Idk I don’t see any more flags then usual.
Well you have to understand that 49% of the playerbase is super based super rightie players and the other 49% is super soft leftie furries…
So, if you are the 2% of just normal dude hanging on the forums and say something even remotely upsetting to either side you get suspended, banned, reported, flagged, etc etc.
Lotta snowflakes on here unfort.
there was a thread in here earlier today where someone was flagging post after post by one person.
NONE of the flagged posts violated any rule in here and the flaggers CLEARLY were using the flag as a downvote…or another flag bomb campaign that we get from time to time.
The forums say that downvoting for no reason is bannable… but 100% not true.
There simply isnt enough punishment for ppl who report for no reason.
I wonder if there could be a way to incentivize moderation. Certain people, could possible rotate, have the authority to move threads to appropriate forums or notice false flagging, things like that. Maybe with an in game incentive somehow. If people know who’s doing it then they could also “report” problems against them and a new one takes the place. It seems silly that someone would want a “job” but theres plenty of forum dwellers who are here most the time anyhow
im sensing a lot of passive aggressive energy here.
it needs to be someone who has ZERO interest in this game or the company.
Ive had to remove myself from the forums I own because if Im involved in the topics I cant stay objective.
There is clear evidence that someone on the team here isnt exactly at odds with the usual suspects on this forum. Its been obvious for over a year. That one SHOULD step down if they cant remain objective in performing their duties, if you ask me.
Find someone who doesnt care one way or another about the game, the topics about the game…the company…this forum…anything to do with any of it so they can HONESTLY look at what is going on when something gets flagged.
I dont know who that could be…possibly one of the disinterested wives/partners of an admin of this forum might be a good choice.
Someone trustworthy to do it but entirely removed so they can be unbiased.
Also the rules must remove trolling and innappropriate or this forum will NEVER get straightened out. Just begging to be abused.
kinda tough to judge in all honesty. youre not in the person’s head and cannot know if they flagged maliciously or not. it’s one of those things.
a good troll is subtle about it. just because you dont see the trolling doesnt mean it’s not trolling.
Weeeeeeee woooooooo weeeeeee woooooo.
Pull over, you are under arrest!
Sometimes the best trolls don’t even know themselves
Normal is like time, it is relative and only fixed in relation to things of considerable gravity around it. Even from one region to another in the same country what is “normal” or even legal can change.
I’ve been down that road, all that’s gonna happen is they’ll get mad your not vaccuuming or that there’s laundry, even if there’s enough clean clothes to go around… not that I’m speaking from experience or anything
Cuz folks cant handle someone with a differing opinion.
It is true. We’ve heard of people being banned for false flagging.
The issue is that it takes a while to establish a pattern of behavior first.
It’s because the downvote button was removed, and now the flag is the only option people have to disagree.
They need to bring back the downvote with the caveat that it doesn’t bury posts, so people can save the flags for the actually bad stuff.
but…that would be logical and rational…we cant have that on an interwebs forum, lol
I suspect MS will eventually pull this over into their “standard forums” software… Most of this will eventually be nuked anyway.
I remember when Blizz said why they removed the downvote button. They wanted people to use their words.
Clearly people are still incapable of that. lol
And turn it into a report system, remove the “flag” semantics. Because when people see “report” they tend to take it more seriously than “flag.”
Y’all wanted these people to use their words? Most of them don’t know what the vast majority of words even MEAN.
They constantly either make grade school grammatical mistakes or worse… use a wrong word entirely…
We’ve back slid to medieval/biblical levels of illiteracy. Studies show 45 million people in America alone as of 2022 or little over HALF can’t read better than a 5th grader.