Why so much hate over high elf options

That makes no sense?

He was answering the Original Post by citing an example.

dang it really took that long for such a sophisticated response huh?

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It’s funny cause I want to support having a High Elf option but their fans make it really difficult to want to support them. Like at least respect Blood Elf lore lmao


He responded to my factual post with goalpost moving nonsense. What else was I supposed to say?

You might want to check what this word means when the lore literally states:

The blood elves (or sin’dorei, “children of the blood” in Thalassian — pronounced [ˈsiːndɔraÉȘ], [siːnˈdɔraÉȘ] or [siːndɔreÉȘ]) are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas. Their new name is a dirge, referencing both the blood of their many brethren who fell during the Third War, and their royal lineage.

Again, ask for High Elves, but don’t disregard the actual lore lmao.

I said

Blue eyes with the Alliance = High Elves

Green eyes with the Horde = Blood Elves

That is a factual statement and it’s been that way for over a decade. And then in another post I pointed out that it doesn’t even matter anymore since both sides can now look like those Alliance High Elves.

You were the one that brought up Void elves. I was was specifically talking about the difference between the high elves of the alliance vs blood elves of the Horde. They had very obvious distinguishing features up until these new customization options.

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Except blood elves with blue eyes started appearing intermittently when? Like, Cata or MoP?

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I know? That’s why I specifically said “Blue eyed elves WITH THE ALLIANCE = High Elves”.

And neutral blue eyed elves who oppose the Alliance, what are those?

Depends what they wanna call themselves I guess.

But if you are a green eyed elf on the Horde side you have always been a blood elf. If you are a blue eyed elf on the alliance side then you have always been called a high elf.

But as I have said multiple times now it doesn’t even matter anymore since all the elves can look like alliance high elves now. So that distinguishing feature is no longer applicable.

i’d defend peeps more voraciously, but my hands right now are in such a bad way, the fingers are stiffening up and making it hard to type. if i confront someone, i can expect a debate, and i cant do debates atm.

The OP was talked to about this and has now changed it.

I’ll add that my trans husband and I both saw it originally and he didn’t see it as negative, just meant to point out a freer mindset.

I can totally see how you see it though. It gave me pause after all.

Just wanted to let people know.

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Pretty much this, as fond as I am of Cezol and I do agree with him on some points, he really needs to work on be more respectful when voicing them, as do other pros. I have been in his shoes and understand that he’s mimicking some of the behavior he’s experienced himself, so this hasn’t always been a one way street, as I’ve gone for the throat myself in the past, but we all need to make an effort to choose our battles and be more respectful in our discourse.

Like I disagree with Lann on a few points and did challenge on them somewhat, but he doesn’t deserve to be painted as spiteful and selfish for putting his race first. Nor is he the only one to prioritize his race over others, as we all do to an extent. I’ve also had meaningful discourse with Tarrok in the past, so he at least has my respect.

They certainly don’t deserve nearly the amount of hate they’re getting in this thread, nor do the other bystanders who are having their heads bitten off merely having their opinion on the matter.

I will also say that I don’t approve of those who are also here just to stir the pot.

I also have to say that I really don’t like where this thread and this subject are going. It also saddens me to see people I respect getting into it for the better part of 900 posts, which I have neither the time nor energy to keep up with.


got no man’s sky for my bday. i go play that when wow or the forums are getting on my nerves. mindlessly running around on alien worlds, shooting rocks with a laser, is cathartic

p.s. they need numlock for autorun. having to keep the pressure on the button constantly, actually triggers the arthritis currently destroying the joints in my wrist.



I’m glad that was addressed.

I have to just say my other and actually my first issue was they equated the skin tone diversity on Elves to being “lore breaking” and used that as the pretext to argue for something “non lore breaking” like tails for Worgen.

Then I noticed the issue bourbon pointed out which has been addressed you said and I’m glad for. So there was two for me anyways one which has since been addressed. I appreciate the OP made that decision after discussion though.

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Yes happy birthday Hyper :hugs: my Mars is in Libra so assuming you’re a Libra a feel you.

You have the new VE customizations to use on Hyper to look forward to later this month too!


Except he didn’t do that. Lann was saying that core races generally need to be caught up and then the other allied races that still need considerable work
 the focus shouldn’t continue to be VE. He never said BE should be the focus.


I think that gets confused because when I argue for actual specific customizations or when I talk about disparity in detail it focuses on BEs but that’s only because that’s what I’m knowledgeable on.

And yes I try to time and time again make it clear my stance is core races were kind of the selling point of customizations, and I think the pass they were given seems rushed.

So the idea I would say “Blood Elves should be the first core race being done!” is inaccurate. Would I be happy for that if it comes up yeah it’s a core race? If they want to do worgen or Pandaren before then I’m also happy. Dragonmaw for Orcs! Etc. like I hope that’s clear and it seems to be to some but then others keep latching on to like idk what I’m not saying.

Core races is my argument you are correct thank you for understanding what I’m saying. But I also feel like I’ve been clear so I have to question why aren’t people at least being honest about what I’m saying whether they agree with me or not. And it’s not the first time I’ve made my stance clear as I have in this thread and I’m sure the clock will be reset in another thread and I’ll have to do it again but at some point I’m like what’s not clicking at least disagree with me honestly without saying what I’m not saying.

And just to add on as well not only do other ARs imo and my stance should come before VEs but also void elf fans of Void customizations where do they come into play?