Fair enough. I mean a discord channel is a great place for like-minded individuals to hang out so, as I said, no judgment.
The only real issue I have is just how… emotionally invested certain people have become over this particular issue. I mean, being passionate about something is great, but there are times when deep breaths and prioritization is not uncalled for.
It’s a bit of a shame he’s ignored me, it was always fun to tweak his pompous act when he popped up. But there’s something amusing as well about commenting on him continually going on about me after ignoring me.
This is neither here nor there, and I don’t want to go into detail. But I have no problem saying I mischaracterized your discord at one time based on an experience, that I’m not sorry I was upset about, but I am extremely sorry for my reaction. And its old, I don’t think its use bringing it up in this context like by me saying this other than to vouch for its character, people can say this or that but people that I talk to who are from your discord are all extremely good people who I genuinely wish well, and if there is one take away from the conversation I would say I hope it is evident that character shows, people just making comments off the wall really is just that.
Anytime you take issue with an argument of his he’ll probably claim you are following him. If people make habit of misrepresenting my arguments, I tend not to ignore them so I can address them for (I wanna use the term posterity’s sake again) but yeah, I feel some people have a habit of that and it’s important.
Yeah, we’ve got some resources saved to make it easier to look up citations, but a lot of it is just hanging out. I can’t even keep track of who in there is actually pro or anti anymore. I think our server at least isn’t quite as emotionally invested in the debate as some people are on both sides.
No worries. We’re doing what we can to be better and I get where you were coming from.
But it does a great job of illustrating this topic. You can just see em’ douchebaggin’ it up.
Pro-tip, I get people who were told they were never going to walk again walking on the daily. What goes on when I’m asking for some hair colors for an elf on an internet doesn’t shake me up.
I Don’t play the Alliance so technically anything you get doesn’t really bother me.
And since Blood elves also get high elf options, I don’t see the issue. Lore wise you can just say some high elves returned to silvermoon and ended up joining the Horde.
And I do feel the need to clarify. Having a discord to just hang out is cool. Having discussions about game mechanics/additions/customizations is cool. I love talking about that kind of stuff. SO I hope it doesn’t come off me saying anyone who does that is weird.
Be real Hyper he’s more of a crybaby or he wouldn’t be crying when we give him any type of criticism and then saying oh I ignored you like we actually care, I mean seriously.
S’cool. Also figured I’d explain a bit more for the crowd since we get it a lot where people portray us as basically having a discord strike base we use to do nefarious things and laugh about people not getting what we want.
I feel like people who talk about how smart they are, fall into that category of people who brag about money, normally its assumed people with money don’t talk about it, and the same imo goes for intelligence. An interesting point he always comes back to, often in a way to demean who he’s talking to.
So funny you say that, I tend to find that same thing about men and size if you get my meaning because usually if they got it they don’t need to try and sell me on it.