It would be a lot less work for everyone if they just nerfed all the bosses by 10%, which basically same as ally rend all the time.
Would that be a good change?
It would be a lot less work for everyone if they just nerfed all the bosses by 10%, which basically same as ally rend all the time.
Would that be a good change?
Exactly this. If these purists are so adamant on these changes being reverted then do so with every change since 2019 release and even arguably BETA early 2019.
After the revert purists are being hypocrites right now XD
I could say the same thing about the pre 1.12 talent trees and yet people didn’t demand those despite “no changes”
the alliance is going to get rend its just a matter of how easily they can get it
I don’t think we’re on the same side. I think all changes from 2019’s version of classic should be reverted and anything that is actively differing from the original work should be altered to become more like the original game as closely as possible excluding technological limitations via using new software/hardware of 2024.
edit: also continuing to keep accessibility options for people who are disabled should remain in the game, of course, because accessibility goes before authenticity in my mind as a disabled person. So things like the new options and easier changes to UI elements I think should stay even though they’re slightly different than they used to be. (This isn’t about the Guild UI but specifically things like upscaling UI in the settings above 100%)
Yeah, and chonoboon as well as pvp changes.
I think it would be fine to revert it all, though I am not perticually passionate about it. Same with the ally rend, I don’t care that much that they added it.
But I see it as a blanket pve nerf that makes the content easier. Which isn’t a huge deal but it will devalue naxx and make it more accessible.
Which is cool, but also makes each item from naxx equally less cool.
Same thing happened with the removal of decay in pvp. Pvp gear is more accessible and still dope, but it is a bit less cool than it was before.
Now they have to go back to that
You’re acting like this change was live for more than 6 days. You do not need a second account either, anyone who’s spent 2 minutes on era would see the constant spamming of people selling rend.
During Classic’s development people 100% did. Many wanted progressive patches starting with 1.0
Hypocrite: a word often used by ignorant folk who don’t understand nuance.
This. A lot of people who bring out the argument “people didn’t complain about x y z” actually weren’t there to see if people were or just conveniently forget that people were still no-changes in 2019… It’s mind boggling.
then you aren’t raiding because 1/2 the alliance raids gets it anyways with mind controls, again all it did was remove 3 long steps or people throwing money at the game to buy the buff
they were but only for certain things, but again you point it out and they get snarky
they cried for chrono boon but again had no issue with the talent changes 3 patches too soon
They cried/cry about the GDKP but then yell at the community trying to prevent the gold meta the supports it
who is “they”? You seem to believe that one group are some sort of collective team fighting for a united cause. There WERE people who didn’t want chronoboon- I was on hiatus from classic when that decision was being considered but I 100% would have been against it. You’re just saying things that I feel like you’re coming up with off the top of your head (?) Who cried for chronoboon and why are they now the same people who don’t want it? Source please
You cant want no changes and be wishy washy on what stays or goes.
That is the whole point. So if you dont believe in strict no changes then you’re part of the hypocrites who want rend back. Because you want some Ui elements to stay.
Petitions going on for the guild panel to be reverted as well but bring back game changing elements like a new weapon for druid and alliance rend lol…
I stopped listening at the ableism. That’s not relevant in this discussion.
They are welcome to remove all the non Vanilla crap that was added in my opinion. They can also put the original unarmored mounts back in as well.
That’s completely o you if you feel you must have this buff. I’m curious, why do players feel they need to have all of this, while claiming that the game is too easy…
Psychachi is not a reasonable person.
with horde alts ready to gank you right after taking ur gold and posting on lost buffs rock apes disc?!?
nice! have fun with that m8!
For all the dummies comparing stormrend to SOD… give your heads a shake. What is wrong with your brain that you think those are the same things?
If I were to guess the average number of raiders with rend on alliance in the raids:
Adding 31 rends on average to naxx raids on Era will make it a lot easier for many groups to clear that currently struggle.
I’m not complaining either way, but I do think it is a sizeable pve nerf. I am not sure that is good for the long term health of the game.
In reference to your comments on buffs: No changes to the game just to counter player behavior. If it was possible then, it should be possible now. If it wasn’t possible then, it shouldn’t be possible now.
In reference to your comments on chronoboons: They were not in vanilla, that is correct. I’d rather chronoboons were removed than leave the door open to further change proposals by people using this as justification for more changes. Go ahead and get rid of them.