Why Remove Might of Stormwind from Era?

Just play SOD… leave classic to the andys


Just remove all world buffs solves the problem, makes the game a bit harder which we need


It was more common than you realize.

no we have to be mind control at the time the buff drops to get it and in the right area

We get paladin blessings, you get shaman totems. How is alliance getting an “edge”?

Have you considered Blessing of Kings? Tremor and Poison Cleanse are amazing, but Kings is unbeatable. Plus it isn’t locked to group-only.


Heard of windfury totem? its the best thing for melee in the game.

And in order to get windfury totem you have to give up Prayer of Healing effectiveness, which greatly reduces your aoe healing throughput.

LOL?? chain heal???

Oh. Well that sucks.

Chain heal does not provide anywhere near the on-demand aoe healing PoH does.

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Honestly, I think we’d just go back to raid logging. Like, it was such a night and day change when they introduced the boon, I remember it vividly. I would really hate to go back to that. Era already is in a population lull right now and it can be tough to find groups for content, that would make it harder.

Heh, instead of removing boons for 6 months as an experiment, maybe they should just remove world buffs outright for 6 months :stuck_out_tongue:

100% wrong they literally spam it and top heals

They spam it yes, that’s not on-demand aoe healing is it? That’s spamming. lol

I wouldn’t say common. You can look at top guilds from the day as their content videos are still up, Death and Taxes for example still has videos on youtube, guilds like Death and Taxes, Nihilum, and Risen completed Naxx without a single world buff on their KT kills. Was it something people did? Rarely, but it did happen and wasn’t common.

The guild I was in downed KT and all previous content never even considering a world buff, let alone all of them and we did it. Can’t say say we noticed any other guilds on our server either do it either.


It heals anyone that needs to be healed raid wide if they target someone outside of their party. Easiest heals in the game.

Yeah the smart heals is dumb and really strong, but there is still the issue of buffs being group locked, thus needing to sacrifice group comp to have a shaman in each group, needing enough shamans to provide totems on specific encounters, and having a 30 yard range.

Paladins apply a blessing and its done. You can put them in the Atiesh group and crit for endless mana.

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“Why remove a major gameplay change to Era that was introduced without any sort of notice at all”

Maybe because this is Era and any changes need to be:

  1. Extremely important for the sustained population in this game
  2. Extremely minimal in that it affects gameplay almost not at all.

This new change was both not important, and a major balance change to the world buff meta. Doesn’t belong in Era, sorry SoD babies. I don’t care if you play SoD or not, if you’re demanding they add this back in, you’re a SoD baby and should stick to your own servers.


You can argue all you want about this and that but at the end of the day the logs don’t lie. Top DPS is Alliance. Top healing is Alliance. Fastest clears are Alliance. Argue until you’re blue in the face but the data tells us that Alliance have an advantage.



thats why people liked the change, most raiders had a second account to MC themselves for buff or were buying them from others. Now they have to go back to that