Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

And why is everybody not in the top 2% if it’s that easy?

Shouldn’t everybody be orange parsing?


Because not everyone is going to get every world buff, flask, elixir, food, etc. for every raid?

Flasks alone are going to be 400g.

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What is weird is that this issue is 100% player driven and could be eradicated in a moment. Players today are not the same people who played 15 years ago. I play with a few who I met in wow from 04 and we do not have this mentality but we are also not pushing content from a 15 year old game lol I play games to have fun and if that means in not the top 1% then o well i guess? I understand why Parse exists as there needs to be a way (These days) for players to distinguish how good someone is. Every game has stats others can look at. I remember everyone just sitting down and playing Fighting games for fun or breaking out N64 goldeneye just for a laugh using slappers. Nobody took it too seriously. Its more the players today wanting to be “Competitive” whatever that means to them. Not 100% my cup of tea but I know why they want to be “Better” than someone else.

Lotus are 150g.

So your essentially answering your own question.

The people who parse are the people who invest and go that extra mile.

So the difference between me and a green parser is massive, I take the time to world buff and use consumes, the other guy doesn’t.

If we both apped to a guild who do you think they would take?? The guy who doesn’t care about performing well or the guy who performs well and tries to perform well by going that extra distance??

There are plenty of differences on people who parse bad VS the people who parse well. It’s more than spamming 1 button. Much, much more.

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That’s your guild reviewing logs, or some rando reviewing logs. The whole log data thing is handy, its a tool but some people have taken things WAY out of the scope of practice and forget that some things that atribute DPS value to their “parse” are not actually their damage, its the contribution made by another players buff or debuff.

Example if you are a Paladin and you put Blessing of Might on the warriors and rogues, really the damage they do because of your Blessing of Might in reality should be recorded as your DPS, not theirs. This is a WarCraft Logs failure not yours.

Sunder armor, Blessing of kings, Mark of the Wild, Leader of the pack, True shot Aura, etc, etc, etc. These buffs should be considerd the power factor of the player who buffed it, not the delivery mechanism player.

This is why I consider parses a tool, not anything more because if you start looking at all those things, how good is your DPS really?

The point is no one should care. People in blues are doing more dps than people in Naxx gear back in vanilla. If the guy who isn’t wasting hundreds of gold every reset for dumb parses is still performing and not causing wipes, there’s no reason to take the try hard instead. Unless you’re in some uber hardcore guild for some reason.

You’re not doing anything special except flexing on the dps meters to feel good.


I don’t understand this. If Retribution Paladins are that bad why did they allow you to raid with them in the first place?

Your level of play is not everyone else’s level of play. Your level of participation is not everyone else’s level of participation.

Your opinion on flasking and using consumes also isn’t everyone else’s opinion. Just because you choose not to try on your character doesn’t give you the right to try to make what other people do meaningless just because they’re trying and you’re not.

My guilds not even good, but I’d still flask and use full consumes no matter what guild I’m acting in because that’s the kind of gamer I am, I like to perform well.

Your bad logs are only a reflection of the lack of effort you put in, you can’t expect everyone to put in the same amount or lack of effort just so your logs look better.

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Hi dude. Grats on the free Nightfall. We have a ret paladin in our guild, he is the top in the world. He uses t2 and some off pieces and a hand of ragnaros. We don’t use nightfall cause tbh it’s not that much of an upgrade to raid DPS over the pally using a hand of rag. Overall, it sounds like whatever guild you were in isn’t actually that good. As for your healing parses, you should def be “tryharding” if you want to impress a new guild. If you aren’t, then that is on you

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The people “wasting hundreds of godl every reset for dumb parses” are going to clear Huhuran and the people who aren’t, won’t.

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Amen brother!

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You’re as dumb as he is if you think AQ is going to be hard.

Pro tip: it won’t be.

By all means waste money on consumables for no reason. If having fake parses is what makes you feel good on the inside then do it.


Don’t think you quite understand that I don’t care about logs. I’ve had good ones and bad ones, but it doesn’t matter.

Logs aren’t even super reliable on retail atm because of corruption. Now what idiot thinks logs for a game even easier than that matters or is an indicator of anything other than meter padding?

Putting in effort is just padding meters??

Do you pop CDs while you fight the boss, if so why?? That’s just meter padding.

People try and your opinion on it is irrelevant. If you don’t want to try then that’s up to you, as far as retail corruption is newer, it wasn’t there at the start or middle of BFA. So logs were heavily used in mythic because I was a mythic raider.

Is classic easier, yes it is, no one is debating that classic is hard.

Do you need flasks and full buffs to beat the current bosses, no ofc you don’t.

Does that mean you can’t put forth more effort to down it faster and cleaner??

It’s not up to you if people flask or not, just like it’s up to any guild to take you knowing you put forth the bare minimum effort to raid.

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So what you are saying is that he is free to have his opinion on it, and you are free to have yours on it.

Just FYI, someone having an opinion on something isnt them trying to have control over what you do or do not do. He didnt say you cant flask, he said he thought it was stupid to do so. Big difference

Rofl I was clearing AQ in original Vanilla bud. I know of its difficulty. Enjoy getting hardstuck on huhuran cause your guild can’t live through the enrage @ 30%. “Tryharders with fake parses” will clear it with ease, due to tryharding and cheesing it. People like you just won’t <3

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And for a lot of people spending more time farming consumables , particularly excessively expensive ones like flasks, than the time it saves them in raid is not worth it. At which point it becomes just about padding the meters.

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“The time it saves them” is a selfish outlook on raiding. Someone is putting in the effort for your guild to clear content, those that aren’t are content with being carried :slight_smile:

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But the guild is already clearing the content and noone is upset about the pace of kills. So noone is being carried.

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Correct, that’s basically what I was saying.

I know he didn’t say people like me couldn’t flask, but his outlook on it is wrong in my opinion.

It’s like the example I have in response to him saying we are passing meters.

Does that mean I shouldn’t use Arcane Power when I’m fighting a boss since I don’t “need” it to down the boss?? Am I just padding my dps by using it?

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