Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

Growl is a hell of an ability.

Also, I can’t really take the premise seriously from a low level alt named Supertroll. /shrug

The idea that tanks shouldn’t instantly have perfect threat is a retail mentality that doesn’t apply to classic.

It absolutely applies to Classic.

I encourage you to seek out better tanks and experience it for yourself. Once you’ve had a tank where you don’t have to hold back, you’ll never be satisfied with anything less ever again.

Edit: your wording is a little strange. “shouldn’t instantly have perfect threat?”

At least I’m a good enough tank to know my weaknesses.

Oh, I am, too. AoE threat in particular is especially challenging as a Bear due to the lack of Battle Shout and Swipe being limited to three targets.

But I excel in single target threat.

If you can’t make your point without resorting to insults, I’ll be ignoring you from now on.


Again, lol.


OP if you cannot handle constructive criticism you should probably avoid activities that have the opportunity for the criticism to be given to you. One thing I can say is that the 1st guild wanted you to better yourself, you were unwilling to do so, that is a you problem.


You haven’t made a single point this whole discussion other then, “but I do herpaderpa.”

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You should probably stop blaming tanks for your wipesif you don’t understand how threat works in classic.

Tanks don’t just walk up to a mob hit it once again have unpassable threat in classic.

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Second guild did, too, from the sounds of it.

OP is just lazy and doesn’t want to put in any effort.

I said it’s the tank’s fault if they lose aggro. I didn’t say it’s always a tank’s fault if a wipe happens. Pay attention.

They basically can, actually. Maul in particular has a 2.61x damage-to-threat multiplier. With world buffs and consumes, my maul hits upwards of 1300.

I can Maul every 1.6 seconds. That alone is 125k threat per minute, or almost 2,100 TPS. Good luck beating that when almost every class has a 0.8x threat multiplier built into their class, if not more, and any class that doesn’t have that can’t do nearly enough damage to beat 2.1k TPS.

Granted, I don’t always crit, nor even always land the Maul, but that’s supplemented by Faerie Fire and Swipe, and the same goes for casters (resists) and melee (dodges).

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And I said it’s the DPS’s fault if they pull agro, ever.

That is 100% the fault of dps not paying attention to a threat meter.


Uh huh. Stay casual, friend.

The only time I’m inclined to agree is vulnerabilities on Chromaggus, and that’s only if you don’t know it’s a Time Lapse week and if your vulnerability is the first one.

Aside from that, I can’t think of any situation where the DPS holding back couldn’t be solved by having a tank do more threat.


Tanks do a finite amount of threat. Once again this isn’t retail where tanks ooze threat out of every pore.

Can DPS take it up with the tank if they feel they should be going harder, maybe, is it still the DPS’s fault if they pull threat because they’re not watching the meters, yes.

And that’s only on tank and spank fights, on fights with agro drops or tanks swaps for some reason DPS need to not only stay behind the MT but also any secondary tanks.

Per second, you mean? Sure.

So do DPS.

Tanks’ TPS ceiling is vastly higher than a DPS’ TPS ceiling.

They should never – or at the very least, VERY rarely – have to watch the threat meter.

With a decent tank, you can go full mongo and never pull aggro.

Off-tanks can generate more than enough threat to exceed the DPS on fights like that, trust me.

No one is saying dps can’t go ham, but pulling aggro on fights that wipe the raid is completely avoidable.

But if they do it’s the DPS’s fault.

Sometimes, sometimes not. Either way it’s the DPS’s responsibility to watch their threat.

Yes. But there is overlap, and RNG comes into play. I have some logs where my miss rate on shadowbolt is over 50%. It’s infuriating because it’s so far outside the expected rate, but it happens. The same with my Warrior when I’m tanking. I’ll have some times where the boss seems to have equipped 30 extra counter attack lodestones because for the first 10 seconds I’ll land maybe one hit :angry:. Or on my druid where I’m buffed, specced imp regrowth, so I should be critting like 80-85% of my regrowth, then I dont crit 7 in a row.

The vast majority of the time, This bad RNG is not an issue. But if it happens in the first 10 seconds or so of a pull, it can be a fight changer.

if your tank has warchiefs, ony, zg, fengus, songflower, yes you should never have issues with threat. especially as a feral and i’m assuming you bring 10 MCP’s with you.

i have always found it funny that people prefer inferior TPS tanks for more mitigation, making an easy job healing even easier, and throttling your raid’s performance level for no reason. this is 2020, no dps should be threatcapped. if you are, find a new guild.

also omegalul at the OP. Have fun pugging BWL for the rest of classic


This really feels like a half truth. To me its very telling when a person blames things like logs. Logs are nothing more than a tool, and in the right hands can be used to improve. People who are against logs are just people who dont want to pull their weight and want to be rewarded for it.If you dont want to use logs then fine, find a more casual guild that fits your style and clear BWL in 4hrs with a group you enjoy more. That is perfectly fine if thats what you want. But in no way shape or form are 39 other people expected to conform to the 1 that doesnt agree with their stance.

Also no amount of gear is improving ret enough to merit their existence. Its nothing you as a player did wrong. Blizzard did you no favors. As for your Hpal, logs for healers are very different than DPS logs, but if they see the other healers are exhausting themselves and you arent doing anything then yeah, theyre gonna come talk to you. Doesnt matter if ppl arent dying if you arent pulling your weight.