Why prot paladin is doing 3x damage of other tanks in M+ and aoe situations

What was that? Oh right, he was talking about M+ and overall.

Nope, overall isn’t a word in that sentence. He said that’s what they’re doing in M+, correct. He meant real world DPS, without downtime. Clarifies it for you, and you ignored it.

How do you post logs without looking at overall? He was not talking about looking at each individual pull. That’s ridiculous.

Again, you knee jerk replied without understanding the argument. Go sit down in a corner somewhere.

why is my ret or any other rets not pushing 17+ keys? we should be crying on forum for buffs!

…by posting a scenario where a log will represent DPS without downtime. Exactly like he did.

Again, you knee jerk replied without understanding the argument. Go sit down in a corner somewhere.

Nope, you are a like a toddler at this point it’s hilarious. Like the blue hair lady screaming on a camera somewhere her life is over. Get a grip buddy.


He posted a log from a raid encounter after I disproved him in the context of M+ which we were talking about. What this thread is about.’

That’s hilarious when you can’t seem to understand that he back pedaled from M+ to a raid boss once the numbers didn’t add up.

Could also juat pull up comparable dummy damage or raidsims

You made the claim that they were doing 1.8 in M+ and that you would pull logs. You didn’t. You pulled up a raid encounter and now you want to use sims or target dummies? LOL


I like how people talk about nerfing classes because the class they play isn’t at the top of the chart. Prot paladin is also the squishiest so being able to kill the mobs a little quicker isn’t bad in my opinion. However, it would be much better if all the tank were on equal footing on both damage and defense but I would much prefer to see an adjustment instead of a nerf.


Even in M+, with no downtime (the fact you guys don’t know how to look at the DPS of “in combat” only worries me), they’re still not doing 1m more than other tanks.

Best is 1.5m for entire combat duration
If they are in fact:

This would mean other tanks are sitting at only 500k dps.
BDK: 1.3m
Druid: 1.1m
Brew: 1.4 (although a key or two behind the rest. so closer to 1.1m)
Warrior 1.2m

Sosari’s post of “extra 300k dps” is on point. It’s not a make or break thing at that point.

making this entire basis for his argument false.

Mind you, the entire discussion is based around:

Then he posted a raid log…


The issue is Paladin isn’t just top of the chart. There is a grand canyon between them and everybody else for DPS. It’s not like some 5-10% thing. It’s literally double.

Personally I think pally is where every tank should be, but Blizz isn’t gunna do that so a nerf is basically what’s gunna happen. Otherwise, no other tank is going to get to play the game because why would you want to do a key with anybody else when a pally can double their damage?

It’s literally not.

Google the definition of “literally” and “double”.


Because i’m not on voice comms nor do I have the perfect meta set up to allow the Prot Paladin to survive well enough to pull the DPS you think they do passively.

Gimme that Bear or Warrior that’s able to hold their own and not need an Aug + Disc priest for every run, nor needing 65% uptime on constantly rotating AoE stops so the Paladin doesn’t go splat.


Prot paladin is slightly above prot warrior.

Can’t expect much from someone who actually thinks Heroic Raid is on a whole level above +12 keys. I don’t know how many times I told them that we rely very heavily on group utilities.

This is completely out of left field, it makes zero sense to include this and just strikes me as coming from someone who just wanted to complain about politics and women. For that alone, you’re both not worth listening to.

First claim

Reply to claim

Most players would take this as “1.8mil overall” VS “800-850k overall” as that would be the usual comparison. I don’t know who would be comparing dps pull-by-pull or whatever?

Sosari says this and shows he is looking at something measurable like overall dps

Ayesha does not correct Sosari on overall VS an average pull VS a raid fight.
This reads to me like Ayesha is saying “Get out before we start posting [overall] logs” as we haven’t had any further context yet to say otherwise.

It then continues on further, but honestly, that you and Ayesha would bring up “liberals” and “blue haired women” in an online argument about a video game where it isn’t relevant kinda ruins anything either of you say.


People always get mad and personal when I bring up data. :upside_down_face:

I admit I laughed the hardest when they said you were a fotm reroll

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Exactly. Prot War and Paladin are not far off from where they should be. War is insanely durable but weaker than Paladin because of damage and utility which Paladin is loaded with and in this current design of dungeons with casters spamming casts makes Paladin decent just for that alone.

Monk, DK, DH and Druids all need buffs/QOL changes before we start nerfing tanks.


I didn’t even catch that part lmao. Little do they know.

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