I share your frustration, and agree with your points.
I prefer playing DPS, but don’t mind healing. Due to limited play time I’m usually only able to get in 1, occasionally 2 rounds of shuffle if I play dps a night. The best was day 2 of season waiting 38min for a solo shuffle queue, only to have 2 prot pallys instead of healers in the lobby. That was infuriating.
As I just said, being limited on play time I feel like my only option at this point is to play healer, but as you pointed out with your points it’s very frustrating at times.
I cancelled my subscription and uninstalled last night. Not sure if/when I’ll get back on, I’m going to keep an eye on the forums to see if anything starts looking better
In pvp…. There is absolutely nothing that’s incentivizing ppl to heal. Is hard, is FAR from fair and the opposite of welcoming. No reward on Azeroth can make you want to heal and that should require Blizzard’s attention to see why and fix it but meh…. Why do their jobs.
I would love to switch it up a bit and heal but man…. You would have to do some heavy acid to get into healing, SPECIALLY in RSS
Best reason I can give you is because based on their own poll PvP in DF (by far RSS) is the 2nd most popular and loved aspect of the game…
I mean you have to be nuts to not fix it but yeah Blizzard’s finest
No incentive liiiike a 5-1 which is a much greater mmr jump?
Well of course there’s always incentive to win. But there’s no reason to care about a loss with that person if you know you’re going to get mmr/cr regardless in the form of a 4-2.
Dps would be losing their minds if they got negative mmr and 0 cr every time another dps in the lobby went 0-6.
My man…… there is no need to fix anything
Look let’s keep this a secret between you and I so Blizzard doesn’t steal the idea but…. Did you know there is a system in this game called “skirmish arenas . That you can queue solo and when only dps queueing, is dps vs dps BUT…. Whenever some healers show up then BAM…. you got healer dps vs healer dps comps.
There was no need for creating any new system and all that jazz. This skirmish system does 2v2 and when enough healers then it converts into 3v3. Like this thing is from the future or something. Pretty sure they stole that technology from someone but don’t know how to use it properly still
There’s always a dps pecking order and as a healer figuring out who the strongest and weakest dps are as quickly as possible can help tremendously.
Unfortunately the dps figure this out pretty quick themselves, and as a healer starting a shuffle lobby going 0-3 because the best dps played with the other healer, or the worst dps played with you, for the first 3 rounds is quite frustrating. Winning those last 3 rounds after going 0-3 when everyone has figured out the meta can be really tough. I would argue the last 3 rounds are usually more balanced than the first 3.
The order with which dps are shuffled really needs to be adjusted and shouldn’t have as much impact as it does.
0-6 dps does happen but it is very rare. More often healers go 3-3 because of a dps going 2-4 and another dps going 4-2 and everyone else is 3-3.
Only way to get 4,5, or 6 wins as a healer is to consistently outplay the other healer. There are healers at 3k in SS last season. They outplayed lower ranked healers.
I dont see the issue. All you healers complaining about SS need to outplay the other healer. This isnt 1800 2v2 where you can get carried by the FOTM DPS spec.
Nursing and caring is a feminine trait. Most Wow players are male and want to fight. Simple as that.
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Ouch. That’s rough.
There’s this weird dichotomy where the DPS want the healers to go 3-3, but the healers don’t want to go 3-3 and get 0 rating.
One of the worst case scenarios for the DPS is if a healer deviates from 3-3 and goes 0-6.
I don’t know how much experience you have healing in shuffle, or playing new characters in shuffle, but I can tell you from my own experience playing multiple classes to 1800 to collect the elite xmog that there is definitely a case to be made for healers getting lots of bad lobbies in the 1400-1800 range.
I’ve been playing this game a long time so when I play an alt that is a new class/spec for me I have a basic understanding about what I need to do and how to play. This is usually enough to go 6-0/5-1 in my first lobby as a dps. Sometimes also winning my second lobby. However at this point the system would put me at 1800 - 2kish MMR (at the end of S1), when my experience on that character this expansion was only a couple solo shuffles and I’m being put against people who have played hundreds of rounds at 2k mmr. So here I am still trying to remember my rotation and what cooldowns I have so obviously I’m going to mess up. I would often go 0-6/1-5 a few times after winning the first couple. This happened on multiple characters.
So, yes, it is common for dps to go 0-6 especially in the range where experienced players are playing new characters and their MMR gets inflated early above their actual skill level. Lobbies with one dps that has low CR, but high mmr, are common at a certain mmr range.
I also heal shuffle occasionally. On my disc priest at 1600 I found I was struggling to get good wins. I was mostly going 3-3 or 4-2 so my MMR did climb, but it was slow. Once I broke about 2k cr+mmr I found that dps started playing more reliably and it became a lot ‘easier’ to focus on outplaying the other healer and I started winning more frequently outside of a couple bad rounds vs healers who were clearly better than me.
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there are no extra rewards, blizzard continue to insult healers by abusing trashboxes and their garbage content that they shove down the healer’s throat, here useless box after another box, click them all again and again, clear the bags
and the new healer experience is absolute trash, they start from the bottom unlike the streamer alts, the dps here stay behind the pillar for 20 seconds at the start of every game every shuffle, and then it’s a long pve game because the dps can’t press their rotation in 2023
it happens on 43% of my games this season due to the mmr thingy where 1600 peak SS last season gets 2200 mmr now(thats top 100 ladder) for no reason, you dont trust me thats also fine, but you can watch any streamer that plays a healer and see it with your own eyes.
I suggest you watch Lontar or Dyllbarx as those guys are more colorful in language when they meet those players at high ratings.
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Healers are the biggest cry babies in shuffle and rarely use defensives correctly
Probably because they deal with the hardest role.
Heh… If I had a dollar for every time a pally bubbled at 80% life…
Completely depends on the lobby and what the other healer is. Sometimes healing is the easiest role in shuffle.
That’s what delusional DPS tell themselves when they want to complain about healers.
No thats what someone who has dps’d and healed shuffles understands
Healer matchups can be so one sided its unreal
Tell me, is there a mechanic that passively decreases the effectiveness of everything you do at a rapid pace as a dps? No? Then I’m pretty sure it’s never a harder experience.
Healing is not some giga brain role. Healer balance is so bad you can q into worse healing specs and kick back and relax