Why so much hate over high elf options

So in what way does pale skin play an important role in the story of those elves?

Lann: I have posted that I supported worgen customization, I just wont interact with that thread due to X


God, this is really painful even for you.


They are all from Quel’thalas Cezol, its suspect you want to have some reasoning behind these decisions.

Sorry I’m not really following.

Does the Worgen thread OP also hold those opinions and that’s why you don’t support it?

Dude, if you think getting different skin and transgender representation in the game is as equal as a tail option for worgen…we need to have a serious serious discussion.

Let me be open here, I may have mixed up characters as based on other stupid arguments about why darker human skin tones are scaring some people.

I’m just showing you quotes of an example of people not engaging with people who display suspect behavior on things.

Posting my support for Void Elf paladins, it need’s to happen blizzard and we can just use the high elf customization options to make it “lore” friendly just like how undead’s have priest even though they are not supposed to use holy powers in lore etc…make it happen.

IIRC, Shadow priests were the reason forsaken have priests. Cult of the Forgotten Shadow was their thing.


Should an Evil Badguy really be advocating for Paladins?


According to devs Forsaken can use Holy powers, it is just unimaginably painful. Forsaken holy priests also start to be able to smell their own rotting flesh and feel maggots moving through them.

Forsaken holy priests are metal af dude.

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It’s both a duty and privilege to do so every time I see one of these high elf threads.

It doesn’t, just that the opposite is written and then replaced with new lore.

Which is a thing that’s allowed to happen to every race if it expands customization, when did this become about story lol.

Yeah not at all. That’s what I thought Lann was saying.

Also the last person to preach sainthood to anyone is you my guy. Lol bye. :rofl:

Wait wait wait.

Are you saying I cant call out how something is tone deaf because of my stance with high elves?

Hold on Cezol, let me hear your big brain reasoning for this quip.

That Horde got Blood Elves?

I just feel as it really has no impact on the story it’s kinda off to complain about it butchering lore. The usual story beats that would deal with issues of skin color are pawned off to actual species, so there’s no actual impact on adding more options. It’s not like there’s any social status based on how pale an elf is, so it’s just an addition that’s not actually going to really interact with the story in a significant way.

Technically all Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves. This distinction is what has kept this argument alive for 13 years lol.

Yes. But that still means high elves have been playable the whole time.

Uh yeah, a misunderstanding Isn’t grounds for it.

Considering how you roam around being as insufferable as anything in high elf threads towards high elf fans.

Most definitely the last person to pretend to be decent is you :kissing_heart:

I agree with you here