Why so much hate over high elf options

Oh yeah. I get that very much too. I don’t see how skin tones are lore breaking just because we haven’t seen it before. (though we actually have at least one elf in the lore with a dark skin tone.)

Tomorrow maybe I’ll tackle that thought with the OP and see if I can show them how it’s not lore breaking.

For now I’m gonna head to bed.

gotta be a mistake. belf males got half of what belf females got, and belf females are mostly jewelry, when theres so much more for belfs than just jewelry. surely theres more otw.

I do respect your opinion on many topics, we disagree on separate issues here and there.

But I have to say it feels like the behavior in this thread, and since its centered on why do people take issue with the new VE customizations, which comes back to mainly peoples issues with HE fans, you kind of had no choice but to recognize the behavior you normally don’t ever pay attention to, at least you do in this specific thread because you’re posting and its sort of front and center stage.

You say this but you took the time to like a very mean post / response to Starla.

This response shouldn’t have been prompted from

Starla asked a question. Was it to prove a point she had on her end of the topic? Yes, thats what we all do, we ask questions, we try to make points.

And you yourself have told her you were willing to move on, so when you see her doing what everyone else does when arguing in good faith, why would you support someone who’s response to her was uncalled for?

And my last thing, which is actually what you first did in this thread was I felt you tackled my argument in your post disingenuously

I do feel like this was aimed at my argument which is a disingenuous take, and I feel that way because it was and has been echoed by the same person you were speaking to agreeing with.

And then you double down here, and I don’t think you’re attempting to make me look bad, it feels like a very lengthy attempt at saying nothing. Like you’re sort of extending an olive branch to call out bad behavior, but you’re also disingenuously restating my argument in a manner that isn’t what I said which still benefits other more aggressive pro HE posters.

Where as when Avarie said something, it seemed more genuine because… it wasn’t so worried about trying to be this tidy statement, and really I do feel this behavior happens so so often in these threads, and it does look bad on the HE community, and we should call it out more.

And I have no animosity with this I just I am bothered by a few things, even when you tried to make me not sound awful you had a few statements that seem to imply credibility with the idea I would push for only BEs to be first.


agreed except the last part. all races need to continue to be the focus, including void elves. for example, void elves didnt get new hairstyles or haircolors. no scars, tats, runes, jewelry, make up, hair decorations, blind eye options or different colored eyes, eyebrow size/style or ear size/style. the only new thing made for void elves were purple eyes. the eyecolors and skin colors were a copy/paste from stuff made for blood elves. allied races also didnt get dk haircolors, originally, so we didnt get those either and void elves cant be demon hunters, so none of those haircolors either.

void elves have alot of options for skincolor and therefore face. but it just stops there, abruptly.

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Only being concerned with what they didn’t get is what causes the negative issues. Given the state of some of the other races and how much Blizzard have bent over backwards for the alliance high elf demands maybe some graciousness is in order.


problem is, i didnt say other races shouldnt be the focus. i said all races should be the focus. but you keep going back to velfs exclusively shouldnt be. i am not sure i understand that position.


i have a request list. want anything added?

updated list

/carries sign.


  • dark ranger/san’layn customizations for belfs
  • farstrider tats and runic tats for belfs
  • sun elf style fx, like sunlit mana hair and other light fx for belfs
  • full beards for belf males
  • botanist druids for belfs


  • more haircolors, beards and hairstyles for velfs
  • ear/eyebrow resizing for velfs.
  • paladin class for velfs.


  • paladin class for nelfs.
  • female nelf body tats
  • happy faces for male nelfs
  • highborne customizations


  • happy faces for male nightborne
  • mana hair for nightborne
  • more hairstyles/haircolors
  • nightborne npc eyes
  • non-toothpick legs for male nightborne
  • not as wide chest


  • straight backs for forsaken
  • beards/mustaches for forsaken
  • dark ranger


  • beards for trolls
  • forest trolls
  • dreadlocks
  • upright


  • eyebrows for male orcs
  • blackrock orcs
  • dragonmaw orcs
  • dreadlocks


  • more eyecolors for draenei
  • manari eredar


  • shaved fur designs for pandarens
  • more faces for pandarens
  • solid fur colors
  • jewelry
  • orcish,tauren and troll influenced hairstyles and beards for Huojin pandaren and the same for Tushui with influences from dwarves, gnomes and humans.


  • druid class for gnomes
  • gnome females need alot of help.
  • scars

lightforged draenei

  • tails + jewelry
  • Horns or skull ridge options.
  • Headdress jewelry
  • Additional hairstyles
  • Eye color options (light silver, blue, lighter gold, orange, darkened glow.
  • Additional Tattoo patterns
  • Additional gold naaru patterns or non Naaru gold etching. Possibly different metal color from gold?


