Why so much hate over high elf options

This is bringing up flashbacks of the three years of high elf threads we had to endure. Horrible times… :sweat_smile: For some reason this topic always sparks waves of salt and controversy and more salt no matter what happens. Someone will always be displeased, what can you do?

Void elves have no ear size options. Night elves have some options, but hey are all still pretty big.

The blood elves short ear option was by far the best added into customizations.

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It’s not really hatred. I just want the Horde Elves to receive TLC too. I don’t think the Nightborne look that appealing. I made one not out of appeal (customization) but their story.

Need same treatment for the Elves on the Horde please. :slight_smile:

Well I mentioned several ways they could really bring alive the other races. For real tho I did. Like having Pandas become polar bears or grizzly bears. Supporter of Worgens getting their beloved tail. Undead rock out even harder with cool customization that make them look less human… list went on and on.

It seemed like only really cared for this race to have more customization. I would just like the Horde to be compensated with addressing Nightborne. If it’s World of Elves they want, then make sure it’s equal on each side.


See? We’re important enough that they can’t even fit our entire race in a single faction.

Well, one of them is earned the other…

To me, it’s less the effort and a lot more the appearance. While you have races like Goblins and Pandaren who got very limited decent new looks, the High Elf crowd once more is given something because nothing is ever enough for them. You see that in the comments still, them demanding more and more.

It probably didn’t take Blizzard long, but I find myself continuously frustrated that the loudest people on the forums can throw the biggest fits and still get rewarded for it.

Yes, I’m normally one on these forums that tried to stay calm and neutral. But there’s something about this 13 year long campaign getting more and more of what they want that frustrates me, and then seeing the same people cry that it isn’t enough.


Because they are always hungry for the center of attention even when blizz gives them what they want. And they’ve done some very interesting things over the years to people that disagreed with their stance like mass flagging brigades and attempted doxxing.


Unfortunately some on the pro-side don’t see the writing on the wall and are still asking for an Alliance High Elf allied race that is at its lowest point of likelihood to date.

It’s doubtful that the devs will add another Thalassian derivative at this point, especially since they seem to have shifted to consolidating customizations to core races (and Void Elves) to add derivatives of existing races rather than spread customizations thin by making more allied races. And frankly, it ends up being less work than allied races since they don’t have to make an unlock scenario or deal with balancing new racials.

With that said, I don’t think that there’s nothing wrong with asking for the last few things necessary to finish the High Elf aesthetic (some traditional hair colors, and perhaps a tentacle toggle for hair like the Night Elf vine toggle - which has the added benefit of adding tentacles to hairstyles without them!).


High Elf begging has subsequently caused thalassian elves to be one of the the biggest dramas causing people to hate all of em. That’s why.


Pretty much all of this! Trolls, Pandaren, Worgen, Goblins and the other Allied Races got next to nothing but you STILL have people crying that The Elves are being ignored. It’s annoying.


There’s no denying that, even if it took little time and effort, the skins being added to Void Elves has a huge visual impact.

But I don’t think it’s fair to say that nothing is ever enough for “the high elf crowd.” Had they been given High Elves instead of Void Elves they never asked for. The issue would have been done back in Legion. But that’s not the direction the devs went.

I honestly think the devs thought Void Elves being “cool” would make them more popular to players in general and to those seeking High Elves in particular. Obviously they were mistaken on the latter group, though Void Elves are certainly one of the most popular allied races out of the bunch.

I truly believe that once Void Elves get some traditional hair colors and perhaps a tentacle toggle and/or some new hairstyles to finish the High Elf aesthetic, that the High Elf issue will become white noise.

I’m not naive enough to think it will ever fully die, but I think most people seeking Alliance High Elves will be satisfied by being able to portray their High Elf through these new customization options to Void Elves. And with that satisfaction will come complacency. Which, if I am right, will mean we won’t see threads asking for High Elf things nearly as often or with as much support as we currently see.

There is such a thing as “enough” for those seeking playable Alliance High Elves. We’re almost there, the last hurdle are some hair colors and a few more hairstyle options. And those things don’t need to be copy/pasted from Blood Elves to fulfill the goal. I’m a known proponent of sharing the Kul Tiran hair textures and some Human hairstyles with Void Elves, both to answer the calls for the final touches for the High Elf aesthetic, and to maintain some distinction between Void Elves and Blood Elves. Example:

Void Elf male using Kul Tiran hair textures:


Void Elf male using Human hairstyles:


An example of distinction being preserved by going this route:



Only one faction has high elves canonically able to tap the sunwell without corrupting it.


because there are no horde eredar. if you gonna go and give the alliance a copy of a horde race. Gotta compromise.


Always remember, void elves are void elves. And will never be quel’dorei elves.


I’m actually a proponent of giving Man’ari Eredar to the Horde. I think if they were to ever become playable the Horde would be more willing to take them in than the Alliance would. But that’s just my opinion on the matter.


As someone who was big into the requesting High Elves as a thing? I’m still on my ‘Void Elves were a mistake and should have never been created, and I would be completely content if they were just removed from the game’ kick.

They were the blatant outlier of the original Allied Races and it turned out… People wanted things that existed in the games previously and they’d grown to love since WC2.


Basically it’s the sheer entitlement of the velf people - they got the belf model, plus new hair. Now they’re gonna be able to feed their creepy Legolas fixation, and it STILL isn’t enough for them. They must have more! Gimme gimme gimme!


Well at least your reasonable about it, I’m personally bias’d and just want a demonic race and wouldn’t care which one we got as long as it was one of em. But good to see you’re reasonable and are willing to give the horde a race that looks similar to one of the good ally races.

The fact that you are laying out “the last things we need” is proof enough as to why the High Elf community is so frustrating. They want so much more, they want two races in one, they want a near monopoly on customization all to play their Elf on the blue side.

Oh I think it is. They get their hair color, and they ask for tattoos. They get their tattoos, they demand more classes. They get all the classes, they want more lore. The sheer number of threads on this topic alone tells me there really is never enough for the crowd because they want the entire game for themselves.

I want to believe there are reasonable people in that community. But they’ve been drowned by 13 years of people throwing out words and reports, screaming until they’re blue in the face, and demanding they be the center of attention every expansion. And for what? A race that exists in the game, just not on the “right side.”

The Alliance should never have even received a Void Elf to begin with because it opened the can of worms. The whole “give an inch, they take a mile” is very appropriate for the High Elf community. It diluted the Horde race, a race that has been iconically Horde for 13 years, and somehow didn’t even slow the demands but caused them to pick up even more.

I disagree. Despite no lore support, there’s still no Paladins and so many want their perfect blonde hair, blue eyed, Alliance Paladin High Elf. There are demands for Shamans and Druids, for more customization than just what the Blood Elves have given, and it honestly will never end.

I’m sorry to be blunt and confrontational, but the community doesn’t understand that they aren’t owed the world just because Blizzard gave them the Elf model they want. But sadly they still act like it.

The irony in you sitting there still asking for more is exactly what I’m talking about, my friend. And why I hold the opinion that I do, even to someone who’s well spoken and mannered as yourself.


Understandable. Unfortunately once something like a race is implemented, it’s virtually unheard of to see it outright removed. And there are players out there who love Void Elves for what they are. Those players shouldn’t have their race removed.

Blizzard is making the best of the situation at hand (which of course was of their own making), and giving High Elf customization options to Void Elves so players seeking that fantasy have a way to play it out visually at the very least.