Why say tendies?

I for one am enjoying the fact that the current generation of toddlers are watching Bluey (Australian kids TV show) in America and picking up all our slang and s accents. That’s going to be funny in about 10-20 years.

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Ensign Tendy?

The moment any american calls mcdonald’s maccas I’m calling INS

You need to be more laid back, mate. No worries, we got you covered.

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Never. I will have high blood pressure. It’s my country’s birthright

Yeah nah you sound a bit mentally tuckered out mate.

You do know that i’m like only twenty percent serious right

I’m familiar with your illustrious body of work on these well respected forums :wink:

Gross I have a reputation

Howdy, bruh, let’s get some bussin’ grub at the maccas!

See this is why you all got sent to that island in the first place

Before I look it up i’m going to assume bussin is like great

Which would be wrong because McDonald’s is not good

Or El Tenderinos, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.


You know what I actually like tenderinos

Based on a quick google search on the origin of the term it seems to have first been used ten-ish years ago in offensive stuff on a well known and toxic imageboard, then it spread to an investment based subreddit, and since then it has become more widely used.

I know the first time I heard it used was with a MTG YouTuber saying “free tendies” to refer to “free money” that could be made from buying particular cards at the right time.

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It’s actually tolerable in Australia.
The difference between American fast food burgers and Australian fast food burgers is pretty stark.

I mean, they’re still fast food and not great but the meat is top notch.

kangaroo burgers

What we “could” call them

Chicken Tenders -jack in the box version of Mcnuggets
Tender Vittles - cat food discontinued in 2007
Tenderloins - A cut of meat from a muscle in a cow that does not get much exercise and is very tender, filet mignon comes from Tenderloin.

Or we could ask blizz to rename them, my pick would be : Obtainiums


Kangaroo burgers would probably be better than beef burgers, tbh.

It’s a pretty good meat, they’re not kept in farms and seems pretty decent from an environmental perspective.

Just a sense of humour, it would seem.

And I bet most of the people you associate with stopped playing video games in their 30’s (at the absolute latest), yet here you are, still rocking it. Wonder when you’ll grow up.

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Chicky Nuggies :yum: