You are absolutely not in your 30s lmao, and if you hadn’t noticed in the last 60 years of your life, language is constantly evolving. Flash in the pan slang has literally existed for as long as humans.
Good news is you’ll be dead soon and the world growing without you won’t have to rustle your jimmies anymore, ya dig?
I am not the type of person that would use “Stan” other than as the name Stan. Or a lot of the newer slang - it doesn’t fit me. I am old school in many ways.
Some modern slang does sound irksome. Mean Girls had a funny scene about trying to make “fetch” work.
But I am fine with tendies. I might type the word in internet chat… but I don’t see myself uttering it in conversation, though. It reminds me of chicken tenders. Like chicken tenders, they are highly coveted.
You’re still too young to understand. You’ve that air of grumpiness that only comes with young age. Always serious, because you mentally can’t afford to let anyone see you being a tad bit silly at times.
When you get older, you’ll learn to be silly, too, because you’ll eventually learn that no one gets out of life alive, and by letting yourself be silly, you’ll enjoy what life you do have.
If you think people making jokes and being weird and silly is a new phenomena, this is the world’s oldest known joke and came from Samaria around 1900 BCE:
“Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”
That’s right! The world’s oldest joke is a 4000 year old fart joke.
“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act a little childish sometimes” - 4th Doctor
You sound judgmental and your writing indicates an inferior intellect. See how silly it is to make sweeping judgements about a person based on a few forum posts?
It bugs the crap out of me. It follows the trend of sounding like a child on purpose. It’s gross. But everyone has their own opinions, that’s just mine.
The internet is such a fun place. People will argue with you about your own age based on their interpretation of how you communicate. I’m 38 to be exact and it’s pretty small minded to assume every person should act a certain way based on their age. Do you assume every old person is crotchety and every young person is filled with wonder? That’s quite dumb honestly. People of all ages like, dislike, understand, don’t understand many things. Expand your mind.
This is a fair critique. Though not old, I trend towards cynical and grumpy.
Autocorrect got me on that one. Good catch. I meant to type intellect, not intelligence. Odd insult though. So I’m a feminine man because I make a scrivener’s error? Lol. Ok….
I was curious about that. Hence why I indicated I thought it was dumb but I wondered if it was mocking some reference I wasn’t aware of.
What is with people reading “upset” or anger into what I’m asking? Believe it or not, it’s possible to disagree or think something is dumb without getting angry. I’m not judging people if they are speaking in a manner I see as dumb. I do dumb and confusing stuff all the time.
Find any post where I’ve said I was angry or upset and I’ll concede. Just because you might have issues with hating everything you don’t agree with doesn’t mean I do. Have you missed the posts that pushed back on my view or educated me where I replied by thanking the poster? How does that mean I’m angry? Lastly, I can believe actions are dumb without thinking a person is dumb. I learned that kind of nuance long ago.
My bad on that one. I thought you actually thought I was a boomer rather than a millennial.
You do see the irony right? You’re the only one here assuming old people are inherently grumpy or that silly people must be young. Seems like you like stereotypes too much.