Why so much hate over high elf options

100% cosmetic options that show faction influences on races that exist on both sides to help differentiate them from the same race on the opposing side. Maybe a few orcish,tauren and troll influenced hairstyles and beards for Huojin pandaren and the same for Tushui with influences from dwarves, gnomes and humans.


added this to the list: orcish,tauren and troll influenced hairstyles and beards for Huojin pandaren and the same for Tushui with influences from dwarves, gnomes and humans.

That’s why I don’t think it’s an inherently negative thing when people enjoy their comfort foods. Sometimes people just want to be a disney princess and I don’t think that’s any less valid than wanting to be an edgy drow or a something rarer like a mindflayer.

I just think it becomes bad when people take a look at something like the blood elves and say “it was wrong that this race got a thematic facelift” when the whole idea of them came from blizzard being happy with how unique they managed to make night elves. And I really think they did an excellent jobs making some of the most unique feeling elves culturally in fantasy.


you mean drow wood elves? nelfs are like drizzt had kids with a druid. hehe

More-so that they were anti arcane magic and matriarchal, and low-key a xenophobic society without necessarily being evil.

Very much this :clap: I kind of see it very much the same.

I think your analysis is spot on for me as far as the pros and cons list you have.

is interesting convo

If I had to guess, you more than likely said something or somethings that they disagreed with, argued your point, stood your ground and somehow they made it super personal, that usually seems to be the story on these forums.


I thought it was removed around MoP. Idk
 if Blizz cared to reflect the lore in-game more, things would be more clear lol

Ok found the quest: What’s in the box.
It’s just a very specific line where Rommath uses ‘once used’.

Jaina Proudmoore now sits as head of the Kirin Tor and rules Dalaran.

That puts the citadel square in the hands of the Alliance no matter how much Aethas brags about neutrality.

This young upstart may have forgotten, but the Alliance tried to massacre and imprison our people during the third war.

Forgive me if I do not share his faith in their

Lor’themar wants a status update on the experiment.

This Korune device is similar to the fel crystals we once used to enslave demonic energies. Demon or angry spirit or elemental manifestation of an emotion, the principle is relatively the same.

We need to see how intact the entity stored within this artifact is, however. Since you have experience with the mogu and other dangers of Pandaria, would you be so kind as to do the honors?

We have already disabled most of the protective wards. Simply adjust the intensifier disc on the artifact and be ready for anything that comes out.

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So many people can disagree civilly though and that’s what I respect always.

That and I generally meet people where they are in the present as opposed to the past, I think I’ve been here for a decent amount of time enough to know peoples characters, I’m not going to judge people off something that happened long before I ever noticed these topics that is probably perspective based anyways.

Always best that way at least for me :hugs:


We all have our parts in what’s transpired in the past and we all know you’re not willing to take responsibility for yours, and that’s fine I’m not going to hold you to it. That being said your lack of accountability does make me extremely wary repeat behaviour, so as a rule I try not to engage you.

Again I’m not out for a witch hunt or anything so I don’t want to get into anything personal, just explaining my past experiences.

Though if you have a legitimate opinion to put forth, you’re free to as far as interaction goes with me, but I won’t entertain any weird tribalistic riffs.

That being said I appreciate your well wishing and likewise would like to wish you the best and leave you to make your posts in peace.

To an extent, but I’ve already explained my issues and concerns with this.

This is what I’d like myself, as I do try to extend the courtesy of at least leaving those I’ve had a tiff with alone, though I will welcome constructive discussion if they so wish to have one.

You yourself actually made false accusations about terroristic threats that if iirc Starla was in on too to name just one incident. This hardly equates to ‘taking a difference of opinion personally’ and could have actually got someone hurt. This is the kind of behavior I refer to regarding lack of accountability.

But as I’ve stated above I’m merely stating my past experiences. I’m not trying to be confrontational, I’m explaining myself and my rationale.


It’s less about hating the high elf options, and more about hating how much options they got when other races are clearly lacking.

Pandaren especially got the short end of the stick, meanwhile - there’s a million and one options to choose as an elf.

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So basically both sides have done questionable stuff and trolled, and no one gets the higher ground.

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Considering I don’t even know who you are nor do I remember or really care I’m just going to say if we argued previously I’m pretty sure it was for a legitimate reason so sorry not sorry.


I’m usually pretty nice to most people even when I disagree with them but I use the word most strongly because some people just auto annoy me and so then I’m not so nice anymore which I’m sure everyone that comes on these forums has seen at one point or another. Lol.

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Precisely. I’ve gone for the throat in the past and I apologize and take responsibility for it.

And that’s fine, like I said I didn’t expect you to take responsibility for your actions. I’ll leave you to your business and you can leave me to mine.

As I already said I don’t even know who you are and I don’t really care who you are but if we had issues in the past it was due to you not me and given you are trying and tried to put all the blame on me and Star to begin with, I would say it’s you that won’t own up to being drama and it’s you that is crying about it now to try and get sympathy from me and other people and with me it’s not going to work so.


Beyond that I guess there’s really nothing left to say.

As you were.

i find you to be most agreeable. its just your delivery that sounds dangerous. that can put people on defense. like i know you dont actually take game character haircolors so seriously that you’d be willing to make enemies out of total strangers. you listened patiently to my pastel haircolors idea and even tried to be politely accomodating. but a couple posts up, you were reading someone the riot act. i remember thinking
okay, smile, be friendly, logical, sell the product, cuz i wasnt sure if you’d cuss me out or laugh at me or what. lol i had my anti-flack gear on, just in case.

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Well first thanks for that and second as I already said I don’t even know who they are or what they are on about, I have gathered as I already stated it seems like they want me to feel bad for something I said in the past and I don’t even know what they are talking about so it’s hard for me to want to feel bad for something I said when I don’t even have a reference point.

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