Why SHOULD the Alliance have faction pride?

  • We sure aren’t represented by anyone at Blizzard. We constantly get insulted by devs (something that frankly puzzles me, because you can only insult your player base so long before they leave…gasp, look at declining subs)
    It would be nice to know that someone at Blizzard has our back. Ion sure isn’t shy about his horde love and that causes trust issues on this side.
  • Our story is crafted after the horde, so regardless how you dress it up, the Alliance will always be a reactionary story. That basically relegates the Alliance to little more than horde NPCs.
  • Negligence to our faction has caused an almost terminal loss of talent. Things like MERC MODE are horrible, because it allows you to IGNORE a problem (long queues for horde) instead of FIX the problem (faction imbalance)


  • How about allowing that one closeted dev who is afraid to speak up because he mains Alliance some air time? Maybe allow him to sit with Ion instead of Josh, who has basically turned into Signourney Weaver’s character from Galaxy Quest and just repeats what the computer shows him? We KNOW Ion is representing the horde; what about someone representing the Alliance?
  • FIX THE IMBALANCE! Whether that means a 15% BG stats buff for the Alliance or free faction transfer to Alliance or free Alliance level boost to move some of that talent back to the Alliance, something drastic has to be done, because it looks like you’ve given up on the Alliance, replacing us with AI and trying to call it PvP.
  • STOP INSULTING YOUR CUSTOMERS AT BLIZZCON! Or, maybe spend the next ten Blizzcons belittling and insulting your horde customers. They seem to think it’s funny.

[Title edited by forum moderator. Forum moderator note: Calling out individual developers or the development team in your title or post is against our forum guidelines. Please focus on discussion of the feedback/suggestion in your thread.]


Play Horde =/


How about some serious suggestions?

Seriously, wouldn’t it be cool to see a dev who mains Alliance and is shown as a proud member of the Alliance the way Metzen and Ion do the horde?

There is no one at Blizzard who has our back. At least, not dev level or higher.


This is at least one of the real solutions.

Before Ion it was Metzen (who also voiced Thrall). They are very proud of their Horde. As far as I can tell, the Alliance is still around for game/story reasons, not because of any fondness from Blizzard.


Terran Gregory(head of the cinematic team) and Christie Golden(writer) are both diehard Alliance fans, with Terran having recently done an interview about Terror of Darkshore where he gushed at length about how much he loves night elves and how amazing they are.

It doesn’t matter how much you love something if you’re just a cog in the machine, especially when you can create a PR disaster over expressing that. Golden had her Twitter profile banner as something relating to Anduin, and she got spammed until eventually replacing it with a generic Horde banner.


The Horde were always favored by the players, ever since at Least Warcraft 2.
The first 2 games because of how goofy they were, but with 3 because they were the coolest faction with the best story.

Alliance actually getting any real lore wasn’t that much of a thing til’ sometime into WoW.
Because until WoW, they were very much ‘Stereotypical Medieval Fantasy Humans most series focus on due to lack of creativity to focus on a different race for once.’
Then WoW happened.

You want to know why? That’s why.


Faction transfer into preferably zugzug orc.


Well i don’t need the devs patting my back to have faction pride, this jokes on the alliance makes me cringe instead of annoy me or make me mad, it just seems like those men arguing how they sport club is better then the other.

However, you do have a point on the imbalance(does not affect me that much but i see how it can be a problem for some ppl) and especially the story writting, it’s getting old and tiring, the horde always doing evil things and the alliance having to react, it became a meme. That really takes some of my interest in the game.


Which is why the Horde player base was so tiny that the Horde was given Blood Elves specifically because of how few Horde players there were…



The Horde would be nothing without Blood Elves.


And yet we have actual in game lore says otherwise :thinking:


I understand you’re upset about some of the recent story decisions, but you should stop with this victim mentality.

A lot of devs, as well as ex-devs main Alliance. Despite what others are claiming, Chris Metzen mains an Alliance paladin (check his twitter if you don’t believe me). Christie is also a fan of the Alliance. Bashing the Alliance has been an ongoing thing at Blizzcon, it’s part of their culture.

They are also nerfing Horde racials in the upcoming patch, while giving Alliance incredibly strong ones (See: Dark Iron Dwarves). Any player who manages to find a guild, and raids on mythic seriously, also has a much higher, and easier path to the top 200.


I follow both on Twitter and sorry, I don’t get an Alliance pride feel. It’s always equal at best. (i.e., I love Anduin AND Sylvanas!) I do remember some of Golden’s pro-Thrall tweets though. She loves her some Green Jesus.

To make sure, I just tweeted both of them for clarification, but I’m talking about someone who is an unapologetic Alliance player. They don’t exist; or, if they do, it’s sure not anyone near dev level.


Because the horde players would cry if blizzard showed any support to us. It’s weird though, Because at the end of the day the alliance is always the faction that comes out on top lorewise. I think secretly some of the devs do prefer the alliance but they don’t want to risk making the horde fanboys (Who are EXTREMELY vocal) get mad.


I wish you and those like you would stop telling others how to post.

If you don’t like it, then don’t click on the link and move on.

Metzen may have mained a paladin but you’ve seen him at hordecon, right? Pro-horde all the way, even in this year’s Blizzcon. You can’t start your statement with “Sorry Alliance” and make me believe that is a person who is pro-Alliance.

Dark Iron Dwarves have been nerfed twice that I know of, so please…


I don’t know why anyone would favour the horde in the first place though. All the horde races (other than the Nightborne and blood elves) are pretty boring. Orcs are just stereotypical barbarians, Tauren aren’t remotely interesting with their basis off native american culture, Undead are ruined by Sylvanas, Trolls are sort of interesting i suppose, But the darkspear tribe is rather dull. The alliance lore is by far superior in every aspect in my opinion. Night elves have been a bit boring since the fall of the highborne, Though. Hate druids…


Ogre + bloodlust made Orcs stronger than Humans in WC2 which is why they were more popular.


You want to have a reason to have alliance pride? At least you haven’t had a leader become the enemy of the world. Hordies are working on Garrosh 2.0 so… EDIT: Also, Metzen, voice of green Jesus himself IS an alliance supporter. I’ve never been under the impression that the horde was favored in lore or story. They were just “cooler.”


Logically, They wouldn’t be since the humans employ gunpowder and gunpowder has always been the bane of unarmoured troops, And most of the horde infantry wears little to no armour.


Ion favors the Horde? That explains a lot.