Why say tendies?

Why are they called tenders? What is so tender about solid coins?

What if they aren’t actually solid?

Tender. It’s tender. Trader’s Tender.

AKA tendies.

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Cause its funnier to say

Also wow content creators coind th term and popularized

Who cares? Chicken nuggies are good

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If only you had an internet connection …

So “academic.” Is completely unaware of an immensely popular term, and upon discovery of a new topic … ignores it.

These “academic” studies, were they at mime college?

it reminds me of chicken tenders!

Every generation comes up with slang.

Why would anyone call something the bee’s knees when they could just say it was cool? Idk, but that was the slang back then.

Idk if bees even have knees.

Either way, every generation does it, just like every generation eventually becomes old and out of touch with the new generation.

You’re now at that “got dang youngsters turn down that racket!” Stage it seems.

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Same reason we called chicken nuggets chicken nuggies. Because its silly and fun. So tenders = tendies.

If you don’t like tendies, there are addon to change that. You could make it anything like Murloc’s ears or Kobold’s candles or even make it tender if you loved it.

My issue is it makes me think of chicken tendies, and that makes me hungry. so I am all for the stoppage of the term, tendies.

I can see you are attempting to be adversarial. I used my internet connection to ask the particular subculture directly about the use of a specific term in a specific context instead of a less context specific google search. And that’s somehow silly? And even if it was less optimal, which I’d contest, that doesn’t disprove my claim as being an academic. Only a fool thinks academics know much outside their given field or that they are equally rigorous in their research outside their area.

True. But not all slang is equal. Some disappears quickly and some has staying power.

I’m in my 30’s. I think this has less to do with age instead of not following a particular subculture. I’m younger than many who use twitch-speak on non-twitch spaces because I’ve never watched twitch much. The irony is that this forum is a subculture of a subculture and treats its particular vernacular as common knowledge. I asked this question much like I would if a doctor used a term I didn’t understand. I get “tendies” is a slang term rather than technical jargon but my aim is understanding in both cases. Lastly, I wondered if people were using “tendies” seriously or in a tongue in cheek manner mocking some reference I was unaware of.

Who is this “we”? The internet, a particular age group, a particular interest group, players of video games, players of this video game, or the small minority of WoW players who post on this particular forum?

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Agreed, “TTs” should be the new term.

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You sound so miserable and unfun

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Probably the same people that call dogs “doggos” and pups “puppers” Apparently it’s cute, but I just find it irritating.


Because it’s more enjoyable/fun to read and say than tendERS, it’s that simple.

Ok boomer.

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You’re saying it wrong:

It’s not boi…it’s BOI

I refer to them as blizzborg hum rangers myself