Why so many FF14 topics?

And this.


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All you need to do to find this out is watch one the FF streams. It’s clear that the bulk of the content is linear storytelling, cut scenes, and text box dialog.

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yes you and all like…40/50 people liking the post you all agree on. which is less then a guild

Alternately, come here and post as directed and try to steer the game back into something you enjoy, personally. That’s pretty much the entire point of the forum.

I love the world, I love the game… but it has transformed into something unrecognizable. I want it to chart a course back to being something that I enjoy. Just saying, flatly, “Get out!” isn’t helpful for Blizzard nor the person leaving.

Bulk? You mean the story you go through one time and one time only? Sure…bulk…lol

ffxiv doesn’t have enough repeatable content I guess. so our forums take the place!


I think that’s fine! but there’s a big difference between people who are actively doing new content and wanting it improved to people who aren’t hate both the game and company.

rahovart doesnt raid, do pvp, and doesn’t want to do any form of solo content unless its made like FF when they pat you on the pat every step of the way.

I think that’s very damaging b/c wow has never truly been like that and they already can go play FF over wow. We dont need wow to turn into FF

Yes but thats almost ALL there is. Story after story after story. with pop ups and pats on the back and anime style storytelling where things just get MORE EPIC and POWERFUL.

Its boring and if it was really good you’d be on their forums praising it or playing it.

I don’t want to turn wow into FF. I want wow to go back to a time where the devs weren’t so restrictive in their design. You just refuse to acknowledge that anything is wrong with wow.

Coming from someone that doesn’t play FF. I DEFINITELY trust what you have to say…

Not “gatekeeping”, just talking about content. It seemed like you were conveniently ignoring content that didn’t fall in line with your argument so ofc I had to bring it up.
I don’t think “If it’s looks like a duck” applies here. By that logic I could say that Wow’s raids are glorified dungeons.
That’s how silly you’re being rn lol. There’s a level of similarity in both forms of content, but that doesn’t make them the same. There’s something different about both. With WoW’s raids, that difference is scale. With XIV’s raids, it’s difficulty.

Also, this is completely minor in comparison to the other complaints, but you keep talking about an overarching story too, but EX Trials have all had their own stories as well.

Idk. I’m not gonna pretend that Trials and raids are vastly different forms of content. There is a level of similarity there and a lot of overlap. But WoW has those same issues in certain forms of content. It’s not strictly an XIV issue.

Not the case whatsoever, but if that’s what you want to believe you’re free to do so.
Saying that is akin to saying that the bulk of WoW content is world quests.

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Or you know – I specifically didnt mention Ultimates because they are an entirely different thing. Which they usually are.

What raid is 5 man in current content? Like your “gotcha” comeback doesnt work because dungeons and raids dont work exactly the same mechanically.

Yet that’s the very thing that some players complain about ad nauseam.

My gaming experience over the past week:

FF14 on one monitor, a WoW toon sitting for hours upon hours waiting for Soundless to spawn for a 0.5% chance at a mount after waiting hours upon hours on the other monitor.

Guess which game I’m actively playing and having fun in?

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Mechanically they’re exactly the same. The only difference is the number of people and the scale of the instance lol. Just like the only difference between an XIV raid and trial is the number of mechanics and difficulty of said mechanics.

Still raids though.

Right, but do you truly believe that is the only content the game offers? Ofc that isn’t true. It’s a way of boiling things down to their most basic to make WoW look bad. And that’s what it feels like you’re doing with XIV, which is why I mentioned it.

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Wrong – Dungeons are 5 man. You cant say theyre mechanically the same if the core mechanic of the instance isnt the same.

Its why I specifically mentioned Normal Raids – going in terms of Savage Raids vs Extreme Trials.

Ultimates have no role in the discussion.

This discussion is getting very dishonest on your end – and its disappointing.

I have been enjoying bringing up this fun fact. The FF forums don’t want them it seems, there’s multiple posts asking the mods to put a stop to all the WoW bashing going on over there. So, I guess we are stuck with them til Blizz starts really enforcing their own ToS and not just moving the spam to off topic.


Agreed! It’s hard for me to go back to wearing gear from before WoD, so putting in a dye system would really open up my transmog options in WoW.

I think player housing districts would also be an easy win for casual content in WoW. Although if they could figure out a way to make it less exclusive then that’d be a nice improvement over FF’s current system.

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Lol. If you say so. Doesn’t change the fact that I could make the argument that WoW raids are just upscaled dungeons. You aren’t doing anything drastically different in raids that you don’t equally do in dungeons at a smaller scale. Scale is the difference.

If that feels like a stupid argument, it’s because it is. It was a hyperbolic, sarcastic point made to illustrate how silly your argument is. So if you think that argument is goofy and clearly not true? You’re right. But that’s exactly how I feel while you pretend difficulty doesn’t separate trials and raids

Agreed on both points. I think there is room to improve all around from both games, and that the competition is ultimately good for both, assuming they can learn from each other.


WoW does the endgame loot treadmill better than anyone else, but they could still stand to broaden their horizons and put more thought into other areas of the game. It’s gotten to the point where overthinking and reinventing that loot treadmill every two years has eroded all other facets of the game, and all that time spent tinkering with that structure is wasted when they throw it out for the next X.0 patch.

We’ve been spinning our tires since Legion tunneling in on those borrowed power systems, and those tires are about to blow out if we don’t ease up on the brakes and actually move forward.