people dont want to wait 6 months for their war to be max level to be useful. whats the point of having a useless class in the game for 6 months… casters sucked phase 1 because of spell ranks and lack of talents that completely change their spec.
warrior got nothing this phase and the tank dps is about HALF of most other tanks. their demo shout, tclap and sunder is now replaced by the priest rune so we literally bring battleshout but even then its not enough to make it worth it to play atm.
you would think in a season game they wouldnt wait halfway through the entire season to make something worth while…
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Imagine being this salty over a class from a 20 year old game
Some warrior did him dirty back in the day.
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One HUGE contributing factor to poor survivability in pvp is refusing to wear the plate armor with stam on it that you claim is, “trash.”
Make better gear choices.
You’re not wrong.
The PVP aspect was tossed onto the game after the fact.
That’s why the PVP balance in OG Vanilla was all over the place(kinda like SoD’s balance).
I’ve been a warrior main since I started playing.
Warriors are fine, the only people that seem to be complaining are the people who rolled Warrior because Warrior was OP in Classic.
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Warrior is in a good spot dps-wise from windfury/fury strikes but yeah im tryna get thick as !@#$ out here. The increased damage from the new runes and loot put tank warrior in the dirt.
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Give them opportunity strikes. Let them bring their own wf to the table. Make it so it doesn’t work with wf or ws. Then they could at least level and pvp without needing a dedicated healer. And in groups it’s a net zero gain because they would have wf or ws anyway.
The difference between using the 2 leather pieces vs plate is like 6 stam. Hardly going to matter for keeping you alive in the bursty pvp environment.
Would be nice if the plate was at least stam loaded since it is lacking in dps stats. It is lacking all around.