Why Remove Might of Stormwind from Era?

I’ll be there too, you can come say hi at any time. And hey, maybe blizzard can come say hi and talk with us? (this isnt a threat I’m just reiterating they need to communicate with players more).

I’m quite alright without it, just mad i’m going to be stuck listening to the warriors complain about their caps failing for months, get burned out in major part because of this buff, and leave again.

i was looking forward to the mana regen aspect for a few longer fights (KT mostly) and to test out a few spec with mana issues like arcane mage and shadow priest easier.

I get that. I have an arcane mage myself that has… so much mp5 gear.

That’s partly why i was going to offer, I know it can be hard to ask people for help with rends when warrs/rogues squeak louder.

I just don’t want MoS to come as a SoD leak, and then ignore the horde issues with rend like it being tied to a raid attune. Blizzard really just needed to tell us ‘‘we’re experimenting with MoS in SoD and would be interested in hearing era player’s thoughts on implementing it’’. Similar to the PvP system.

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I don’t support might of stormwind

You want changes…go play SOD

Era realm needs to be no changes…


i know the big thing that rubbed me the wrong way is they acted like it was intentional and then 6 days later say they “listened to feedback” and removed it.

They apologized for not saying anything beforehand about adding it, and then removed it without saying anything beforehand.

lessons where not learned, the devs burned a percent of the playerbase, and the ones whom got their way just keep repeating “go play SoD” or “no changes”. (perfect example above)

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Yeah I’m very hesitant about the ‘‘lesson learned’’ they said, they really downplayed the communication in favour of hyping era’s ‘‘uniqueness’’. No, blizz, the biggest flaw is stealth dropping it on people, now no one wins, you keep it in and people quit, you remove it people quit.


While I agree with both you above, I think overall I am glad that blizzard did communicate today and they are taking steps to improve the overall experience of Era.

Whether we agree or disagree on specific changes, that feels a positive direction and I was happy to give a like to their blue post.

I put a like on it too because they did listen to the player base on this one. The original thread on the changes only still has 27 likes and the post saying “Nobody liked this” right underneath has 212 likes.

There was a ton of pushback on those five changes on these forums and pretty much everywhere else.

It was nice to see some ownership from the devs, but overall I agree.

Although I don’t know how many people will actually quit because they can’t live without something they didn’t even have just over a week ago - yet still played, never asked for prior, and 95% of the time, never expressed their appreciation for either.


Does warcraftlogs not have enough data? If it doesn’t then no one does and we’re just arguing about whose dad can beat up the other.

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Don’t like it, don’t play it.
I don’t like the content in retail or seasonal. Guess what, I don’t ask for changes there, I choose another version to play. A version that players like you want to eliminate. Era is there for those of us who like an old style grindy RPG. Seasons are there for those who want changes. Advocate for the changes that you like there.
Hands off Era please.

If you had posted the complete sentence, you’d realise that it was a generalization. One that we hear all the time, which led to the increase of difficulty in SoM.


Alliance players begged for Classic knowing full well there was no such buff for them in the game.

Alliance players begged for #NoChanges knowing full well there was no such buff for them in the game.

I don’t understand why they felt like this was necessary and I’m glad it’s gone. If you can’t play the game without that buff then roll Horde. Maybe it sucks, maybe it’s bad, maybe it’s unfair, and maybe it’s wrong, but that’s the way it is. Adapt.


Certainly is not WCB being a horde WB, but the allies always seem to forget about Salv…

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The only clowns asking for StormRend are the dude with literally 5Naxx warriors lined up in a row in SW city because he spends too much time collecting WB’s and cries about it now that he got to touch grass for the first time since 2019.

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That’s the entire point. WCB is supposed to be Horde only, but Alliance were still allowed to get it in classic if they put in the effort.

Tired of putting in the effort on your alliance character? Then too bad so sad, you don’t get the buff then and will have to settle for raiding without it.


“How is alliance getting an edge”

Places a Blessing on the party member, reducing the amount of all threat generated by 30% for 5 min. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Seems pretty massive to me. Totems might be nice, but they don’t outright make tanking 30% easier by default, if anything, they may make it harder.

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players who have not PVE’d as horde don’t understand, and you cant help them understand until they are forced to throttle their DPS.

for one, a revolving pre-tbc event.

There are items that only very few people who were around for the pre-patch event have. Anybody that started playing after SoM never got a chance at any of the items for that event.

Some like the +AP against undead trinket are really strong and Era raiders have been asking for a the invasion event to come around at least once a year.

Secondly, a propper gold sink to combat the crazy inflation in Era.

Most serious era raiders have way more many than they know what to do with and alot of them have praised the chineese solution of having world buff vendors with hefty prices act as gold sinks.

See, my man gets it :crown: :handshake: :crown:

Even though I’m not agree with the poster, but I’ll say if you need every edge in raid that alliance has to crush a 20 y.o game then get good.

Let’s be honest, alliance does have kings and salv which are amazing buffs

At same token shaman totems are also very good with the fact windfury is broken for warriors and at high end game play the absence of salv is not massive when you can brez players or stack your tank group with all the damage improvements for your tank

Bring back stormrend, and how about check the replies to the blue post, there is over a 1000 replies about them taking stormrend away but last week the fourm thread only had 300 replies over a full week

More people are pissed that stormrend was taken away than players salty alliance got rend there is already a change poll with over 300 signatures to bring it back

Blizzard should revert the revert and keep stormrend instead of listening to a vocal minority which is how prohibition happened lol

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