  • transmoggable arms / legs for mechagnomes
  • more metal colors
  • wheeled feet
  • different eyecolors
  • full body mech
  • wired/geared hair
  • druid


  • druid class for vulpera


  • skinny kul’tirans
  • tattoos


  • run animation options
  • thinner and thicc’er versions
  • piercings for males


  • more faces
  • no nose ring faces
  • different mane types, not just stuff added to existing manes

highmountain tauren

  • more of everything


  • normal no shocked eyes lol


  • tails
  • upright

Goblin Male-

  • 3-4 new faces, younger, uglier and resembling gilgoblin
  • Separate sideburns and hair options
  • Facial hair- stubble
  • Mustache, pencil-thin, curly, mafioso-style, Clark-Gable style, etc.
  • 1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
  • 1-2 chin option - low (jowels/fat), very long
  • 3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
  • 2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
  • Gold tooth options
  • Blind eye options
  • Yellow eye color option - non glowy
  • Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

Goblin Female-

  • 1-2 new faces, resembling Gilgoblin
  • 3-4 Skin colors- dark grey Hellfire citadel goblins, blue-ish for Gilgoblins
  • 2-3 Gilgoblin ear options
  • 1-2 new nose options - very long, very fat
    5-6 new earring options
  • eyebrow piercing options
  • Gold tooth options
  • Blind eye options
  • Yellow eye color option - non glowy
  • Tacky Goblin Style Tattoo’s: Bombs, Pineapples, Hearts, Gears, that sorta thing.

special mention: purple npc elf style eyes for everybody that can use them cause those are amazing


I think that’s just Cezol. This thread is the first time encountering either of you and it’s pretty clear to me who is arguing in good faith. I know your position.

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cezol shocks me sometimes. its so antagonistic, it kinda freaks me out

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Tauren having unique styled manes and not pasted on braids to a default mane. They won’t do a major model change though, I’m aware it won’t happen but I still want it.

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give an example, so i can make it specific enough. oh i know what you mean

edit: added to list

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This thread was all about the response people are having to the high elf options. The HElfers and how they’ve gone about things is a major part of that; this thread being a spectacular example. As has been stated so eloquently by Cezol, the loudest get the attention. Is it surprising people feel pushed to one side by the unending list of demands from one subset of players?


This is my main issue with your stance. You seem to need to put Void Elves last because they had a bunch of skin tones copied and pasted, something that arguably should have been done upon their inception rather than now.

And this indeed doesn’t resonate with every Void Elf player, like some wanted more Void options, some wanted more fantasy tones, some would have rather had other hair options first. I personally would like to see both natural and void options make it in.

Blizzard also doesn’t need to be spending all of their time fulfilling every single player wish for core races. A select few are certainly due for more options to bring them up to par with other core races such as Night Elves or Trolls, Blood Elves being one of them, but the core races that are indeed well off could stand to get more down the road, namely after the more lacking ARs get their respective pass, including finishing off Void Elves.

I’m sure they’re not done. Blood Elves unfortunately have gone last with cosmetic updates historically as they did with WoD.

Again, I do have a life to attend to outside of the WoW forums so I’m not going to go over this thread with a fine tooth comb.

Because personal attacks aside I agree with his answer.

I also don’t agree it was asked in good faith. Starla has a very sordid past regarding provocation and gaslighting in veiled questions such as these, and she pretty much succeeded.

I’ve made many attempts to extend the olive branch to her, only to be burnt, so I’m finished with that and owe her nothing.

This is about the extent I’m willing to discuss her and it is entirely my prerogative to agree with her opposition, just as she does with mine.

You’re not the only person I see subscribe to this rationale , but yes I agree with them as you seem to have a tendency to cherry pick who you think should go last, which I personally don’t feel is called for and is somewhat detrimental.

There isn’t anything wrong with having a race you want to see have options the most, I respect that. Again what I do take issue with is that you seem to want certain races and aesthetics at the bottom of the barrel and I don’t think this is necessary and reinforces a different kind of disparity.

The difference between our statements is that Cezols posts are personal attacks on your character while I oppose aspects of your stance, which I feel you may be taking too personally when it comes to the latter as that wasn’t my intention.


Again, my primary problem is this idea that Void Elf players as a whole should be pigeonholed into being second rate in terms of pretty much everyone else because they’re associated with High Elves. Like yeah, they inherited a bunch of skin tones, but they shouldn’t stop there and watch everyone else to continue to get stuff after the other ARs get their skintones and Blood Elves get their Undead tones, which is how this is starting to read.

The skintones themselves were a copy and paste, right down to the underwear until recently. Perhaps they can give the Undead NPCs the same treatment.


i for one have been promoting stuff for everybody. see my list above. and specifically for blood elves, though my main is a velf.


I kinda just hope he’s the type to blow off steam using the internet, and this is not a reflection of real life. There are more healthy ways to do it though.

thank ye


I think it’s a projection of their feelings over race irl. They don’t want the dark skinned elves having more diversity and opportunity than the fairer skinned ones.

The high elf advocates don’t want to see the “lesser” darker skinned elves getting ahead. What a sad reflection on our society today…


oh good grief. i just want more hairstyles and haircolors. maybe some tats or runes or both. a way to change my ear and eyebrow size.


Be careful. This take is sure to enrage them.

My thoughts exactly.

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