Why so much hate over high elf options

Anything to get more mail wearing classes in the game, the mail armor in SL is actually really nice.

I would say the tinker class should fit it
Even though i want a bard class instead


Tinker is a class I thought they would add after BFA with the Mechagon Island and all.

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All they have is raise dead. The rest is them is just death knight stuff.

Necromancers would be much more focused on spells and empowering their dead.

More like a demonology lock crossed with DK.

DKs certaintly don’t strike me as necromancers even in wows lore and concepts.

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Just because something is a trope doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’m not at all attached to the human-dwarf-elf triumvirate, but I do know that those Elves are better suited far away from Orcs.

That culture clash could have been interesting in the right hands, but WoW’s format does not allow for interesting or meaningful interactions. Instead, they get along because they are both red and red fights blue and nothing will ever be more complex than that, regardless of internal “tension.”

make it exclusive to gnomes, mechagnomes, goblins, and vulpera
Now people have to play the short races XD

It would make total sense. The little guys are in these massive empowered robots slamming things haha. It would be a lot of fun.

I think Draenei should get it too.

Their Artificers are very tinker esc.

Maybe Mag’har too
 Keep it balanced.

I need to try to sleep. I’m off for awhile.

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i want a halfling then. shorties with furry feet. who love to cook and have several meals a day due to how fast their metabolism is. resistant to magic damage, especially dark magics.

and, if you attack nelfs again, i will release the pinky. she has a terrible temper. :innocent:

Its not my fault
Blame the night elves

If paladins and priests as well as demon hunters and warlocks can all exist there’s no reason DK and necromancer can’t.

Because perfect High Elves exist on the Horde (where the majority of High Elves have been or neutral since the third war) as Blood Elves but High Elf fans just HAVE to turn Void Elves into vanilla High Elves to live out their outdated Paladin fantasies :roll_eyes:

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Methinks the major deterrents for a Necromancer class are the lack of a clear niche, and a lack of prominence in the lore. Yes, you can grab a few examples, but they’re tertiary characters at best. Not to mention that it is entirely subsumed by the existence of Liches in the game.

Even the best example of a “class leader” for Necromancer became a Lich. His entire storyline has been trying to become something better. Necromancers in WarCraft have always been mooks.

No class in the game doesn’t have crossover of themes and mechanics with other classes. Warlock in particular has crossover with shadow priests, fire mages, hunters and demon hunters. There is no rule saying that because warlocks are casters that can use pets that there should never be another one, because if that were the case warlocks themselves would not exist.

At their introduction the only prominent DK was Arthas, the only prominent monk was Chen and the only prominent DH was Illidan. The fact that there’s little lore around them is a terrible reason why they shouldn’t get more. Kel’thuzad appeared in the same campaign as Arthas.

Liches are just the most powerful necromancers. You could literally have Lichdom as a central component of a necromancer spec or even the class as a whole.


my suggestion was to make necro a 4th spec of warlocks with 2 shapeshifts, either lich or banshee. someone on the classic forums had a discussion with me about this and he came up with some ingenious uses of the phylactery. sadly, thats all i remember - that it was ingenious

Necromancer class would be cool.

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well they lost the demonology spec to demon hunters. some say they lost any possible necro spec to dks, but i dont think so. dks dont turn into liches or banshees or have a phylactery.

Meh is usually my response to those kinds of responses. I don’t care. Demon locks are cool, DKs are cool, Necromancers would be cool. Who cares about a little bit of overlap.

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Ultimately the fact that people keep bringing up necromancers as something they’d like to play says it all. If people want to play a class the idea should be coming up with a way to make it work.

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lol another funny

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