Why so few Realms?

This doesn’t bode well. I think the amount of people who are going to play Classic are going to be able to fill way more than just 11 realms. Why are they cramming us all into these realms?

The main thing about this is how will this work once layering is gone?

If Phase 2 comes, and there’s 1,000,000 players on Classic (conservative estimate) are you really telling me Blizzard plans to have 80,000 people crammed together on each server like a sardine can? Without layering?

This just seems really fishy to me. I think the chances of us seeing layering past Phase 1 just increased exponentially.


I really don’t think it will be as packed as people think. At first, yes, but there is gonna be a ton of drop off unfortunately. Do I want that? No. Am I being realistic? Yes.

And besides, if it does come to that, Blizzard can release more servers.


they are starting small, and layering till population falls off, then if demand adding more. this is to stop from having really low population realms.


It’s because they know there is no way to predict how many will join.

And they don’t want to risk merging. So they start small and add more servers as needed.


I bet if you tried you can come up with reasonable answers to all these questions yourself instead of attention seeking and knee jerking yourself onto the forums.

But I am guessing you just need a little attention. Its OK. I just pet you a little.


people that never have played classic will 1 enjoy it for 2… not enjoy it because the leveling - exp gain is brutal for some.

the hype train will die and a lot of people will drop like flies.

layers will fix that people as its 3 layers per server…that’s 30k per server if at max.


Either they add too many at the start and have to close some later, or they add too few and have to add more later.

Of the two choices, the latter is the better option. Closing servers, destroying communities, forcing renames, looking weak to investors… all bad things.


Clearly, Blizzard is expecting Classic to fail miserably, because that’s what usually happens with their stuff these days.

Personally, I think Classic will be exception to that rule, but then, I’m a big dumb cow, so what do I know.

/moo :cow:


No. It really is not a conservative estimate. It’s a wildly optimistic one.


I’ll raise you one better. I’ll bet you in December Classic will have over 2 million players. Remember this post. If I’m wrong you can come back and gloat. I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen though.


I’d rather have jam packed realms than barren empty ones


Given how bad your estimates are, I don’t care enough to come back and gloat about your inaccuracy.


It’s WAY easier to add more servers than it is to removed dead servers.

No other answer required.


But I am sure you taste good

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Suit yourself. I look forward to myself coming back to gloat when I am correct. Though I imagine by that point you probably won’t even be willing to come on the forums considering 80% of what you’ve been saying will have been proven wrong. Time will tell.


Here is the thing, this “drop off” thing that people keep talking about only happens to bad games. Vanilla wow, TBC, and Wrath, had no drop off, they had constant increases. FF14 currently does not have drop off, it has been growing for about a year straight.
Would people just stop assuming every game will have a drop off because a ton of bad games that no one wanted to stick around and play, had drop off?

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This few realms is really putting a damper on people who thought Classic was going to have 7 trillion people.

I’ve been saying for a long time that Classic isn’t even going to be a blip on the radar.

Here’s hoping I’m wrong.

There is going to be a drop off from all the retail tourists that will artificially bloat the servers for the first month or the first few weeks, that’s almost guaranteed.


I just thought of something. They say layering is to avoid dead servers later on down the road and to avoid server merges.

The fact that there will be some very low populated realms years from now is pretty much a given in my opinion. I believe there will of course be a massive surge at release and yes, that many tourists will leave. But I do feel they are underestimating the amount who will be playing three months from now, six months and even a year.

But, more than likely three to four years from now you know there will be dead realms. So what’s the point of layering again? Right now this character is on a dead realm in retail that is connected to another dead realm. Even with the two connected, it’s like a ghost town. They refuse to continue connecting realms but instead introduced the horrible tech of CRZ, sharding and now layering into Classic. All community breaking techs that even people from retail hate and complain about.

All games released in the last 10 years are now officially “Bad Games” then.