Why raid logs/parses destroyed the WoW Classic experience for me

Just reading how terrible everyone is to each other in this thread is a perfect example of what’s wrong with the community. Man, its sad to see people follow each other to the forums to #$%@ on each other after they get done #$%@itting on each other in game. Its sad.

He said bravely on an alt.

Pretty simple if you wanna parse go for it and if you don’t wanna parse join a guild that doesn’t care about. Just be nice to each other :sunny:

Tell them nightfall is trash the PPM isnt good enough to save a debuff slot for it when its uptime is so low. We ran one for a few BWLs and it would be up twice the entire raid “maybe” during a boss encounter. In regard to playing ret in general, either find a 4fun guild or put in a ton of effort, such as farming sulfuron hammer mats, making a lionheart helm, maybe DMF trinket (although I heard its also bad PPM, so maybe not worth).

P.S Pally t2 isnt a good holy set

Parsing is retarded and anyone who uses it as a metric for skill in Classic has brain damage.

How to get a high parse; An Elitist Guide:

  1. Every world buff
  2. Every consumable
  3. Every class buff
  4. Pray for crits
  5. ???
  6. Gratz bro, 99 parse, some real skill.

This is an easy simple game. I don’t get why people need to come up with ways to act like they’re better. You spamming frostbolt isn’t a higher level of skill than someone else spamming frostbolt.


Most guilds are garbage in some way because a lot of WoW players have serious social/hierarchy issues IRL, so they get to compensate and make up for it in game by acting like a corporate manager by setting you up for failure and then blaming you for it with an air of professionalism.

Pretty pointless if he was in fact using nightfall.

Double necro, all the way.

  1. We are not able to extrapolate anything but what’s given in the post.

  2. Sometimes mismatched relationships take time to figure out you simply can’t cast judgment at face value.

  3. Logs have a way to attracting the worst kind of people just like loot councils.

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And yet it is.

Except it’s not. But I get some people need to feel like they’re better than others, even if the game is stupidly simple. Like when kids brag about beating each other in Rock Paper Scissors back in elementary school.


Parsing is a tool, same as damage meters and threat meters. There are good uses for the tools, but too many people get caught up on the numbers and not how to use those numbers.

Looking over your logs, and comparing to other members of your class, can show you places where you need to improve. Maybe your rotation could be tightened up a little. Maybe you find you forget to refresh your dots enough. Maybe you aren’t using that on-use trinket in clutch situations. The parses can help, especially if your guild is progressing through a raid. Just don’t take them too seriously.

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if meters are the same as parsing, lets use myself as an example, say I’m top dmg over all, but my parse is crap. But compared to others, there parse is WAAAAAY better then mine? No, the parsing is defiantly the bane of classic.

This is the intent of parses. Not to berate others or expect everyone imitate someone else, which is often what happens. I agree with the guy above, the problem with parsing is that it’s infested the game with being the be-all end-all. If you aren’t parsing there must be something wrong with you. If your parse is lower than X player, you must be terrible. Etc. etc. People are more focused on parses than they are on playing the game.

That’s the problem.

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you’re making it sound like this is everyone’s experience. its not.
some people use parses and act aggressively
some people use parses for fun and self-improvement

if you dont like the attitude your guild has about parses, then there are many other guilds you can find that wont care

It’s more than that though. That mindset is pervasive in the game.

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not my experience at all

Sadly it’s been mine :frowning: in Retail as well (possibly worse)

wish I had that experience, to bad for me, it’s not the case at all. And this is actually pretty common across the servers.

Oh hell yeah, necro’d again!

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