Why so many FF14 topics?

Is the game good in any way compared to WoW ? We are seeing A LOT of topic about FF and the big boost in players they are getting + change in PVP to make it like WoW.

Can anyone tell me what’s the big fuss about the game ?


They’re (FFXIV) giving players what they want instead of focusing on esports (wow) and doubling down on their “”“VISION”"" (also wow).


If it were that good, the people making those topics would be playing it instead of making posts on the WoW forums or they would post on the FF 14 forums.


They just had their fan festival, an article came out quoting fairly suspect numbers off of a stats site, and there are an awful lot of bitter people around here.

FF14 is just the topic of the ‘time period’ for trying to rile people up.

Is it a good game? As far as this forum’s commentary and its more vocal complaints are concerned, probably not. I don’t think it’s a bad game by any stretch, but there is an awful lot to complain about, and would be by people here.


OP is just hopping between alts and posting threads about FF14. It’s the same guy.

Just let the thread die.


Or maybe…just maybe…in this day and age, people have access to the internet on their phones and post here when they can’t be playing other games for whatever reason.

NAH that CAN’T be it…


MUCH better than wow right now.


Why wouldn’t they post on a FF 14 forums?

If you like story that makes ample use of cutscenes and a fair bit of dialogue, then yeah you’ll probably enjoy it. The endgame exists and it’s fun, but there certainly aren’t any endless loops in it like there are in WoW. They focus more on additional side ventures/activities than they do on feeding into something like M+ and such. PvP, uh, exists. But that’s about all that you can say for it.

But if that doesn’t sound interesting to you then it’s probably a bad idea to switch over.

It’s a solid game. The base game is sort of a slog though. The real killer is the lack of addon support. That game needs a damage meter that isn’t a nightmare to use.

I’m trying it out now personally found it impossible to ignore no thanks to WoW forums and YouTube recommendations about “wow refugees” going to the game and well it’s sparked my curiosity made a myself a bunny girl or Viera to be more accurate

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You act as if multiple monitors is not a thing.

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Angry with this game? Angry the devs continue to turn a deaf ear to the players? Wanting the game they’ve played for coming up on two decades to be better? Just some thoughts.

Most people that post the angry stuff (not all) want wow to be better and it’s just not getting any better.


Edit: This made me chuckle. I didn’t know I could post pictures like this on the WoW forums :open_mouth: Isn’t that some sort of permission/rank thing?


Story wise. It’s not even a contest. FF14 has actual writers, not fan fiction trash.

Dungeon/raid encounter design is miles beyond WoW. So we’ll designed, that you don’t need DBM to tell what the boss is doing, combination of visual and audio cues will let you know what is happening. With a healthy variety of difficulties that allow everyone to participate, while still having a hard difficulty.

Class design, this goes to FF14 as well. Classes have been a total mess in WoW since they got mega pruned in WoD/legion

Crafting/gathering. An afterthought in WoW, its own progression experience in FF14.

And the biggest one of all: square/yoshi actually communicate with their players. Instead of the bald faced lies, or outright silence, that happen over here.


People bored and checking it out, which has caused the FF fanboys to think they’ve won or something. After June 29th, you won’t hear about FF anymore and their game will be back to being dead again. Lol


If FF 14 was that good, it would make people forget all about WoW. They wouldn’t be here posting everyday about FF 14.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Because people get off on the I’m better than you mentality. Also the more people that agree with them on their forum post the more Justified they feel in their decision on leaving wow. It makes them feel validated. Never read a Facebook post? Lol

Just because a better game comes along doesn’t mean you complete forget about a game you loved for 15 years.