Why? Because you hit things in the face with chunks of metal. Oh, sure, paladins do that, but they have the light to protect them. You have a chunk of metal strapped to your arm. When a DK wants to start a fight, he selectively pulls someone from far away into melee range with him.
You? You charge in and slap it in the face with a chunk of metal. When a Druid wants to self-heal, it casts a spell. When you want to self heal, you kill something and get so excited about it that when you attack the next thing, slapping it with a chunk of metal causes your wounds to close. When a rogue wants to kill a god, it sneaks up and stabs it in the back. When you want to kill a god, you leap fourty bleeping yards so you can start smacking the god around with chunks of metal.
You don’t have magic or energy or runes or chi, you just have the sheer power of how pissed off you are. When people need to be inspired, you shout at them until they feel stronger. When a warlock wants to scare someone, he works dark magic.
You? You scream so loud everyone runs like a girl. When a mage wants to interrupt someone from casting a spell, they throw their own magic to prevent it. You slap him in the face so hard he forgets what magic is.
Play a warrior. Be a badass.Not the author… but still an inspiration ^.^