Why so much hate over high elf options

I love all the tatoo and scar choices for my male Blood Elves. Oh wait…


I have yet to see any antis trying to organise hacks of helfers’ social media accounts, so no.

Helf fans did what???

One of the helf discord’s mods planned to hack the social media accounts of an anti, then when the whole thing threatened to blow up in their face, to avoid getting in trouble from Discord for breaking terms and conditions they banned all the people they knew were antis and deleted all the posts since for some reason if you delete posts on Discord Discord themselves have no way of finding them. The only thing that remained were the screenshots taken before they were all deleted.

Said mod was not punished and I believe is still a mod there to this day.



All this for blonde elves.

Not really, never heard of a dude who says no to high elves taking things beyond the forums to try to harass people. I have heard of high elf people doing it though. I know you want to take the central view and ask why can’t everyone get along. But it’s pretty much beyond wrong in this case, high elfers are responsible for the extremely hilariously bad stuff because they are mad some people told them they don’t want the thing they are asking for in the game.

yep an option available to anyone to play right now in the game


Jesus what on earth

Some people take their NPC unplayable characters way too seriously

i was on their discord, back when they first made it i think. then when we got void elves, i stopped going on it cause it was assumed that helfs werent gonna happen. had no idea there was someone doing stuff like hacking and whatnot. dont even know who supposedly did it. must’ve missed that drama.

i do know i inspired an entire category on the anti-discord. they named it after me, something like the hyperspace apprecation society . when i learned of this, it was said by the informant that they did it to make fun of me. that i was a topic of derision, i guess because i was such a helf nerd, that i was overly dramatic/emotional about it. but they claimed they did it because i was so silly or something and that it was more of a tribute to my quirkiness. i am 62 years old. :grin:


There was a channel called the Hyperspace fan club because we generally enjoyed your off the wall posts. We changed the name after you came in the server, demanded people get into voice chat with you so that you could explain why you wanted high elves and then proceeded to stir up fights after no one did. After that we no longer saw you as a goofy, lighthearted poster and no longer felt the joke was appropriate.

The fact you have “informants” spying on people’s discords that you left kind of illistrates what I mean about not being quite as endearing as we originally thought.

i didnt have spies. lol she just told me about it one day. i was surprised since the way i was being treated at the time, didnt seem much like appreciation. lol and she told me about it before you invited me to join. i asked her why you had named it after me and she said it was because i was a laughing stock.

so when i asked why you were making me a focus of your derision, you said you were actually fans, and i was welcome to join. so i did. i have bad arthritis. its hurting just to type this. so i asked people who i wanted to clear the air with on the anti-discord, to come in the voice channel so i wouldnt have to type, but you pretty much refused, so i was never able to mend that fence. seemed hopeless.

i’m currently trying to get speech recognition software to work properly on forums, so i dont have to type at all.


When I’m talking Blood Elf Lore I just always assume people are going to acknowledge the end of burning crusade.

I’m never arguing that things are the way they were during burning crusade. Though people are often trying to pretend that time period didn’t exist.

I’ve been informed similarly as well. They also all come piling into the forum whenever I comment.

One of the things the, “High Elf fans have such a bad attitude” crowd misses is that they’re generally complete douchebags to us.

As far as the High Elf discord planning to hack people, I haven’t been there for awhile but it sounds pretty absurd.


The fact that there seems to be full discord channels dedicated to the pro/anti helf thing is… baffling to me. No real judgement on people involved, but I just don’t get it at all.

you realise you’re not the only one who uses the forums right? :stuck_out_tongue:

at this point there is so much bad blood its hard to know whats what. I think with some posters on the helf side its far more evident than on the anti side. But that does not mean helf fans are all bad.

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This defense has been used before. But for whatever reason people who have been inactive for hours all simultaneously arrive and dogpile when I’m on.

I honestly think it’s mostly one sided. Go look at the Dark Ranger request thread, there aren’t any Pro-High-Elf people campaigning against anything Blood Elf players want.

It’s just horde versus alliance aggression at its worst really.


So odd to me to be in these discussions and think people are following you lol. It’s a forum and we’re all here so like… big lol


I definitely don’t think anyone is… forum stalking anyone else. I would chalk that up to confirmation bias.


Two of them have literally admitted to it to me.