Why so much hate over high elf options

Well, no…since Lann is referring to my post in that thread where I point out what he doesnt like.

Lets see an actual quote from that thread Cezol:

  • We are being introduced to new types of things in Shadowlands with one character being transgendered. Is having a tail option really that far fetched considering?

That is from the OP, and that is tone deaf af.

“You cant point out something tone deaf someone else says because I dont like what you say”

Lmao dude. Just lmao.

He’s very decent with me idk what you’re getting at. I think if you argued in good faith and kinder people would appreciate it.


He would have to stop pretending to be “haha Im totally not mad guys, its you guys who are mad” in every response he makes.

So you just missed the part where i missed that and it was a misunderstanding?

So you are just insufferable for no reason :rofl:.

It’s very hard to take you seriously when you’re so blatantly on one side of this fence at this point Lann lol.

I’ve also told you you haven’t been around long enough to know all the colorful characters with sketchy pasts who suddenly support your opposition to an AR pass.

I thought they were lovely too. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Till they started lying about high elf fan intentions to pass their agenda.

Was that before or after you double downed?

Ive butted heads with Lann before. Same with a few other people who I am respectful with. Nico, Drede, etc.

The reason why: they dont come in overly aggressive trying to attack all the time or gaslight.

Just imagine if you did less of that (like in our talk last night for example), no one would call you out for being overly aggressive for no reason.

I meet people where they are today (metaphorically time wise the present) and going off that if one went through your posts here the last day, two days, week? What about months in the HE threads. And it’s a common theme with how you act and treat people, that’s showing people who you are in the now, as in today, presently.

I’m not going to dislike people on some cryptic idea of what you consider “sketchy pasts” and I like people on both sides so there goes that theory for you anyways.

Overly aggresive is necessary when dealing with liars :man_shrugging:

Is everyone a liar who shares a different opinion than you? God thats some inquisition bs.

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Yeah not remotely my point, I could care less about your likes or dislikes.

A jaded history with antis is a jaded history, just because you weren’t there to see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

So forgive me for literally never listening to your defense of them.

Who incessantly claimed that the high elves we wanted where on the Horde even with the knowledge of knowing that that was never the group we were asking for as is support by in-game lore?

Yeah lol, like what, that’s actually just trolling.

So everyone who has a different opinion than you is a liar. Thanks for that clarification.

But why is that? I think it starts and ends with your behavior. So you can’t be mad at people meeting you where you are, and where you are is aggressive and demeaning a lot of the time.

I think you should try arguing in good faith and respecting all opinions.

Are you serious? Lol

The Alliance group of High elves is not an opinion dude, that is fact, they are an alliance group, its in the game.

Blood elves are the horde group.

Lol once a troll always a troll.

See you’re setting the tone for the situations you say you’re upset about.

No one is arguing that the Alliance group of high elves exist.

What people were arguing is if they should be playable, thats opinion based.

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We all did at first with them.

Not really something that works with lore-skewed trolls :man_shrugging:.

Or is good faith not literally sourcing the game we play when making our requests?


But you wanna talk about trolling and lies, what they did was lies, plain and simple. :man_shrugging:

No those are just druids dude, that’s a stereotype.