For real, what am I missing out on? Crit but goblins have haste. Haste is better for assassination.
Orcs have stun and a mini lust similar to trolls but too big as a rogue. Sorry Garona.
Undead. I mean that underwater breathing…overpowered
For real, what am I missing out on? Crit but goblins have haste. Haste is better for assassination.
Orcs have stun and a mini lust similar to trolls but too big as a rogue. Sorry Garona.
Undead. I mean that underwater breathing…overpowered
For every BE rogue I’ve seen, I’ve seen 7 Mag’har Orcs. They aren’t as common to me as it is for you.
I think belves are played a lot in general
Because people tend to make wrong decisions.
Beautiful. Love the gear
Because the vast majority of people like to play the barbie doll pretty Horde race, rather than something cool like Goblins.
Gobbos have that haste. Very wanted rogue stat, right!?!
Arcane Torrent is still pretty nice, energy wise. Plus, female blood elves have the best stealth animation.
Better than a goblin!? Tip toes!
I’m sure this has a lot to do with it.
I’ll stick with my raven haired blood elf lady rogues, personally. They can keep the blonde ones.
Puny one. If i catch you I squash you. I may be big. I grow on the mean streets as a orphan. I know how to get around unseen. To get things done.
I think a lot of players just pick what they like and not what’s technically better, hahah. I have 2 goblin rogues because I really love goblins
my rogue is an orc. he looks so awesome in rogue gear. thinking about leveling an alliance panda rogue though because that’s the other race i really like for rogues. i had one for a while but i deleted him at like 25. will need to not do that this time. haha
It is actually true…
What is? That BE Females have the best stealth animation?
male orcs have the best imo. i don’t like male or female belf stealth animations.
Yea… no. Lovefool, you are simply wrong. Your opinion is just that, an opinion. Goblins having the best stealth animation is just an objective fact that does not in any way require me needing to back up that fact with evidence. Everybody just knows it’s true, even if they don’t admit to it.