Nerfing Era content by adding a new, easy to get buff, would mean all future runs are not comparable to past runs.
Henceforth we would be having 10% easier pve - whether one wants it or not.
Nerfing Era content by adding a new, easy to get buff, would mean all future runs are not comparable to past runs.
Henceforth we would be having 10% easier pve - whether one wants it or not.
No one is asking you to leave, play all you like. When you get bored and want something with changes, play the season.
What you’re doing is telling us to leave, since we won’t have the game we like any longer. You, on the other hand, will have two games… seems a bit selfish, no?
Oh? News to me.
so you want the game to stagnate and people to leave… seems selfish doesn’t it?
( we saw the boom after after the pvp changes so we know it helps)
People have been playing it since 2019, seems like it’s not the issue you are making it out to be pal.
pservers have been around since a bit before OG TBC iirc, and we can count OG vanilla.
People have been enjoying this game mode for 20 years.
ha you act like servers didnt go down to less than a dungeon team on TBC launch
guess what some of us didn’t leave and remember it, we remember having to go to 3-4 server before we found enough for even a ZG
So dont act like the playerbase is so stable
edit: where the hell where the purists then?
None of the versions are “stable” people take breaks. People play different versions. Era is alive and well.
I hear your server chocked full of changes had a dip in population too. Seems normal imo.
thank for admitting the era servers already have changes
if people want a museum this isn’t it
“Super low chance of getting ganked out there”
Must be a horde main
So because they’ve made blatant mistakes slipping on the slippery slope, your solution is to just then intentionally slide down the slope?
F that, #NoChanges
also how does a buff that you can click off effect you?
Because it just makes alliance raiding even easier and may encourage people to re-roll alliance, reducing my faction population and making it harder to find raids that don’t expect half my paycheck to get me any results. I don’t know about you but I have a full time job so re-rolling isn’t an option and I don’t pay 15$ a month to pay other people to level and gear my characters.
??? People have been, myself included, playing or wanting/asking for servers to play Vanilla since the game came out. I don’t think the game stagnates when the community inside of the game agrees “We like this 20 year old version of the game, and so we choose to play it as is”
Changes having been made to Era is not a valid reason or excuse to make more changes.
It does make you look silly for trying to be a “No Changes” puritan while ignoring the expansive list of changes made and full knowledge that their will be future changes.
I don’t think MOST era players are like this anymore but outright adding buffs like that is crazy behavior
They had an opportunity to give alliance rend while working on SOD. Simple quality of life change no different than the PVP revamp or Lost and Found vendor. Perfect example of changes that fall in line with their design goals with Classic Era. No Changes puritans will always rage at blizzard for making worth while updates to Classic Era. This time Blizzard got cold feet after a little backlash. No worries the community is making their voices heard now. We like Classic Era receiving love and attention by the devs. Keeps the servers running well and players happy.
That’s the problem, they made something for SoD and just dropped it into Era. MoS could be cool if it wasn’t just a leak from sharing the same client. PvP Revamp had EXTENSIVE community input (for blizzard’s track record, at least) and is one of the reasons people who don’t like it are willing to live with it.
It doesn’t but whatevs. I gave my reasons, which people can and will ignore to make stupid comments. It is what it is, I don’t need to justify myself to a bunch of clueless yahoos on the WoW forums.
Laughably, in some circles, Im not enough of a purist or a purist at all. There are those out there that think Blizz should have just used the Light Hopes Chapel vanilla emulator to recreate Classic because they want the old menus and every other wart.
I havent ignored them. I weighed them and made some decisions. I spoke out against the ones I didn’t like (chrono - pvp), talked about the ones that I was indifferent too (removing class restrictions on reputation pvp gear) and the ones I was in favor of (Shift M, graphical enhancements).
You mean like the ones that just got reversed because that was the right thing to do? Looks like future changes are not exactly guaranteed and if any more present themselves I will do what Ive done every time - decide if its time to quit or if the changes make some kind of sense and can be endured.
I agree, don’t let the classic purest bully you.
super based take.
It’s like the slippery-slope deniers are unironically advocating for less friction on the slope while trying to deny that it’s slippery.