Why so much hate over high elf options

I got the impression from coming into a thread that has had no discussion on it for over a day, not answering the OPs question or replying to anyone else, but instead doing both the things I quoted :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean, it is though lol

Next: We want void elf paladin blizz!

Lol! That is a good point.

Oh, not doubting, just the choice of words felt to me like you might have been seeking a fight.

I was mostly joking anyhow.

To be fair I’d love either a ranged holy dps pally spec or a void/shadow based pally dps spec. But not just so void elf pally can be added. I just think it’d be neat.


Definitely not seeking any fights :innocent:

I’m not either… But I did just open up a can of worms with my shadow pally comment. (probably) Lol

It would be cool though, I’ll give you that!

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I agree.

Plus it’d make Pallies a little less one dimensional.

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Hopefully one day dark ranger will be added as a class, I also love the idea of Spellbow and Bard :heart_eyes:

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That’d be neat.

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Honestly, I think it’s odd only two classes use mail armor at this point haha. The other armor sets are utilized by so many more classes.

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Yeah. I had kinda hoped with SLs we’d get Necromancer and it’d have both mail armor and a tank spec. But alas it was not to be.

Isn’t DK the necromancer class?

Necromancer would be so cool, they could even have a tank spec where they control abomination pet tanks and power them up. So many possibilities haha.

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I don’t think so… They’re not necromancers.

They’re death knights.

Not really the same thing. Unholy has a few aspects to it I guess.

Necromancer could be a “ranged” caster themed DK. :heart_eyes:

I think it would be a cool twist to have horde get dark rangers and alliance get spellbows. Essentially the same class, but different aesthetics and spell effects.


Interesting concept.

I doubt blizzard would go that route… Probably go more like they do with human Pallies vs. Tauren ones. Same abilities same class different lore.

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They have the raise dead ability
It used to require a dead body near by to raise but they changed that as it was too awkward to need someone to die first. Now its just assumed there is a corpse around