Nah, it’s cute no matter what.
Are you trying to be clever or am I missing something?
I mean, kinda makes sense when a dog is involved, dogs tend to have the intelligence of an infant to 3 year old human, they don’t really grasp your “words” so much as what the tone of what you say conveys.
Outside of a dog or other animal/sentient living thing with limited processing capability (see baby), it’s kinda just condescending and or odd…
Undies definitely sounds better
I bet this is a minority opinion outside this echo chamber we call a forum.
it’s cuz that’s what they are
Stop making fun of my chimken tendies, I am offend.
Is chimken also a thing or is that a typo?
Yuh what Fuzz said lol :3
Skrilla skrilla G hook a fam up with dem Tendies innit
Like kawaii isn’t a thing.
Get out more… this is a you problem.
I mean, what’s not to like?
Are you having a stroke?
sounds legit.
Ummmm, what is that? asking for a friend
Tendies has been around for years. You must be fun at parties.
like… have you like… watched like any like youtube video of like a person who like claims to like be an adult?
when adults sound like blithering idiots, i’d prefer to sound like a child, thanks
Why make pointless posts on the forums? Just so you can pontificate about how much more “mature” you seem to be? Yeesh
Tendies are delicious. That’s why.