance to turn over a new leaf, but I still remain wary of conversation with you due to a lack of accountability, which means said change rings hollow when one goes back to said deviant behavior.

It also wasn’t my intention to call you out, so I’m sorry for that, multiple people questioned me about our dynamic, so I provided my experiences and rationale.

All that being said, if you’re interested in burying the hatchet, then fine. I acknowledge my part in past toxicity, which I’d like to move past it and I’ll afford you the opportunity to as well provided you check any toxicity at the door and I’ll do the same when it comes to conversation between the two of us. Either way I’m not going to post on our sordid history any further, I leave you to post in peace.

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Like I said, I’m wary, not vindictive.

I also believe I said I was finished with said conversation.

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Public post, public forum. People may still reply. If you’re truly done don’t respond.

I can also flag too.

The elves on the other side don’t want our elves to have their elf things.

Honestly watching Elf players is like watching a High School drama.

Flag who and for what?
Arelia is right. Just because you said you’re done doesnt mean other people aren’t allowed to respond. All you can really do is not reply back if you want to be done with it


For what and wh-

Oh. Yeah what Moritz says.

Wait, it’s not a high school drama? What is it supposed to be?

I hope it’s supposed to be a musical.


I vote for the producers
I would love to do spring time for… you know who



he would make a fitting substitute

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Just like when Uther cast Arthas into the Maw. “For justice.”

Honestly this is kind of a lie.

The customization options Void Elves got were just copy pasted from the ones that Blood elves (a “base” race) got.

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Mostel and Wilder or Lane and Broderick?

(I actually prefer the newer one, but this was the clip that was just the bit I wanted)


the stage version for them
Their film was too… i dunno, they looked at the camera a lot. It was distracting

But i have a thing for broderick so still that film wins

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Right. So why didn’t the other allied races, who already had less options than Void Elves, not also get their base races’ options? HMT, Mechagnomes, Lightforged Draenei, Mag’har Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarves, none of them got their base race customizations copied over. So why did the Void Elves?

That’s why it feels bad. It’s catering to the loudest group on the forums, and it’s still not enough for them.

Honestly, I’ve said my peace in this thread. There’s no reason to defend my stance anymore than I already have.

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if that’s what he wants to do to inhuman beasts I can see why youre a fan of him mister worgen :wink: :wink: :wink: