Why so much hate over high elf options

thats my biggest gripe as well
If void elves get the hair options, then why bother with blood elves any more?

You can get the same from a void elf and more because void elves are also void elves.

Its one thing to take the model of the hordes most popular race, but its another entirely to make the alliance version superior


I mean at the same time, I donā€™t want another alliance spot wasted on a race that looks exactly like a horde race. I want that unique new stuff.

yeah im for that
In my opinion I say helfers should have to chose between a blood elf and a voidy void elf

And then the alliance can get fun new stuff that actually adds to the game


I have no hate for 'em because I donā€™t really care about High Elf cosmetics. Iā€™m more concerned about the lack of Nightborne cosmetics!


I mean, to hypotheticise in a VElf-less world, Blizz has had BElves vs HElves as a thing ever since Wrath. Its why every single request is ā€œWe want WC2 High Elvesā€ which, coincidentally, is something BElves have moved away from aesthetically

The problem is, well, VElves happened instead and lead to our current mess

Iā€™d prefer storyline consistent stuff over new. VElves were a mistake. I do not want something like VElves ever again.

Give me Arakokra. Give me Jinyu. Give me something that makes sense and has been in the game previously. Do not throw your original character donut steel into the game as a brand new race and pretend I should be happy with it


I believe that a lot of the high elf demand comes from a misguided notion that they will gain back the players that they lost from blood elves being added to the game.

But the truth is, it wonā€™t. For people to come back to Alliance for a race, youā€™re gonna have to have blizz give you a truly unique race that a ton of the playerbase likes. The people playing blood elf right now have no reason to go back to the alliance for a race that looks exactly the same.

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Why would this be the scenario and not the Nathanos model?

Do you not notice how many (it really only seems to stem from Alliance HE fans and not all of them but enough to be annoying) but how many people still wonā€™t and canā€™t get over a WC2 delusion and actively ā€œarenā€™tā€ happy for Horde having Blood Elves? There is a sentiment I personally have seen from some where despite everything and having this victory for the HE community its still ā€œwell BEā€™s being Horde is still a mistake!ā€ and its like oh my god can you just enjoy your moment leave Blood Elves alone.

And I think in my opinion thats a lot of it, too many people have coupled the HE request for the Alliance with a bitterness towards Blood Elves, and its not a surprise to me now that Horde and Hordes most popular race with a large fan base of its own isnā€™t happy.

Also what have Blood Elves received in return? You have people like me who are happy but now I see a disparity, VEā€™s got an entire second visual theme, and BEā€™s got? An eye color? Some jewelry? It doesnā€™t sit well with me personally.


I said elves. I was talking about both blood elves and void elves, and both genders. I also said compared to other races. The worgen just got different colored eyes and the males got an ear option.

worgen got a ton of human options too
Worgen got more new stuff than the elves did

Oh yeah humans got a ton of customizations. I said worgen, didnā€™t I? I spend hardly any time in human form.


worgen have a human form
Human is part of being a worgen

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Thatā€™s really not the case. They wanted High Elves. They got Void Elves which did little to nothing to address their request. Now they are getting the skin tones which partially addresses their request. The hair is the last thing left to address the request to a reasonable degree.

Tattoos and scars are generic asks for any race. I donā€™t feel it fair to lump that in with ā€œthey keep asking for moreā€. I donā€™t see anyone complaining about other races asking for tattoos and scars. Why should Void Elves be held to a different standard? Also players do not have some sort of limit as to how many things they can ask for. The only limits are what the devs are willing and able to give, and when they can give them. Players ask for things, they get them, and then ask for new things. This is not exclusive to those seeking High Elves.

As far as Classes goā€¦ unfortunately there are going to be a few outliers asking for Paladins. But unless Blizzard bends their own lore over backwards to allow it, I wouldnā€™t expect it to ever happen. The same for Druids or Shaman or Demon Hunters. And frankly I donā€™t think any of those classes are necessary to fulfill the High Elf fantasy. Most Alliance High Elves seem to be Mages, Priests and Hunters if anything.

As to this comment because I see it touted often enough:

The whole ā€œgive an inch, they take a mileā€ is very appropriate for the High Elf community.

Iā€™ll simply reply with my own retort:

If I ask for 8 inches, but Iā€™ll be satisfied with 6 inches, and you only offer me one inch, Iā€™m going to keep asking for more inches until youā€™re able to hit my sweet spot. :smirk:


People sure are butthurt about some hair colors.

Uhhhh as a completely like, non-invested person who has never taken part in this debate hereā€™s what I think FWIW:

  • Blood Elves are High Elves
  • But, there are still thousands of High Elves loyal to the alliance
  • Before the addition of allied races, there wasnā€™t much of a reason to make alliance high elves playable because they were such a small part of the population. basically homeless refugees.
  • The addition of allied races made it much more reasonable
  • Void elves on the alliance seem to be essentially these refugees and maybe a few horde defectors
  • Alleria leads them and she does not look like a tentacle monster

Therefore I think it is completely reasonable for Void Elves to have more traditional styling options, including some blood elf ones.

Also, Void Elf is a dumb name. They should have just called themselves High Elves and allowed them to choose the weird appearances. That would have been pretty metal.


Yea, thatā€™s affected a lot of peopleā€™s perception on high elves as well. The average helfer you see going around is spouting off about Horde Bias TM with all doom and gloom trying to act like the alliance never gets anything. And when we do they try to twist it in a way that makes it a bad thing or compares it to some arbitrary thing the horde has to claim itā€™s not enough.


Not really. Alleria has kept her high elf looks. And she has gone more void than the void elves. She has taken in the essence of a void corrupt naaru.

Also with void elf lore not existent beyond we go find them on this rock on the edge of the void a fair skinned Void elf could just be a void elf that was saved who got there recently. They werenā€™t there long enough to go blue/purple.

No its not. Its a toggle-able thing that goes off in combat.

I agree, Worgen need far more customisations before we even look at the Allied races


Then why didnā€™t worgen get as many customizations as their human forms?

Yes, but that doesnā€™t mean we use it 24/7. Almost everyone who plays a worgen plays it for worgen, not for their human form. Only a Gilneas rper spends all their time in human form.


This is my issue as well and I would say I have seen what I felt was the biggest victory for the HE community and what I wished for them to have happened already which was lore for the wayfarers which the art directorā€™s comments on the options for both sides being for HEā€™s basically can be that lore connection I know people wanted.

Iā€™m very unhappy with what BEā€™s received in comparison, I feel VEā€™s got more meaningful options during core race customizations no less, and the HE community wants to ignore whatā€™s been done in respect to what they already have. To paraphrase a good analogy I saw the other day they want everyone to ā€œignoreā€ the fact they got 2 slices of pie, and want to focus on only talking about sharing the last piece of pie left out of respect for fairness while completely overlooking the fact they already had two slices.

Iā€™ve also seen a ā€œwe want more Void customizations tooā€¦ after more HE onesā€ Itā€™s like Blizzard gave them the aux cord for one song, and they keep playing their music not giving it back like, chill, I thought it was cute I liked the beat, but were moving on give the aux back.


The people asking for this would have better luck asking for all races to be able to play all classes then trying to ask for void elf pallies, DH, druids, shamans ect ect.

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I dont think its fair to say since those are options you personally donā€™t care about, that you got less than other races did.

There are lots of new customisation that I will never use but im not going to discredit them because its not my thing