Why so much hate over high elf options

There’s truth in this.

Even had Blizzard added High Elves as their own allied race to the Alliance, it wouldn’t have any significant effect on faction balance. The Horde already has pretty elves and a thriving endgame scene. What incentive is there to leave the Horde just to play pretty Alliance elves that look fairly similar if not identical to the ones they already have and lose their thriving endgame scene? None.

Will they make alts? Almost certainly. Will Horde players make Alliance their main? Not for pretty elves they won’t.


They did get less. Those are HUMAN customisations. Not worgen ones. They got just a few new skin colours and the eye colours (which, I’ll admit are good). Worgen got nothing new or shocking on the level of what tauren or trolls got

That’s like saying “Oh, you can use that one BElf appearance shifter toy to use BElf customisations so you don’t need any new customisations for the race you actually play”


Dude, I think it’s fair to say that, while I do appreciate those human customizations, those were for humans not worgen, and therefore I said worgen got ripped off compared to helves/belves/velves.

Do I need to repeat myself again?

Which is why allied races upsets me, I do want the alliance to get more players. And Aesthetics mean a lot to players, especially seeing how many play blood elf. And like you said, adding high elvish races on the alliance isn’t gonna get them to main alliance now when they have so much time invested into a character that looks almost identical to it on the horde. Subraces for the alliance doesn’t do anything for us pop wise. Our best bet would be a great looking core race for the alliance in the future if they ever decide to do core races again. And I hope to the gods they do. I’d kill for two new cities and races with in depth zones and backgrounds that allied races don’t get.

honestly no I don’t think its fair for you to say that at all.
Worgen came out best out of everyone.
Blood elves got hardly anything.

But let’s leave it there because I cant and won’t ever agree with you on this.

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I would say this assumes though BE players started Alliance that’s not always and probably not as common the case as you think.

If anything I’ve never played alliance until VEs came out, I liked being a former BE, I liked the void aspect, it wasn’t a huge jump for me to go from BE to VE, maybe that’s what Blizzard was trying to accomplish.

I do support the HE community and have, but I definitely think there is a shift in my view in terms of, one a lot of people’s anti BE rhetoric that is so twisted and like delusional is on my nerves like my last nerve has been hit. Two I don’t like the idea of lack of self awareness, people will really try to hold BE customization hostage in terms of “we want BEs to get more, but they need to give us XYZ for our complete HE package” and it’s like no, BE customization isn’t going to be held up by you, we got some jewelry and you got a second visual theme like please take a back seat momentarily, and that applies for VE fans too, too many HE fans “support” more void options after more HE options, and it’s like what gave you the idea you weren’t the one who’s going to wait like why are these other fandoms behind you who just jump skipped the line anyways.


pretty much yes. exactly this. people get sensitive when the other faction has what they have. even though in lore in makes perfect sense :roll_eyes:

wow a lot of people just started typing what did i do /hide

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You want people to play Alliance? Well, here’s something for you; it’s a fantasy massive multiplayer online role-playing game. -And you chose (lol) to role-play a human. I’ll just leave it at that. Many feel the same way :slight_smile:


Lol I feel like since you became a gnome I have less respect for you. Should be the other way around tbh


I never said-


I’m not doing this again.

I’m not sure a race can sway the population at this point. Even if it had OP racials (which anyone with any sense would expect to get nerfed at some point anyways). I honestly don’t know what would incentivize endgame progression minded players to hop back to Alliance… and keep them there, without also throwing the balance off again in the other direction.

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currently the feeling is very much mutual
We’ve clearly wound each other up
Lets cool off for a bit

Edit: i want to apologise for being combative with you. While I do stand by everything I said i could have phrased things differently and I didnt have to get annoyed by you holding a different opinion. I dont feel i was completely to blame in this but yeah, I was a jerk in the last message and I knew it.


In fairness, the new options they received were either options Blood Elves already had or that Blood Elves also received.

I think you guys forget that people have to play these characters.

The Nightborne Elves have virtually no customization options at all and their models and texture work are really awful. Someone is playing that character, and that really sucks for them. I just want people who play World of Warcraft to be happy, don’t you? I mean, there’s a line, obviously. The Void Elves are not the High Elves of the past and I don’t want to see High Elf paladins running around or anything, but it’s just a couple of hair colors that the twelve remaining alliance high elves probably had before Alleria voidified them anyway. I don’t understand the big deal. It has no affect on you whatsoever except that you feel a little less special or whatever.


you must be pretty boring irl if you shame people for playing humans in a fantasy game.

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I’ve been saying this forever. Like 1million reasons it should happen. But we have to keep playable races = on both sides.

And BE’s received nothing in return, why didn’t BE’s get a second visual theme? Do Undead skin tones for BE NPCs not also already exist?

Just because the work was easy to do for VE’s doesn’t mean it wasn’t a big deal / a lot.

Nightborne need more work, I think in terms of Allied Races they definitely should be first, but my stance is more so core races should be getting great customizations first like Blizzard had said and its like so many core races are let down, I’m just a BE fan so I’ll talk about their customizations a lot, also in terms of VE’s no other race has to deal with being exact parallels and on the opposing faction with the AR having now more to offer in terms of two visual themes, but overall I support core races having their time in the spotlight first, but Nightborne being first in terms of who I think needs AR work yes.

A lot of HE fans from what I have seen seem to think they take precedence over NB too by the way, so my argument isn’t really Blood Elves over everyone its, please redirect to core races Blizzard, and as a BE fan this is what I have issue with, (idk enough about the lack of stuff for races I don’t play so I figure those fans will speak for their favorites if that makes sense)


Completely agreed.

Make sure Worgen get some new stuff to them as worgen are the worst off of the classic races, give Pandaren something else as well, and we’re probably all good on the classic bunch. Then just, go directly at Nightbourne and once they’re in a good spot look at other races

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And belves got ripped off compared to nelves who got ripped off compared to humans.

We can all have a fight on who is the “worst off,” but why not have argue that both need more customization to come close to what the “maximum” is: humans, nelves, etc?

A race to the bottom has only losers.


What I’ll say in response to this post is:

  1. Thanks for being so reasonable and civil and
  2. Figuring out Blizzard’s priorities isn’t really our job and we have very little insight into how their development process works, especially right now (pandemic WFH life has really shuffled things around for everyone, and ease of implementation is likely a very large factor in how things are prioritized right now). Folks who are passionate about things that impact them ask for those things. Anyone who is arguing about who deserves work first is not worth arguing with because we have literally no knowledge of or control over those things.

Whether you do or do not support a development in WoW, talking about who deserves priority is a pointless discussion. If BEs need more stuff, they need more stuff. We can all need stuff.


They demanded High Elves, despite the fact that Blizzard said no multiple times, that Blood Elves were High Elves. And it 100% is what they’re asking for. You as a High Elf den want to be two flavor of Elves on the Alliance side when no other race in the game has that. Rather than give Void Elves this distinction, they’re now simply High Elves with Void option. You want twice the amount of customization to be allowed to be two “races”, essentially.

You’re really not seeing the irony here, are you?

You were given the six and you want sixteen. Some people will never be satisfied by average, they always ask for more.

You haven’t really helped the case of High Elves here, and really only further pointed out the various reasons why I really dislike the community and why Blizzard should have never even given you the inch in the form of Void Elves to begin with. It was a huge mistake, because no this will never end.


For me, the endless dress up game / eye color / lore arguments just comes off as a bunch of six year olds arguing about who’s dad can beat up who’s dad.

Not hate, just sick of it.

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