I like to dunk on warriors as much as the next guy, but I think adding more threat to devastate is very reasonable and wouldn’t trigger even the most diehard warrior hater.
When we hit 60 and warrior is dps king, youll be running back to that warrior.
One can no longer be certain of this, with all of the cool new things and buffs other classes got, that may not be the case. This whole punish warriors for their endgame potential schpeal sucks.
Warrior was already one of the more painful vanilla leveling experiences, at the least they could have given some QoL there.
Impending victory instead of victory rush for starters.
The only reason I keep leveling it is because of the fond memories I had at level 60, everything before that was a slog.
yeah cause what happened in classic is completely relevant in SoD
By “subpar” do you mean below the average, or do you just mean not near the top? I think warriors are used to being the best, and so when they’re not at the top, they freak out. Shamans, on the other hand, are used to being at the bottom, so whenever we get any sort of upward movement even if it’s just toward the middle, we get excited.
they are literally the worst tank and the worst dps of all the non-pvp specs
According to all non-warriors, warriors were going to be top dps this phase despite zero evidence and despite warriors actually doing the work to sim the gear and bis setups which show that warrior dps will barely scale up with the new raid gear. Now people meme on warriors, pretending like the warriors themselves were the ones claiming they would be highest dps and are laughing at them. And at the same time, confidently saying “relax, warrior will be top at 60” despite being wrong about them being top at 40.
To be clear, I love my warrior and will never stop playing them. Don’t care if I’m not top dps. I run with a guild, but I pity the pug melee that are suffering hard this phase. In BFD I almost always saw a healthy balance of mail/leather/cloth wearers and melee/caster balance in the roster, because people wanted to spread the loot. I’ve seen gnomer runs with only one plate/mail wearer in them. Some runs with only 3 melee total. Wasn’t like this in BFD and the moment it even came close the devs rushed to the rescue and nerfed the crap out of BFD.
They were the absolute top dogs in Era. Warrior tanks still get the job done. Finished Gnomer last night with a warrior tank.
Just pull your bootstraps up and enjoy your favorite class. Who knows what runes warriors will get next phase.
in 3 months… Oh joy…
Only FOTM Warriors tbh, F 'em, they don’t matter.
Not that painful as they were the most popular class in 2019. Also they can just spam dungeons and completely negate the issue.
Their whole shtick was proving that they did the most damage so they deserved gear first. Hell before P2 they were starting with it again.
“If you don’t play a warrior or buff a warrior you don’t deserve a raid spot.”
This was repeated as nauseum.
Maybe warriors don’t deserve a raid spot now? How the turn tables lol?
Even better - when we’re done gearing melee hunters then warriors can get the scraps.
Imagine hating a group of people because of this. Yikes.
You guys were phallus shape heads. So it’s earned.
Anyone acting like WoW classic in 2019 is ANYTHING like wow vanilla in 2005 are smoking some seriously good grass.
Stacking warriors wasn’t a thing. Just getting 40 people online at the same time without servers dying was the main challenge. If you had a pulse you got a raid spot.
Yes the entire #nochanges private server andys ruined wow classic. They turned it into a meta slave crap shoot show that everyone hated. You didnt hate the class, you hated the players, everyone hated those players, we still hate those losers.
Fact is, warrior as a class, is an a terrible spot in SOD. It has nothing to do with raid numbers and EVERYTHING to do with being ineffective at everything else (leveling, farming, pvp, etc).
I will gladly be bottom dps in raid, if i don’t feel like dead weight in pvp and the open world feel fun.
It’s really not.
You smell toast?
It is. You’re a warrior so it takes a bit to sink in.
just remember, “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” oh lolzozlzol
No, I’m not smelling much if anything, still.
There’s no need to be upset at Warriors for the rest of your life like this.