Why so many blood elf rogues

them, worgen males, and gobbo females have my fave stealth animations

I kinda agree. They are very very well rendered ugly failure rogue corpses.

I was super impressed with the rendering and! Actually seeing rogues in a video

but when will we see goblins in HD rendering like that :pensive: hnhdg

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Blood Elf is best elf. I don’t want to be an ugly Goblin. Orcs look better in plate. Undead is second place.

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Eh, she should have been overly cautious and sent in the A team. The special forces, Tauren Rogue squad.


Oh My!! a few years ago this video came out and I think only a blood elf would work in it.

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It use to be the best race for melee, before arcane torrent was nerfed

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lol…what? Almost every underwater quest gives you underwater breathing of some sort, just an FYI.

To be honest though, female blood elves have probably the coolest stealth / resting stealth animations in the game.

Is her costume even in game that rogues can aquire? That “chest piece” if you can call it that looks cloth. Same with the hood. Also those thigh high socks… I can see why Varian liked her alot.

Sort of? She’s using the Red Mageweave legs, Tier 6.5 chest…I think Tier 2 rogue shoulders with the Mage Tier 5 hood. The daggers I think drop from Illidan. So you can’t fully transmog it, but you equip the bits and pieces of it for RP if you wanted to.

She is getting a model update in 8.2.5.

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Yeah…that updated model version of her. If rogues can get that armor I expect to see many little Valeeras running around.

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I really want her choker lol.

Was a joke hehe

I’ll be honest…it has nothing to do with their appearance for me, but I just love the females stealth. It’s perhaps lame, but I don’t play the rogue enough for it to ‘really’ be a big factor on race there either [not that I’m going to let racials make or break me here anyway-I’m going to play what I like in the end regardless].

Horde would be empty if they didn’t have blood elves. Regardless of racials

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I don’t know man goblins and undead are pretty cool

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Agreed. Goblin is my favorite horde race by far, but I think its true that if you removed blood elves there would be significantly less horde players. I also think that if you removed blood elf racials entirely there would still be a lot of people playing them

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Valeera is exactly why I made this toon. Just wish I could get a mog even close to hers.


Same thing, I made my belf rogue inspired by her.