I understand that the title was clickbait, but they also sat here arguing with additional false claims and kept trying to move goal posts.
Report it I really don’t care, but if you are going to go on that crusade then apply the same standards for everyone else who makes things personal like the one who randomly called me a “liberal” in the context of using it as an insult and the one who compared me to a blue haired hysterical women. Double Standards.
You are bringing it up and “calling to action” for others to report it. Which I believe is also against the forum COD. If you are going to report me for telling someone to sit in the corner then apply the same standards for everyone else who does the same or worse.
Simply because you acknowledged what you did and you did it on purpose.
Seems a bit weird that you say you don’t care and yet, have been talking about it for 2 posts already.
How many times you’ll continue to talk until you start caring? I’m just trying to understand what is the measure. 2 posts you still don’t care or 3? Maybe 4?
I could sit here and tell you Druids are 3x bigger than Gnomes, and then say “Oh, well I only mean in bear form”. The basic fact is, you fell for the clickbait, argued with them cause you obviously love arguing, and then got mad (don’t deny it) and told them to essentially sit down and shut up instead of just giving them a “Have a nice day” and moving on. But, your issue is, you cannot admit to being wrong… at all… and the history of your 15k posts, and sub 10k achievement points is proof.
You need to stop worrying about being right, or having the last word, and start focusing on more adult stuff, like walking away and not stooping intellectually to deal with hyperbolic clickbait. That’s a nickel’s worth of free advice.
They had all of the other things already and weren’t meta.
And it’s the same with every other role. Some people praise dps DKs for their “utility” that’s been unchanged from DF where they were one of the last represented dps specs.
Shaman utility is also unchanged, and they went from mid/bad in DF to great in TWW.
So it’s worse because I acknowledged it? Guess what, he also acknowledged it. Again, double standards.
Caring about what exactly?
Just like Henceforth you are applying double standards by addressing this specifically to me when it wasn’t just the OP who was arguing with me about it.
What kind of strawman is this?
Sorry that facts matter and you can take your own advice about walking away and having the last word.
Damage is the only reason why they are meta. If the utility is the problem then we would have been at the top earlier before the .0.5 patch. The patch didn’t add anything to our utility besides the extra dispel from Sacrifice. We were bottom barrel until our DPS got buffed.
Almost like this person has never healed a tank before. Even now prot paladins are still somewhat squishy because there’s higher chances for gaps in mitigation whereas something like a prot warrior just doesn’t have that (near 100% shield block uptime played well, ignore pain on top of it, and both still off gcd).
To be fair he did suggest removing aoe caps for all tanks and allowing them to get full aoe damage.
I’m not saying that fixes the problem, but it wasn’t just a “nerf or nothing” thread.
More to the point, I haven’t had a problem with my tanks aoe damage. I can hold aggro and the DPS still wipe the floor with the pulls, when I’m in dungeons. I typically stick to delves.
But I’m super casual so I won’t pretend I have a real leg to stand on.
The AoE is certainly good on prot pally, nobody is denying this, but DH is beating it on Broodtwister, the AoE fight, and if you look at pure ST then DK and prot warrior are kings.
You will always have 1 DPS spec that is brought to keys just to crank DPS, like fire mage in seasons past. It has to be one of the top performing DPS specs in AoE and ST and have good tankyness. That season the class is DK.
They bring a very good raid buff now lol. Also disc priest is overtaking shaman in keys.
Then why aren’t prot pallies gapping other tanks on mythic Broodtwister buddy?
Maybe they needed more gear to make them sturdy enough in high keys?
Or maybe the utility was good but the damage was so garbage that it wasn’t worth sacrificing a bunch of tank dmg just for pally utility.
The damage for tanks is pretty balanced right now, just go look at logs for the raid. Pally is good AoE, near the top right behind DH, and close to the bottom for ST. This is the way things should be.