Why so many FF14 topics?

WoD will always be bottom for being a punt. Id rather have bad expansions than one screwed over by mismanagement and loss of content over all.

At least the classes felt better in WoD than they did in BFA and SL. IMO of course.

Classes feeling great only goes as far as the content you have for them.

I think classes feeling better makes a lot of difference since it’s literally the “window through which you experience the world”. What little content there was it at least felt better to play through than all of BFA’s content.

I can like how a class feels – but if I have no content to play, then its pretty worthless in my eyes. What do I experience in the world with nothing to do? Again, WoD did good class design but the expansion is the worst ever made because they punted on content due to their mismanagement.

Like for how much I actively dislike BFA for all its flaws and shortcomings – atleast I had something to do in it.

I see what you’re saying but if the “something to do” just feels bad to do…then to me it’s kinda worthless.

I mean if a sub-based game doesnt offer anything to do, then why bother paying for it?

I mean if it was not a subscription game, I would agree with you. But if I am paying a monthly sub to play a game – I’d rather it be justified with content.

As long as 6.1 exists, that expansion will always be the worst bar none.

WoW sucks, FFXIV is supposedly very good.

Good reputation>Bad reputation.

There, you are now an educate.

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I think we should agree to disagree. I do see your points and they’re good points but I just don’t feel the same.

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I think we generally agree that both class and content are important, but differ at which is more important for the game (or in better terms, should take priority).

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Meh, I mean, play what you wanna play. I tried FF and didnt like it at all. Its all subjective. FF isnt for me. Story wise it seems interesting, but (at least for ME) its a lot of reading text walking here, getting this, coming back, rinse and repeat. It takes WAY to long to even get to do anything remotely fun. WOW for me always, bring on chains!!

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basically we are in a crazy content drought and ff14 is going off the high of one of the best expansions made, with a new expansion coming later this year

There’s this strange dichotomy of FFXIV proponents and detractors… I tend to straddle the middleground. FFXIV’s early is indeed an unforgivably boring slog, in narrative and gameplay both - you should not have to invest potentially hundreds of hours into the game before you get to the “good stuff.” At the same time, I acknowledge that there is indeed a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.

But I do not begrudge anyone who cannot invest the time and energy required to get there.

I totally agree with this. But at the same time, I personally didn’t give it a fair chance. I was like, when can I kill something Arrghh!

I’m way more pumped for when Riot releases their lol mmo. I love all the art and characters, so adding that to a lol mmo universe sounds sick. Of course, it’s so far off.

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Yeah, FFXIV is a game where you can play for literal months without killing a single thing, but still progressing your character in a variety of ways. That’s not for everyone, but it is a welcome departure for those that might be a little burned out on the increasingly frenetic pacing of WoW.

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Same here…I might give it another go at some point. I dont really have the time it wants me to invest in Im thinking lol. The map is another thing…imo its a hot mess and hard to read. I have a buddy who’s playing it and told me “Yeah it took me a few days to figure out how to read the map”. Ok, thats not for me …I dont have a few days to figure out a map so I can find a freakn slime to kill :rofl:

Eh, the map is pretty much inconsequential. Once you’ve unlocked the teleportation points, you just open the quest on the map, click on the nearest crystal, and it’ll bring you within seconds of flight time to the objective.


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Well it’s a really big MMORPG… it’s not difficult to put 2+2 together and figure out why it would occasionally come up in conversation on the boards of another really big MMORPG

lol this reply again. Always this reply. Because the 15 seconds it takes to make a topic really cuts into playtime… If you enjoy WoW, why aren’t you playing it instead of posting here? What’s the difference?

Also how did you know everyone who has posted about FF14 here don’t use the FF14 forums? That’s a neat (albeit kinda useless) super power

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