Why so few Realms?

Upvote for the genius name.

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This is where early layering comes in, to get a general idea about player size and adjust accordingly :wink:

The solution doesn’t exist for a problem like this. But this isn’t a problem that needs a solution. And anyone who thinks it does is playing for the wrong reasons.

This game isn’t catered to modern players, it’s catered to the players of 15 years ago, hence the name “Classic”.

The 15-20year old battle royal modern gamers aren’t the market for Classic, it’s the 28-60 year old crew who are.

You know, the ones with patience.


Oceanic needs at least 2 PvP realms… very short sighted by blizzard

I am returning now with the soon release of classic and as someone who ended up on a low-med pop server back in the day I am almost positive I would prefer a sardine can to spending an hour minimum 90% of the time LFGing.

I would imagine a first indication will be the name reservations on Monday. If they get 3 million names reserved, we might see a few more servers pop up.

just like they did for Vanilla.

do ppl think every server was aroudn day 1 back then?

iirc some were added over a year after game was launched.

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If barrens is empty who will barrens chat?

For purposes of roleplay immersion, NPCs count, so high pop servers aren’t that different from low pop servers. It’s not like the PCs in Stormwind are any more interactive than the NPCs these days. I don’t like crowds, so I’m happier seeing two other people in the auction house than 20.

Maybe you could offer organized questing groups on nonraid nights so people could take advantage of the 25% azerite bonus. That ought to help with progression. I do agree that a low population is hard for raid recruitment, even aside from the fact that 50 parses are hard to come by on a server where most people prioritize PVP.

I’m not saying that low population servers are all roses; I’m just saying that some of us like them. They’re not all bad.

I also think that servers added later are at much greater risk of becoming low population than are day 1 servers, so it behooves Blizzard to try to get the number of servers right from the start.

I agree this will cause Classic PVE servers to die.

I don’t think it will cause Classic PVP servers to die. The PVP server end game is battlegrounds, not raiding. You don’t have to grind a high rank to be competitive in battlegrounds, although some amount of casual raiding is helpful.

What causes people to give up on PVP servers is the requirement to do PVE for gear. As long as they don’t have any expansions, people will have to do that less and less in classic, so Classic PVP servers have a chance of staying around indefinitely, assuming 1.12 was the right patch to pick - though they should really have picked 1.13, so that people could get their PVP gear just by doing enough battlegrounds.

I’m well aware. :slight_smile:

server 1, layer 564. home

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Because they don’t want to have dead realms in 3 months, and because the server technology exists and they don’t have to split them more than that.

Logic is never desired in any platform, tyvm.

Stick with the program, fellow sheep!

Streamer streamer streamer realm names sharding Brazilians sharding dead game #nochange asmongold 1.2 AV help me choose my main streamer [this] realm is not for streamers

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Classic will not fizzle down. It’s the perfect version of the game for pvp and role play. Raiders and mythic+ pvers won’t stay cause yea it’s easy.

However there’s millions of players who’s timeline and idea of fun doesnt line up farming mats then raiding , over and over.

Blizzard probably is sabotaging the hype with the few servers. What is the benefit to Blizzards investors when a 15 year old game, on the opposite end of the gameplay spectrum compared to BfA, has 5-6 times more subs then retail?

I think it’s fine to just let it be whatever it will be, I just think some people have unrealistic expectations of how popular it will be and for how long.

I do kind of hope it leads to something else though. Maybe rather than just going in some order like TBC+ etc, they could try what PoE does with their custom servers and if enough players sign on to start a new server, they can start one of any expansion they want + maybe some optional tweaks. Letting people play whatever version they want when they want would make that sub more appealing to a wider audience.

There’s a lot of misguided stereotyping going on here.

There are a great many 28-60 year olds who won’t be entertained by the long grinds in vanilla. In fact, you may find a lot of people in that age range value their time more than the younger crowd would. Vanilla was never respectful of people’s time.

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Do you ask yourself easy questions to sound like a genius? Yes.

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Do you really think blizzard hasn’t figured out the pop when doing stress testing and other factors? Doubtful there will be no where near 1 mil players. The realm list is being generous and imo from blizzard’s internal testing, I have faith that they’ll have contingency plans baked into the little realms they have listed.

TLDR: The servers are more than sufficient, probably overkill for what they have calculated. Have faith.

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