Why play a warrior?

This is the reason I stopped playing mine. The class just straight up sucks without Windfury. Zero fun to play. Was hoping they’d do more to address this in SoD but instead we got instant Slam. lolz

they could give warriors something like “furious Aura” or smth like that, that is just windfury for the sake of windfury

just make it a trainer skill or a book called “flurry of blows” and we get WF personal only

warriors in full meltdown after 10 days of not being #1 lol


To be honest im pretty sure 10% of warriors are whining about pve. PvP is the only goofy gaf i along with many others have a problem with. Who knows maybe im wrong but we are not thaaaat bad at dps we are however awful in PvP

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Most Warriors don’t care about being Number 1, they just want to have fun like everyone else is.

Warrior is fun, just get out of the number one dps mindset. I also have long been a warrior and long resented ever taking leather or mail. Sure my dps will be lower but I’m still parsing 85+ in full plate and don’t feel like an A-hole for rolling on agi gear.

I wouldn’t count on that at all with these bosses’ rmor values.

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Of course, WoW is a PvE game PvP was an afterthought. Anyone around in '04 can tell you this. Warriors are the same now in PvP as they have always been in classic, if you have heals you are a wrecking ball if you solo you get kited and killed.

The amount of nonsensical whining from the brownies is humorous.

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Level 60 raids be like, LF prot warrior, 30 warrior dps, 5 rogues, 1 lock and 4 healers for Molten core, summon available.

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Warriors are such drama queens its actually getting ridiculous

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they’re also weirdly aggressive about it lol

I like the class.

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Don’t lump in Warriors with FOTMers.


Thing is people dont separate pve and pvp.

We are just OK in PvE.

We are really damn bad in PvP.

Needs some rune fix for PvP.


Why? Because you hit things in the face with chunks of metal. Oh, sure, paladins do that, but they have the light to protect them. You have a chunk of metal strapped to your arm. When a DK wants to start a fight, he selectively pulls someone from far away into melee range with him.

You? You charge in and slap it in the face with a chunk of metal. When a Druid wants to self-heal, it casts a spell. When you want to self heal, you kill something and get so excited about it that when you attack the next thing, slapping it with a chunk of metal causes your wounds to close. When a rogue wants to kill a god, it sneaks up and stabs it in the back. When you want to kill a god, you leap fourty bleeping yards so you can start smacking the god around with chunks of metal.

You don’t have magic or energy or runes or chi, you just have the sheer power of how pissed off you are. When people need to be inspired, you shout at them until they feel stronger. When a warlock wants to scare someone, he works dark magic.

You? You scream so loud everyone runs like a girl. When a mage wants to interrupt someone from casting a spell, they throw their own magic to prevent it. You slap him in the face so hard he forgets what magic is.
Play a warrior. Be a badass.

Not the author… but still an inspiration ^.^

From: Why do YOU play a warrior?


I just wish they would add some threat generation to devastate, tanking on warrior right now is miserable.


This is less a warrior problem than just a damage scaling issue. They really need to put a blanket damage debuff on all classes, introduce reasonably priced craftable armor with resilience, or add a rune that reduces incoming PvP damage.

So I hate warrior players just because of how entitled they got in 2019/2005.

So objectively I can tell you if they truly enjoyed warriors they are probably used to the slow build up before they can wreck house.

The warriors freaking out and complaining are the ones who rolled warriors assuming they’d wreck face from the get go. Especially after phase 1.

Several guild warriors are pretty chill about where warriors are.

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That doesn’t work in the current meta tho. Most classes are so bursty and can front load their damage that builders/spenders can’t compete.

Also, you all hold some long grudges lol