So… other healers are forced to compete with not only dampening, but healers that counter class them as well? Doesn’t sound easy from the healer with the bad draw’s perspective.
Like sure, you can say “healing can be so easy” when they’re facing someone with 500 rating, or someone who happened to roll a non competing healer is easy, but it isn’t like one mistake still couldn’t cost you rounds, and that isn’t likely to be the majority of your matches. Sure is easy to heal when the other healer dcs.
Full premade? You mean my arena partner since WotLK Falco? I mean, he is good enough to be a full premade that’s for sure. You guys might have just gotten a bad draw and had another glad mount in there as well.
Btw, this insult is kinda comical given the fact that you only got glad after the change to it. You’d be a duelist still too by the old standards.
Only queued with one other person that game I’m pretty sure
was more of a /wave thing, not a talk trash thing. Fun to run into people I recognize.
I don’t like the pressure of 3’s. I could get him to queue with me on one of his 4 different warlocks, but I don’t like dealing with finding partners that aren’t toxic, and anxiety tends to get the better of me.
Ah yes, the first season I get back and join half way into it, when I’m specifically coming back to try out solo shuffle I didn’t get it. You are correct. Why put in extra work on a deflated season when 95% of the rewards are the same as solo shuffle?
I’m a toxic friend, what can I say? I’m the type of friend that if you put me on follow and go afk, you end up drowned.
I had someone in WoD trash talk me the same way, saying I couldn’t get 2400 again, yada yada, just because I didn’t enjoy arena that expac. What’d I get in legion? The 2400. Like, I’ve already done it before in OG wotlk (banned account) and legion, why wouldn’t you think I could do it again when mistweaver is in a stronger place than it was in Legion? Glad just doesn’t have the same shiny appeal it did to me in the past because the bar essentially being lowered. I wanted to get better to the point of being a glad player, not have glad get worse and to get handed to me. Add the solo shuffle getting most of the rewards to the mix, and I just don’t really feel inclined to tryhard it.
Rival titles mostly it looks like. Do I win a prize for getting it right?!
When did they say they are handing out gladiator titles to rival players? You do realize you got 2.4 in 2s AND that’s trash considering it was the most broken mw has ever been in pvp history even worse than our recent fistweaver fiasco and orb botting. Stun immunity fistweaver in the same xpack as well and you still manage to only ever hit rival and duelist. Why are you egoing someone better & more current than you?
Always is the excuse for people until they do achieve it then they “meant it” and “tried”
That’s why they weren’t inclusive and were seperated in the statement. Mw was god tier an absolute GOD in season 1 - 5. Season 1 tea & instant mist with channel while running & MISTWALK with incredible mobility & output there’s a reason the ladder was so full of them and it isn’t cause it’s cool. Either way opinions of balance aside you are egoing people better & higher than you. The only 2 times you’ve ever been 2400 iirc is with seasons of pretty crazy inflation & you still always barely scrape it when inflation is high and activity is high.
I mean, I was duelist 3 out of the 7 seasons in Legion. Sorry I wasn’t 7/7 I guess?
Mistwalk was season 1-2. WotC was season 3-7. If I recall they actually had pretty low representation season 2 believe it or not.
He doesn’t even have the 2700 achieve, and he’s a dps not a healer. At best he’s equal to me. He just happens to enjoy arena more than I do.
When I was at 2463 in Legion and sat, the glad numbers dropped and it was something around 2570. At the end of that season glad was 2650. Our third refused to queue when they dropped the numbers sadly (with 5 days left in the season), then went on the buy a rank 1 carry.
Considering you thought I only I got it in 2’s when fistweaving was a thing, it’s pretty clear your information is poor at best.