This was the first sentence of your first interaction with me. Don’t try to virtue signal.
Oh yeah, absolutely and I acknowledge this. Doesn’t help when people dog pile without understanding the discussion.
This was the first sentence of your first interaction with me. Don’t try to virtue signal.
Oh yeah, absolutely and I acknowledge this. Doesn’t help when people dog pile without understanding the discussion.
We can go back to stats any time you want, I was just saying both you and ayesha were making silly irrelevant comments instead of discussing things.
As far as the damage stuff goes, the claims were extreme (1mil dps between paladin and the other 5 tanks) and the methods of tracking it were shaky at best.
Sosari admitted there’s a dps gap, they just refuted the amount.
Yes i see the issue. You think Prot Pallies are the only ones to chain pull while other tanks pull pack to pack lol are you serious??
Man acting like Prot paladin is the only one needing external cd rotations in high keys…
News flash, external cooldowns are required for ALL TANKS at high levels. This has been true even as far back as MoP challenge modes where pulls were carefully planned and CDs were assigned for each pack. Eg- three AOE stuns, tank defensive, then externals.
Bringing in an outlier makes a lot more sense than just constantly buffing almost every class over and over.
But that requires looking at the game as a whole and not through the lens of just trying to have Blizz buff their class.
Prot is already getting a nerf in the 11.0.7 patch. Also damage varies by the party composition hugely.
Want to know the best ‘damage’ by far and large? Sanlayn Blood DK on fat pulls. If you want to just parse an insane amount of tank damage just go something like Seige or Mists and have prepared fat pulls at the start and end. You’ll win lotto by having a fed blood beast burst for 7 mill damage. Post to WCL/forums.
No one is acting like Prot Paladins are the only ones needing externals. The argument is that comparatively Prot Paladins are in fact squishier than most other tanks aside from maybe BM. Our Defensive buttons literally reduce damage less than Warriors who can have Ignore Pain for 50% reduction with no cd while our 50% button is on a 5 minute cd.
Why would they not?
There’s no reason for every dps to not put out the same amount of overall damage, if all other things are the same. Thinking any one spec should be stronger or weaker is what deserves the lol.
Thinking all fight encounters are the same to allow all DPS to have evenly matched DPS deserves an lol
The game needs vatiety
The game offers variety
DPS output is going to variety based on variables
I slapped a sword n board on my pally tonight and tried prot again. Coming from brew I did not enjoy having to keep up a 4.5sec buff there were definitely pulls where I did big damage but overall it wasn’t anything exciting (I’m not going to pretend I played it that well though)
I’ll be waiting for brew to be meta… One day…
Nope, not what I said.
What I did say was:
So, yeah, learn to read.
And YES, if two completely different dps classes have the same item level with equal stats and the same buffs (or no buffs at all), they absolutely should output the same total damage. There is zero reason to make classes so different that some are vital and others are not at all necessary. Damage is damage.
The only mitigating factors are gear and stats (which mostly come together), buffs, and talent options. One could argue player ability qualifies, but realistically, that is only an issue in PvP as PvE is less about ability and more about memorizing fight mechanics and paths. So, that leaves the fights, which should not determine which dps is better, because that means certain classes will always be left out because “meta”.
There is zero justification in creating any one dps stronger than another. The only argument for this comes from people that want their chosen class/spec to be stronger than others because that’s what they play, and that comes from a lack of learning the class properly, so those people are looking for an easy win.
Nerf Prot Paladin. F’em.
Yeah the playstyle definitely is not for everyone. To play well, there are a lot of proc based buffs to keep track of. Takes practice for sure.
BM deserves it, they have been bottom half for a very long time.
Did you advodate for nerfing DH when they were meta for 2 seasons?
Maybe for raids, but this statement could not be more inaccurate for M+. The DPS is entirely dependent on the pull size, group comp, and their ability to coordinate.
Honestly I didn’t play wow during that time as I started a business. But regardless no king rules forever.
VDH 2x sigils got nerfed, Silence sigil went from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. Sigil of silence went from a 6 second silence down to a 3 second silence.
None of that got reverted going into the new expansion.
Paladin deserves to get what other tanks get, gutted and nerfed because I guarantee you’ve asked for VDH to get nerfed as well.
Congrats on the business and I hope it succeeds. To your point though, Paladins have been doing decently well over the past few years. I won’t deny that, but we have only been actual meta once or twice since SL.
Where was all the noise when Warriors were completely dominating for the first month and a half? Paladins do well for 2 weeks and all of a sudden it’s a crisis?
As you pointed out no one stays king forever and we are not saying we should stay at the time at all times.
Oh I hate warriors too and guardians.
To be fair all I’m asking is for equality and I’m pretty sure dragonflight season 1 delivered that (minus BDK)
All tanks and almost all dps were viable IIRC
Also the fact that all the podcasts literally advocate that ALL tanks should be as tanky as warrior and do as much damage as prot paladin, buff me the f’ up now.
gets buffed and immediately nerfed in another ptr as is tradition
Do you mess with other tanks? Do you play brew?
Something as simple as buffing one dps on single target and then introducing a second target comes to mind.
They already have a nerf in the works for one of our talents that is a major contributor to our DPS for the .0.7 patch so we will see how it plays out. I was honestly fine with our dps pre-patch. What I enjoyed most was the increased baseline mitigation and cdr that was very much welcomed, but still puts us behind many other tanks in that specific aspect.
I believe it’s Refining Fire.
Nah I don’t have time or the energy to play alts. I hate leveling and grinding, I just play for the progression. However, I do review stats often and know that BM is always trailing. It’s really unfortunate.
Then the answer will be to nerf dungeon scaling in .0.7 because otherwise no other tanks will catch up to 17s or 18s like prot paladin
I’m sorry but I’m not gonna complain if a class is overperforming in my group… give me the most OP classes bro, live your best life, make my runs easier. If anything buff everyone up no nerf lol.