Why so much hate over high elf options

This just isn’t true.

I think it would probably be more of a coincidence since both the “pro” side and the “anti” side is going to be looking for these threads to post in and thus are going to meet up from time to time.

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I appreciate yours and other’s kind words here.
Really wish people would stop making this topic so personal. Seems to me it’s gotten quite toxic lately.


I’m noticing a theme with many of you dipping after one hurt sensibility.

You honestly don’t have to pretend to care so little about others requests if you’re not actually interested for the sake of “support points”, especially if it’s so flimsy your support collapses that easily.

For instance: I outright don’t like you.

Yet with all the crap I’ve experienced with you, I would never think that blood elf players don’t deserve things they’re interested in for their elves, just because one of their players is displeasing to me?

No. That’s not how support works.

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The OP of the thread links the fact that they think diverse skin tones are lore breaking, so that should be a shoe in for worgen tails because that to them is definitely not lore breaking. Which is a yikes from me. But of course you’d overlook that to push your agenda.


That’s actually just an opinion and supported by what she explained in the video.

It also doesn’t matter because if you really gave a crap about worgen players having more options, something as flimsy as that should do nothing to your support for player options.

I didn’t overlook it, it just isn’t a big deal.

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Of course it is always nice to see people who can agree, and disagree at other times, and always be civil, and I agree the toxic attacks have been a lot lately.

Also side bar I’ve been out of likes but I think I may used my last one on your post? I’m unsure how the like limit works I rarely hit it, just the last day or so, and it seems like you have an allotted number of likes obviously but you get them back periodically? Like there’s no set reset? Like it will seem like I’ll get likes back but its only a few the bulk of them I’m still waiting for? Idk it’s weird.

I think the likes reset daily. I ran out of them today too but then I could do a few more. But mine tells me if I have to wait for a hour or so sometimes.

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Maybe you overlook these types things in order to push what ever agenda you wish on various topics, I don’t personally.

I really, really wish they allow Void Elves to have true High Elven forms: blood elf hair styles, blood elf hair colors, blood elf skin, blue eyes.

It would be really disappointing if they give the Horde High Elves and not the Alliance. :frowning:

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I see Blood Elves and High Elves the same as Pandaren: they are the same race, just on different factions.

I hope that Void Elves are allowed back into Silvermoon.

Since the Horde can now make High Elves, lore-wise, it seems that Lor’themar and the High Elves have mended their disharmony.


You’re actually comparing her lore sources of elves having light skin as seeing Blizzard going back on their lore to support tails, to actual real world issues?

Lol my god dude, you can’t honestly be this petty.

This is next level sad.

So your “support” ends because you don’t agree with her opinion on lore breaking skin tones for elves even though they’re being added anyway and she never stated to be against them but that they were a time blizzard changed lore for customization as she wished they would for worgen tails?

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I have bad news for you from 13 years ago


You do know there’s been high elves with dark skin in official lore well before these options opened up in game, right?

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You do know one lore character does not for a basis for customization make right?

You do know in blizzards very own lore book they’re stated to be fair skinned right?

You do know blood elves never had in-game dark skin tones until these options right?

It’s a wonder how blizzard can add things to the game for players to enjoy without having to really dig into it yeah?

No I found a comparable thread, that talks about revisiting worgen in general but does focus more on fur color but the OP seems to want core races like Worgen to be revisited.

I’m just not engaging with that thread based on what I need to overlook to show support.

I thought population didn’t matter?

Who cares? It’s a ridiculous argument to pretend that that even needs to be justified.


Then you can show the same support for the literal largest collection of worgen customization requests in one thread, regardless of what you think of 1, opinion.

Your support being this flimsy is already suspect my guy.

Again you may overlook these issues.

Other people do not, and I don’t really care what you you think is suspect, I think it’s just more on brand behavior from you of overlooking problematic things to push something you want. And I draw the line, or find other routes.

Oh sorry. Is that one more character from a hidden clan of elves who look just like him?

Or is he just one lore character?

Lore does. I know that’s a touchy subject for you.

Humans had varying skin tones from the start because that was planned.

Elves never had any for years until now and are factually stated to be of one shade in lore.

I’m glad that’s being expanded to include darker skin tones because it looks amazing on them but you can’t pretend it didn’t go against what Blizzard originally wrote, they’re allowed to go back and rethink things, for elves and Worgen.