Why so much hate over high elf options

The answer is quite simple:

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I personally anyways, in the complaints for wanting High Elves always used to see arguments that were something “If Blizzard had at least made Void Elves from our existing Alliance High Elves they would have been acceptable” , and I thought yeah that sucks they didn’t do that, and now that they kind of can be those Wayfarers in the rift, the lack of happiness whether from Paladin or more hair or what have you I have less sympathy for overall. Especially as people essentially tell others to “just ask for what you want stop asking for us to not get what we want” basically reads as one big “mind your business” statement, bothers me, because in context of VE fans who want more void options or core races who feel shafted like yeah I do believe Blizzard needs to be reminded of other peoples stances, and this is a valid stance. And I would have supported a new AR too what have you, from my POV it just seems like BE’s have been left in the dark and they lack empathy, especially the ones who can’t go 2 seconds without letting us know they hate Blood Elves anyways.

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I have clicked twice on that stupid video before it loaded in two different threads. I have my volume turned up to listen to music…

You sound alright to me and I understand where you are coming from completely, I mean I’m a fan of Kul Tiran myself as they are and when I see people wanting them being the thin version I just think play a normal Human or Worgen then, however I am a bit different on different options being added within limits for example I don’t love that we are sharing skintones with Void Elves from Blood Elves, on the dual side of that I do think we should get equal treatment from Night Elves to Nightborne in that department though.

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the thin human model looks nothing like a stormwind human though
Stormwind humans are buff
Worgen look the same as stormwind humans but turn into wolfs.

A human who looks… well normal is sadly not currently playable. Would be good to get it into the game

Well it wouldn’t be quite so bad if it didn’t seem like Blizzard holds off on adding Blood Elf options due to High Elfers and Alliance players wanting to take and take and take from us and yes I can’t prove that but it surely seems one sided because it’s like yeah it’s cool for me to get options or to want this and that but it’s not for you, case and point the Blood Elf to Void Elf skintones vs the Night Elf to Nightborne skintones. Lol.


It’s just weird to me though, cus, they are void elves, look just like Blood/High Elves??? High elves half been in the game all along they just started calling theirselves Bloodelves in remembrance of all the ones lost when Arthas invaded and killed like everyone…

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I don’t want the SL covenants to be ARs but if they were I do like the Kyrian they remind me of the Chiss from SWTOR but my “blue human” support probably wouldn’t be popular lol.

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They are Kul Tiran and they are supposed to be bigger, I would never support them being skinny like ever.

You’re not into the Stormwind humans with the forearms of people who could dismantle a car with their bare hands?

I like you.

But I get what you mean. It’s completely okay to think some customization options are good and not really being into others. For me, I’m not against belf skin tones for velfs, but I do think there should be some indications that these are still velfs. tattoos/markings/something. I dunno. Like I said, I like my player races to be distinct.

And before anyone asks, I do love Pandarens, but I’ve had mixed feelings about them being on both factions since they’ve been a playable race.

I do want to point out that I’m not against human characters with that model. I just, personally, like the KTs as they are and don’t think they need to be changed.

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I like the playable kul tiran model and will be playing one in shadowlands.
But those skinny humans do look good

I like them as they are too. Got a rogue in the works.
I wouldnt mind if they were built into kul tirans or stormwind humans or were a completely different allied race. I just wanna play one XD

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First thanks sweetie, I like you too and second that’s why I love that Blood Elves and Void Elves don’t share eye colors, hairstyles and haircolors because we at least have some distinguishing features and that’s how it should be, no race should be 100% available on both factions and like you said I realize Pandaren are and that’s fine but not many people play Pandaren including me so I don’t really care like care about Pandaren. Lol.

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They’ve all got scoliosis.

Lol fair enough. Also, good luck with your rogue. Haymaker is the best racial ability to ever exist ever.

Lol, I get it. And for the most part I agree. Granted I love pandas. I have two. One’s a DK just because I know how mad that makes certain demographics of players. But I definitely get what you mean.

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I missed this comment but when I played SWTOR for a short time with an ex boyfriend my favorite race was the Chiss, I loved having the red glowing eyes the sky blue skintone and the hot pink hair it was lovely.

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They can be undead customisation then :stuck_out_tongue:

is that my falcon punch? Because its saved me quite a few times

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I like you even more now because even though my one and only Death Knight is a Nightborne Death Knight I love Pandaren Death Knights, they are super cool and it always makes me happy when I see one. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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They are one of my favorites! My all time favorite are the Miraluka because they see through the force, I made a Sith Sorceror for Miraluka kind of like Visas Marr from KOTOR 2 but a guy.

And the chiss I just absolutely love too because their just so edgy to me, and the Kyrian just remind me so much of them.

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