The difference is this is a WoW forums. I enjoy WoW so I’m posting on the WoW forums. If people enjoyed FF 14 , they would post on their forums instead of here. But for some reason, they’ve continued to post here.
I watched Preach stream a video of a group in FF14 doing a raid boss fight. It was the most confusing thing I’d ever seen in my life.
I mean they might be giving casuals what they want.
but if you want to do competitive raiding there is only world of Warcraft.
FFXIV has raids just as difficult or even slightly more difficult as wow’s mythic raid.
yeah right pull the other one I’ve played final fantasy.
Not my fault you have your head buried in the sand and clueless to anything that’s not wow.
I can’t wait to see the PvP crowd come back from FF14…
I tried that crap out for a day… dear god.
idk OP cause you made another thread about it?
I mean I heard the pvp is terrible, not to mention it has no good races to play as in my opinion
It’s awful. It’s probably the one time where you hear someone talk crap about it and it’s not in hyperbole. It is 100% an afterthought of the FF14 devs.
Cause they want everyone to be carebears while playing as weebs or weird looking non-anthromorphic animal races
Sorry just doesn’t appeal to me at all
One of the great things about 14. The devs don’t devote precious dev time to a side game.
I don’t think you’ll find many FF14 PvPers happy with PvP, although WoW PvP is nothing to brag about either.
Also been meaning to ask everyone…what’s the WoW equivalent to Gold Saucer?
Why does anyone feel the need to be justified for leaving WoW?
It’s a hobby. Nothing says you have to stay lol.
bunch of ff topics because it has more active players than wow retail currently, which is not a normal thing
and it led to streamers switching to ff14 because it is generating more revenue, which kinda helps domino the effect
I’m VERY happy 14 doesn’t bother much with pvp. It gives them time to craft a great pve experience.
I don’t think there is one honestly. Closest thing would be Darkmoon Faire maybe? But that only comes around once a month.
Well, there can’t be much gratification in going onto a FF forum and saying “WoW sucks!, FF is much better!”. Here, it seems to provide all the emotive sparkles that some seem to need.
Comparing Gold Saucer to DMF is like comparing a Rolls Royce to a Chevette.
True true. Sadly DMF is the closest thing to mini games wow has as far as I know.
During WoD I played FFXIV. It has some of the most perverted, (And I’m talking about the word Japan uses for “pervert”) plastic, dysfunctional, useless, townie, anal, humans playing the game I’ve ever seen in an MMORPG.
Think of FFXIV as one huge Moonguard, with a ton of pornshires. The only server that was decent there during the daytime only, was Gilgamesh. In my opinion, their raids, and dungeons can’t hold a candle to WoW’s. There are 100’s more problems with that game, and I’ll never ever step foot in it again. I came back to WoW kissing the ground.