Why say tendies?

You are really helping. Thank you. Boi is very much like saying boyz or some such. I kinda get it. However my experience was of teenagers talking this way, not people in their 30’s. When a teenager act silly, I don’t wonder why because it’s perfectly natural. We all were dumb in ways at that age. But most people I know grew out of the “trendy lingo phase” by their mid 20’s.

This entire thread just screams “boomer hates the youth because they do things differently,” and I am all for it. Tendies are here to stay bro and that’s just what it is :100: :100: :fire:


Find any post I’ve made here where I communicated hate rather than a premise something seems to me while seeking to see if my premise was wrong. It’s called a discussion. Many here have said things like hate, meltdown, etc. show me where is evidence that behavior.

Also, I’m in my 30’s and a millennial. Calling everything you don’t like “boomer” also seems silly to me. Quite hypocritical after claiming age based hate below.


It ain’t all bad.

Been plenty of instances where animals were saved thanks to 4chan.

Fair enough. Admittedly I don’t visit 4chan and I’m relaying on characterizations of what’s said there. But I take your point. Thanks for the correction.

Hey now. lets not get ableist here.


Can you not say “madness” or “crazy” now? If not, I’ll have a hard time with those adjustments.


I’m on Tumblr. I just stay in my lane. But I know 4chan ain’t all scary. But I know well enough to not poke the bear as they say.

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Nah that wasn’t it. It was you calling neurotypical people “normal” compared to neurodivergent.

Was just giving a little heads up that you might be sounding more rude than you might intend


That cringe is fire yo

Am I cool yet youths?

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Too true. I missed the neurodivergent portion of:

I wasn’t intending to mock neurodivergent people. Or any other group listed above. Madness might have been a poor choice of words. I should have landed on vitriol instead.

Thanks for the reply.

Edit: I see now. Above I said “why would any normal person perpetuate that madness” meaning 4chan. I meant “normal” more like a normal communicator rather that the vitriol typical of 4chan. I communicated that clumsily.

I think it’s not so much using the word mad, but after agreeing with a post that said “4chan memes feature disabled culture” you replied with:

Which could be interpreted as “so why would a normal person (non disabled) perpetuate that madness (common occurrence amongst neuro divergent people)” with the implication that being not normal is bad.

Using tendies is bad. And those people should be flogged


You’re probably right about twitch nonsense.

I’m pretty ok with most internet slang.

My line is when people start using twitch emote shorthand in places that aren’t twitch. (basically,for those unfamiliar, if you type a text shortcut, Eg. “pog” or something, twitch chat will substitute an image for your text. So it’s like trying to talk in real life with emojis.)

Twitch chat culture is bad enough, but saying “sadge” or whatever is as weird and jarring as hearing someone saying “lol” or “lmao” irl instead of actually laughing

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You know you like tendies!

Yeah. Good catch. See above.

I meant normal as “normal communicator in my experience”. Not normal like non-neurodivergent. I’ve probably been influenced by a stereotype of 4chan being full of toxic communicators which is apparently short sighted. So I believed 4chan was abnormally toxic. Thus causing me to think “normal” (read: non-toxic people) would avoid perpetuating 4chan lingo.

Again. I admit it was clumsy but it wasn’t malicious.

I mean, let’s be real here, I don’t see many of my peers in their 30’s saying “tendies”.

There are just words that hit my ear wrong. And then there are words that make me question your mental maturity.

And this is coming from a man child. But the whole uwu tendies nuggies stuff creeps me right out.

I don’t want a part of that. It’s not fair but I lump those types of in with waning a mother or father type as a lover… /shudder

In short, it’s one of the rare instances I Judge you unfairly

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If you mean chicken strips aka chicken tenders, then yes, I love them. They are delicious.

Me Too!